Thoughts of the St. Cure of d'Ars (St. John Mary Vianney)
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St. John Mary Vianney

The Cure of Ars
Patron of Parish Priests
Compiled and Arranged by W.M. B.
Booklet available from TAN Books
"We have nothing of our own but our will.  It
is the only thing which God has so placed in
our own power that we can make an offering
of it to Him."       - The Cure of Ars
Page 7
Oh! how I love those words said the first thing in
the morning:  I will do and suffer everything this
day for the Glory of God . . . nothing for the world
or personal interest, all to please my Saviour!
                                               - Counsel (T.)
Does our conduct correspond with our Faith?
                                     - Sermon on the Incarnation, I.
God does not require of us extraordinary things.
                              - Catechism on Pride (Sp.).
A PURE soul is with God, as a child with its mother.
It caresses and embraces her, and its mother returns
all its endearments.
                                     -  Catechism on the Soul (M.).
With the name of Jesus we shall overthrow the
demons; we shall put them to flight.  With is Name,
if they dare to attack us, our battles will be victories. . .
                                       - Sermon on Temptation (Sp.).
The Saints were so completely dead to themselves
that they cared very little whether others agreed with
them or not.
                                - Catechism on Pride (Sp.)

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Thoughts of the St. Cure of d'Ars (St. John Mary Vianney) - by Hildegard of Bingen - 01-09-2021, 10:33 PM

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