Israel declares war on Hamas after surprise assault from Gaza
False flag?

Henry Makow.  "October 8 - Gaza Psy Op a Pretext to Start WW3?" 


The claim that the attack was a surprise is the biggest tell that this war was contrived by Israel. Indeed Netanyahu called it a "Pearl Harbor moment" referring to another false flag used to justify the US entry into World War Two. Is this war designed to touch off WW3?

Veterans of Israeli intelligence say there is no way this attack was a surprise.    The Israelis have informers in Gaza. They monitor it electronically. They must have known this was coming and decided to sacrifice hundreds of Israelis for political ends. [url= did the same thing in 1973. [/url]

It's a cliche that politicians start wars to effect change. Netanyahu needed a war to unite a nation badly divided by his judicial reforms. The WEF/Rothschilds/Communists need a war to evade responsibility for the creeping COVID-19 genocide and to stop Trump in 2024. They also need a distraction from the fact that the banking system is bankrupt and broken, and the Ukraine war has been a debacle.

The worst-case scenario is that Israelis will overreact and arouse the anger of the Muslim world who would then intervene, and fulfill Albert Pike's prophecy.

End excerpts.

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RE: Israel declares war on Hamas after surprise assault from Gaza - by Veritas_2 - 10-09-2023, 12:50 PM

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