We Are Warned - Prophecies of Marie Julie Jahenny

#131  Churches will be Abandoned – The Sacrifices will take an INFERNAL FORM - Also, a Hidden Prophecy of 'Pride Flags' in Churches?

#131 B - The Treasures of the Holy Wound of the Side and the Cross – Jesus Calls Sinners but is Compelled to leave Unrepentant Sinners to Satan whom they have Freely Chosen

#132 - Deadly War and the Future Destruction of Paris – Very Few Will Survive - Only 88-  A Corrupt Clergy Will be Punished

#132 B - France is Guilty – No One Heeded the Warnings of Our Lady's Apparitions – No One Has Quenched the Thirst of His Sacred Heart Regarding the Salvation of Souls – Graces and Blessings Will be Given those who Meditate 5 Minutes on the Passion
#133  WOE to Traitor Priests – Seal of Confession Will be Broken – The  Bloody Civil War Hatched by Conspiracy – It is Time to Choose Sides - Precursor Antichrists Will Roam the Earth -Sacre Coeur will Become a Rendevous for Evil Conspirators

#133 B - We Must Suffer to Gain Merits – Everyone Has A Mission as a Member of the Church – Forgive those who Hurt You - St. Jerome Gives the SECRET on HOW TO LOVE JESUS – Abandonment to the Holy Will

#134 Various Prophecies - Killer Plagues – The 'Three Times' of Persecution –  Catholic Schools, Hospitals and other Institutions Need to be Privatised – Prophecy of the Film Industry and Modern Art? -  Evil Books – Satan Will Rule Everything for a Time

#135 The TWO DAYS of DARKNESS Before the Three Days – Destruction of Paris – Apparitions of Devils – Crime of Abortion – The Genocide of Christians - Return of the Guillotine?

#136 A Call to Pay Attention to the Messages from Heaven - Prophecy of the Beatification / Canonization of King Louis XVI - Promise of The Great Catholic Monarch and Protectors for the Kingdom

#137 Basilica of Sacre Coeur will be Used by the Impious - Church of Our Lady of Victories will be Spared – Our Lady of Victories – Marie-Julie Jahenny and the Link to Fatima - The "Fourth Blasphemy" Revealed years to Marie-Julie BEFORE Sr. Lucia

#138 Do Not Trample Upon the Cross – The Great Monarch will Come After Marie-Julie Jahenny's Death – He Will Come to La Fraudais – He Will Renew the Kingdom

#139  PROPHECY: The Jews Will See Signs of Terror in the Sky When the Great Monarch Arrives

#139 B  The Promised Great Monarch will Pierce Through the Blows of Death – A Star Will Appear and Shine for Three Days Announcing His Arrival

#140 Prophecies: Special Messenger of God to the Count of Chambord (Henry V) - the 'Impure Victory' of the Tricolor - the Count's Death

#140 B - Prophecy: Marie-Julie's Work will be Brought to Light – Prophecy of the Heavenly Cortège of Mystics that Will Accompany the Great Monarch to the Walls of the National Assembly
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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RE: We Are Warned - Prophecies of Marie Julie Jahenny - by Stone - 12-03-2023, 07:11 AM

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