The SSPX: Ten Years Ago
Taken from The Recusant #61 - Lent 2024 [slightly adapted]:

Yes, OK, I know - we’re now so late with this issue that it’s now almost eleven years ago! 
Incidentally, many of you will no doubt recall that Fr Paul Morgan was our SSPX District Superior in 2013…

Ten Years Ago…


7th March, 2013 - Menzingen tells the priests of the SSPX: ‘The Resistance are evil and will stop at nothing! They are even about to publish the Doctrinal Declaration! But don’t worry, we’re going to publish it ourselves first! (almost a whole year late!)’
[NB. Translation is ours - original below.]

Circular Letter No.2013-3
To District Superiors, Seminary Rectors and Superiors of Autonomous Houses
Menzingen, 7th March 2013

To be shared with all members

Excellencies, Dear Superiors, Dear Confreres,

A subversive enterprise has begun at the heart of the Society. For several months, anonymous letters have been circulating on the internet and have been sent in the post to members of our Society, to discredit the authorities. The website “” and after it, the website “” claiming to be run by “priests of the SSPX” have been spreading documents around, and attacking several of our members.

On 28th February they sent what claims to be a “Letter from 37 priests of the French District.” In reality this is the work of a handful of priests who have decided to work to harm the Society, particularly by demanding the resignation of the Superior General and his two Assistants, resorting to calumny, detraction and various sorts of disinformation. Fr de Caqueray [the then- District Superior of France] has denounced these destructive actions among his priests.

In close collaboration with Bishop Williamson, Fr Olivier Rioult is the mastermind behind this work of insubordination, working together with Fr. Nicolas Pinaud and Fr. Matthieu Salenave. They have been receiving support from other priests, several of whom have recently been expelled from the Society for subversive actions, as well as help from laymen very experienced in using the internet and discussion forums for seditious purposes. These priests balk at nothing and say that they will not stop.

In order to completely unmask these agitators who have lost sight of their priestly vocation, it has been made clear to them that they have been forbidden from all ministry and that they have to report in person to one of the districts priories. They will then be put on trial before an ecclesiastical court, unless they prefer to wrap themselves in disobedience, in which case they will be expelled from the Society.

New attacks are already planned by these lost souls. In particular, they intend very soon to publish the Doctrinal Declaration of 15th April 2012 which Bishop Fellay sent to Cardinal Levada. Bishop Williamson has put them up to it. You need to know that you will find this text in the next Cor Unum with explanations and all the documents appended which will give you a complete understanding of the file which occupied us last year. As usual, these rebel priests intend to present this document as proof of treason and of Menzingen “rallying to” [making peace with/accepting] the modernists, the Mass of Paul VI and the errors of the Council… Each of you will know who to show the difference between information and the poisoning being organised in an anonymous fashion. The last Cor Unum began publishing the responses given by our Superior General in the winter of 2011-2012; this Easter Cor Unum will continue this work of clear and serene information.

In this period of Lent, but also in this period where we are preparing to consecrate the Society to St Joseph, patron of the Roman Catholic Church, I remain yours respectfully and faithfully in priestly devotion,

Fr Christian Thouvenot
[SSPX Secretary General]

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21st May 2013 - ‘A Letter of Entreaty to Fr. Morgan and the Clergy of the SSPX British District’

“21st May, 2013
St. Godric; Bl. John Haile

Dear Fr. Morgan, Dear Fathers,

We beg of you in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, high priest and lover of souls, in the name of his Blessed Mother, in the name of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, and in the name of all the wonderful, holy ideals which led you to answer the call to become a shepherd and a lover of souls – aid our souls now, in our moment of need.

The Subversion of the Society of St. Pius X

For some time now, we have felt betrayed by one portion of the SSPX and let down and abandoned by the lack of response from another portion. The leadership of the SSPX are wilfully pursuing a new direction and a new agenda, remaking the Society in their own image with reckless disregard for the souls which Divine Providence has placed in their care. Every month, sometimes it seems every week, some new, fresh piece of evidence emerges of the liberalism at the top which is being forced downwards upon the lower members and faithful of the Society. We have heard not one single convincing explanation, nothing to put our minds at rest, although it is not uncommon for Menzingen or DICI to issue “clarifications” or for Bishop Fellay to claim that his words have been misrepresented in some way.

What concerns us especially is that we see what amounts to a new direction officially enshrined in the SSPX. Recently we have seen proof of the liberalism of Bishop Fellay in the form of a modernistic “Doctrinal Declaration”, a declaration of his own doctrinal position, presented to Rome with his signature as supposedly representing us also. Amongst other things, we are now able to see that Bishop Fellay accepts the legitimacy of the New Mass which Archbishop Lefebvre and the SSPX always held to be illegitimate; he accepts the idea of collegiality which Archbishop Lefebvre fought against at the council since it undermines any previous notion of the Church's Magisterium, replacing it with a sort of 'teaching democracy' in the form of the modern Bishops; he accepts the 'hermeneutic of continuity' and the idea that Tradition and the revolution can be thought of as consistent with one another; he accepts all of the 1983 Code of Canon Law, which John-Paul II said was Vatican II translated into law, and which includes Canon 844 which provides for the giving of the sacraments to non Catholics; he states explicitly that diabolical modern ideas such as ecumenism and religious liberty are reconcilable with the true teaching of the Church and with Tradition; and finally he also explicitly states that Vatican II “enlightens and deepens... the life and doctrine of the Church.”

Father, you can see as clearly as we that this Doctrinal Statement is a serious insult to Almighty God, and a total betrayal of the mission of the Society founded by Archbishop Lefebvre. It is also a personal betrayal of every soul who has reposed confidence in the SSPX and worked to build it up and strengthen it, and of course a personal insult to the Archbishop who, far from accepting the New Religion of the conciliar church, declared that it “begins in heresy and ends in heresy, even if not all of its acts are formally heretical.” Let me remind you, Father, that this document in question is not a throwaway remark, a bad translation, or an unfortunate choice of words made in the heat of the moment – it took months to prepare, and once handed over two months were waited to see whether it had been accepted or not. This document, furthermore, is a Doctrinal Declaration: its purpose is to declare doctrine. If one declares something, surely one declares it in public and not in secret? How can one have 'secret doctrine'? Furthermore, since it is a declaration of doctrine, i.e. Bishop Fellay's “Declaration of what I believe”, it is perfect nonsense for him to say that he has “withdrawn it” - in what meaningful sense can one possibly “withdraw” doctrine? If Bishop Fellay was prepared to believe those things recently, but claims to have “withdrawn” his secret document now that it has come to light, then we can take it that he as good as believes them still today. Since he has been caught betraying the Society, it would be “optimistic” to the point of reckless irresponsibility simply to pretend to ourselves that he is one of us once again. Neither he nor any of his allies can be trusted, and we think that if you are honest with yourselves you must admit that.

How are we to remain faithful to Tradition?

Taken together with all the other signs of the past year, and especially the General Chapter's scandalous “three conditions” (and “three desirable conditions – which in effect amounts to “three things we are not prepared to fight for, and are thus quite happy to lose”) which took the revolution in the SSPX and the Superior General's disobedience to the 2006 Chapter and legitimised it and made it the official position of the Society – what we now see is the revolution inside the SSPX fully established in power. Ideas not personalities are what concern us most. And in the persons of Bishop Fellay, Fr. Pfluger, and a large number of Superiors and members of the General Chapter we see new ideas which we abhor, and with which we wish nought to do. We do not wish to be underneath these clerics, whose ideas and doctrinal position are so much at variance with our own, and we do not wish there to be any risk or danger to the Faith by continuing under priests with whom we disagree. We cannot help but be reminded of the simple but insightful words of Archbishop Lefebvre: it is the superiors who form the subjects, not the subjects who form the superiors.

It is clear to us that the SSPX is now a sinking ship. The men who hold authority over it are the problem, and yet they cannot be removed from their positions (the only real opportunity to do so would have been at the last General Chapter). The very thing on account of which Almighty God blessed the SSPX, its faithful adherence to Tradition and its determination not to compromise with modernism, has been officially jettisoned and is now gone. Its absence is the one essential difference between the SSPX of yesterday and the SSPX of today. The good priests opposed to compromise who remain inside the SSPX are now good in spite of their being in the SSPX and not because of it. Since you cannot serve two masters, you must ask yourselves this: to which SSPX do you wish to remain loyal? Although you may have been left comparatively unmolested by Menzingen thus far, you cannot be unaware of what is happening all around the world in the Society. Which being the case, it is now only a matter of time: sooner or later if you do not choose to remain traditional at the cost of SSPX membership, you will find that you chose to remain SSPX members at the cost of your fidelity to Tradition.

Fathers, please consider: at your judgement Almighty God will not judge you faithful servants on account of what you said or thought in secret, but rather what you spoke openly and what actions you did in public. We your faithful have waited now for a year since the liberalism became apparent. We did not wish to act rashly. We have been giving you an opportunity to lead us. If, however, you will not do so, then we must reluctantly part company. It is clear that the situation can only become worse, and in such cicrumstances we can see no alternative but to start again. We can be confident for the future, however, since the only thing being begun again would be the administrative structure. The Faith remains, and that is what matters. If we do the right thing, everything else will be taken care of: God helps those who help themselves, as the saying goes. We beg and implore you to come to our aid and not to abandon souls which need you, especially not on account of a false obedience to superiors who regard you as, at best, a problem and with whom you will have increasingly little in common.

God bless you and reward you for your years of work caring for our souls.

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27th May, 2013 - Fr Paul Morgan’s notice in the district newsletter against the ‘Letter of Entreaty’

“‘The Recusant’ presents itself as ‘an unofficial SSPX newsletter fighting a guerilla war for the soul of Tradition.’ This ‘guerilla war’ is now coming out into the open in that a signed ‘letter of entreaty’ has appeared on its website which attacks the Society in no uncertain terms. Addressed to Fr Morgan and the Clergy of the British District,’ the open letter, dated 21st May 2013, accuses the Society of having deviated from its essential mission of fidelity to Catholic Tradition and opposition to Modernism due to the betrayal of its liberal leadership!

Ignoring the fact that there has not been a false deal with modernist Rome, and in spite of Bishop Fellay's public withdrawal in Ireland of the questionable April 2012 ‘Doctrinal Declaration,’ the dialectical letter pretends there is no option for us now but to show true leadership and to follow its proponents in seceding from the Society!

In recent months, such as in his last Letter to Friends and Benefactors and his recent conferences in Ireland, Bishop Fellay has clarified that he does not accept the legitimacy of the New Mass nor the errors of Vatican II nor the ‘hermeneutic of continuity’ which pretends to reconcile them with Tradition.

With regard to the ‘Letter of Entreaty,’ Bishop Fellay has stated that “the paragraph which claims to prove everything, that is of 'my April (2012) declaration,' is wrong and false from the beginning to end; there is not one phrase which presents correctly what I have written…Poor people who are so misled by their mistrust.” Hence, rather than boycotting the Superior General’s forthcoming visit, I would urge the concerned individuals in particular to attend Bishop Fellay’s conferences and to consider carefully what he has to say.

Whilst acknowledging the serious issues surrounding the Society’s negotiations with the Roman authorities, it is excessive and indeed offensive to claim ‘that the SSPX is now a sinking ship’ which is beyond repair. Far from abandoning the legacy of Archbishop Lefebvre, we need staunch clergy and faithful to help keep the Society faithful to its providential mission, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

May the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of the Clergy, pray for us!
Saint Pius X, pray for us!

Father Paul Morgan”

21st June, 2013 - Canadian ‘Letter of Appeal to the Faithful of the Resistance’

“Dear Faithful of the Resistance,

It has been over a year now since a resistance movement started against the new direction of the SSPX leadership. We've witnessed this past year the infamous CNS interviews of Bishop Fellay, the postponing of ordinations of those within religious communities, the awful six conditions of the 2012 SSPX General Chapter, the expulsion from the SSPX of Bishop Williamson and priests faithful to Archbishop Lefebvre, the persecution of the faithful by denying them the sacraments, and most recently the publication of a betrayal of the Catholic Faith, that is, the Doctrinal Declaration of Bishop Fellay dated April 15, 2012. And despite all this, what have we heard the SSPX priests who have been especially formed to combat Liberalism and Modernism? Next to nothing! All but one SSPX bishop (Bishop Williamson) and a handful of SSPX priests have had the fortitude to stick their necks out for the sake of souls - Frs. Pfeiffer, Chazal, Hewko, Ortiz, Girouard - to name a few. Some of the priests who did originally speak out were immediately silenced and have unfortunately remained silent. In response to these outrages coming from the SSPX leadership, many of us had decided a while ago to leave the SSPX for good. Others made that decision more recently.

However, we now firmly believe that enough has transpired for those supportive of the Resistance to make an exit from their SSPX chapels. It should be clear to us by now that the public fight for the Faith in the SSPX bishops and priests has dissipated. They are no longer doing what the Church has always done, that is, publicly condemn error no matter who is promoting it. We thought that this silence from the SSPX priests would not be possible given their formation, but the facts over the past year speak for themselves. We have painfully learned that it was easy for them to condemn error when those who were promoting it were at a distance and thereby have had very little impact on their daily lives. But valor is tested when one's own welfare is at stake. And it is sad to say that most SSPX priests have not shown the necessary fortitude when the fight for the Glory of God and salvation of souls presented itself in their own backyard.

Therefore, in the wake of this realization, we make an appeal to you to stop supporting, morally and financially, the neo-SSPX and its priests. This includes abandoning the SSPX chapels for Mass. We know it is a very difficult decision; we've had to go through the same. The lack of peace is the soul’s great enemy, but we are now at peace because our actions are fully consonant with our beliefs. The Faith comes first; everything else follows. Remember that Joan of Arc was prohibited from receiving the sacraments; nonetheless, she persisted in her belief to the point of being burnt at the stake. Who after her death was proclaimed a saint? We ask, instead, that you place your full support behind those who now carry the torch of Archbishop Lefebvre and most importantly, Catholic Tradition. This may then encourage more priests to come and join the Resistance.

Yours in Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,

Stephen Camidge
Alena Camidge
Alicia Rusche
Tony La Rosa
James Saul
Christine Saul
Michal Leonczuk
Marzena Leonczuk
Anthony Wahl
Shawny Wahl”

29th June, 2013 - 25th Anniversary Declaration by Resistance Priests

“Vienna, VA, U.S.A. - June 29, 2013

Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Archbishop Lefebvre’s heroic decision in 1988 to consecrate truly Catholic bishops for the defense of the Catholic Faith and for the preservation of valid Sacraments from the devastation of the Church wrought by the disastrous Second Vatican Council, a group of priests express their alarm at the same devastation now being wrought upon the Archbishop’s Society of St. Pius X, and they resolve together to do what they can to protect the Church and Society against this newly developed peril.

For just as the churchmen of Rome have used the last 50 years to attempt to reconcile the Church with the world, and in particular by the religious liberty and ecumenism of Vatican II, so the Society’s Superior General over the last 15 years has done everything he could to promote the wicked dream of reconciling Catholic Tradition with Conciliar Rome. For example, the Declaration of June 27, 2013 once more leaves the door open to reopening negotiations with Conciliar Rome. (cf. No. 11)

The result of this attempt to reconcile things irreconcilable within the Society of St. Pius X has been the disabling of many good priests, the progressive undoing of the Archbishop’s work and the endangering of the eternal salvation of souls without number. This is because the Society of St Pius X was for many years an anchor in the true Faith for the entire Church, and now that anchor has snapped. And so just as the authorities of Vatican II lost the confidence of many faithful Catholics by their ambiguities,  duplicities, and lies, so now the liberal authorities of the Society of St Pius X are losing all trust of many Traditional Catholics by their betrayal of Tradition.

Now what can a small and scattered group of priests do to save the situation? God will save His Church by converting the Pope when His Mother obtains at last the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart. Nevertheless, truth is not a question of numbers and so we set for ourselves the Archbishop’s program:

“The Holy Virgin will have the victory. She will triumph over the great apostasy, the fruit of Liberalism. One more reason not to twiddle our thumbs! We have to fight more than ever for the social Reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ. In this battle, we are not alone; we have with us all the popes up through Pius XII inclusively. All of them combatted Liberalism in order to deliver the Church from it. God did not grant that they succeed, but this is not reason to lay down our weapons! We have to hold on. We have to build, while the others are demolishing. The crumbled citadels have to be rebuilt, the bastions of the Faith to be reconstructed: firstly the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass of all times, which forms saints; then our chapels, which are our true parishes; our monasteries; our large families, our enterprises faithful to the social doctrine of the Church; our politicians determined to make the politics of Jesus Christ – this a whole tissue of Christian social life, Christian customs, Christian reflexes, which we have to restore, on the scale that God wants, at the time God wills. All that I know, the Faith teaches us, it is that Our Lord Jesus Christ must reign here below, now, and not only at the end of the world, as the Liberals would have it!

While they are destroying, we have the contentment of rebuilding. A still greater happiness: generations of young priests are participating with zeal in this task of reconstruction of the Church for the salvation of souls.”
(They Have Uncrowned Him; chapter XXXIV)

H.E. Bp. Richard Williamson SSPX
Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer SSPX
Fr. Tomas de Aquino O.S.B.
Fr. Jahir FBMV
Fr. Jean-Michel Faure SSPX
Fr. Ronald Ringrose
Fr. Juan Carlos Ortiz SSPX
Fr. Hugo Ruiz SSPX
Fr. Ernesto Cardozo SSPX
Fr. Joaquim FBMV
Fr. Richard Voigt
Fr. David Hewko SSPX
Fr. François Chazal SSPX
Fr. Valan Rajakumar SSPX
Fr. Patrick Girouard SSPX
Fr. René Trincado SSPX
Fr. Olivier Rioult SSPX
Fr. Edgardo Suelo SSPX
Fr. Rafael OSB
Br. Placide OSB
Br. André OSB ”

21st September, 2013 - An Open Appeal to the SSPX Superiors, by Fr David Hewko

Your Excellency, Bishop Fellay and Society of St. Pius X Superiors,

In the face of a Pope in the Chair of St. Peter, wielding the sledge-hammer like a second Goliath, dismantling and smashing what is left of the Traditional Teachings of Christ and His Mass, your silence has become alarming and has become a cooperation in extinguishing the Catholic Religion and His True Adoration from the face of the earth.

The “children” of the Society of St. Pius X have cried out for 40 years in this last hour, led by the most child-like Archbishop Lefebvre, who loved and defended his Father’s honor. The time has come for the “stones” of the street; the most unworthy, unglamorous, despised and the “off-scouring of the world” to cry out. Those of the SSPX Resistance can no longer be silent in the face of the present leadership of the Society, shamefully silent at the most necessary hour! All our letters, appeals, filial rebukes have been returned with silences, monitions and expulsions.

All of us who were alive under our saintly Founder, Abp. Lefebvre, remember his letters to the priests and faithful, his sermons crying out against the abominations of the Ecumenical Assisi Meeting, the Pope’s scandals against the True Faith and Our Lord Jesus Christ, the True God! All of us remember hearing these, like a beacon of light in the darkness of the modern apostasy. A voice of the fearless Good Shepherd roaring out, like a second David or Samson, to protect the flock of Christ from the masked wolves inside. These wolves, tearing out the Faith of Tradition and ripping out the hearts of those consecrated to God, with the fatal blows of Religious Liberty, Ecumenism, Collegiality, the baneful New Mass and all the artful lies to seduce the handful of Traditional Communities into the Conciliar Church.

The catechism teaches there is a time when silence becomes gravely imprudent, reckless and even cooperates with sin and darkness. That time is now! From the SSPX pulpits, websites, magazines, articles, etc. comes a shameful silence. A silence that uses the “liberty of prudence” as a cloak for malice, a silence equivalent to those passively standing by, while their mother is defiled and violently ravaged by the very ones vowed and ordained to defend Mother Church!

The reason for this guilty silence is now known to all the world. It is expressed in the General Chapter Statement of July 14, 2012, which was the “Vatican II Revolution” within the last bastion of Catholic Tradition. In it, the Society binds itself to the six Conditions for the canonical normalization. An agreement with whom? With the Conciliar Church! The Archbishop was never silent about the Pope’s scandals and respectfully wrote to him, defied his ecumenism and sins against the Faith, before the whole world, and even resorted to drawings showing the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II being excluded from the gates of Heaven for leading the world to believe that the gods of the gentiles are not devils, as at Assisi!

Now, Pope Francis has surpassed his predecessors in scandals against the Faith by the ecumenical call for prayers for peace from all religions, celebrating the ecumenical rite in St. Peter’s; by the unheard of scandals of World Youth Day in Brazil; with the shameful dancing of bishops who, like salt that has lost its savor, have become the laughing stock of the world, worthy to be stepped on for betraying the True God. His sweeping statements on atheists, the divorced, the Sodom and Gomorrhites, clerical celibacy, etc., etc., have misled millions of souls into error and, no doubt, sins. Sins that seem “not so bad,” since according to him, even “atheists can go to Heaven,” and “who am I to judge the gays?”

Since the new policies of the Society fit the new principles of compromise, now it has lent its hands to abolishing what is left of the True Faith and Adoration of God from the face of the earth, by its shameful silence!

It is useless to pretend that the seeking a “canonical normalization,” an “agreement,” “recognition,” a “union” with Modernist Rome can be pleasing to God, before Rome’s conversion to Tradition. The six Conditions themselves, betray the clear teaching of our Founder who insisted that we never have to ask permission to preach Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ, Crucified! That we openly preach against Vatican II errors and prelates who attack the Faith, because Christ Himself gave that command to the first Pope and Bishops. Archbishop Lefebvre would shudder with horror at the thought of the Indifferentism subtly expressed in the six Conditions and would absolutely condemn the new policy of silence and expulsion of his priests who speak out, against a false union with the Conciliar Church that is aggressively wrecking the Faith and Mass of All Time.

Would he approve of your calling the New Mass “legitimate” or “legitimately promulgated” (which is the same thing)? Would he approve of all the statements on the Council “not being the cause of errors,” Religious Liberty being “limited,” 95% of the Council acceptable, that the teachings of Vatican II “enlighten” and “deepen” Catholic Tradition?

Would the Founder approve of your signing the Doctrinal Declaration of April 15, 2012, which undermines everything he fought for to save the Faith? Would he approve of the acceptance of the New Code of Canon Law without the clear distinctions he laid down?

Would he approve of the personal Prelature of the Society that submits to the present Roman authorities, who he called “dishonest men” seeking to remove Christ from society? Have his warnings been forgotten when he said: “With the See of Peter and posts of authority in Rome being occupied by anti-Christs, the destruction of the Kingdom of Our Lord is rapidly being carried out, even in His Mystical Body here below…

That is what has brought down upon our heads persecution by the Rome of the antiChrists. This Rome, Modern and Liberal, is carrying on its work of destruction of the Kingdom of Our Lord, as Assisi and the confirmation of the liberal theses of Vatican II on Religious Liberty prove…” (Abp. Lefebvre, Letter to Future Bishops August 29, 1987).

Would Abp. Lefebvre even recognize his Society today when its leader says: “Vatican II is no longer in people’s heads,…fewer and fewer believe it”? “We have observed a change of attitude in the Church…towards Tradition,” or “Within the Society some (like Abp. Lefebvre himself!) are making the conciliar errors into ‘super heresies’”…or “the present situation in April 2012 is quite different from that of 1988”? That, having said and signed all these ambiguous statements, compromises and decisions, none of them have yet been rejected or condemned? None of them, neither clearly nor publicly!

Would Abp. Lefebvre look favorably on the expulsion of a bishop that he himself sent as rector of the Seminary in the USA and being fully aware of his “unpopular views,” chose him personally to be one of his bishops, as well?

Your Excellency, the grave dangers against the Faith which you have placed the priests and faithful into, by accepting what you yourself condemned 11 years ago, demand a response from your subjects. The Archbishop’s words ring ever true: “It is not the subjects who form superiors, but the superiors who form the subjects.” Now that your position is clearer, as you expressed to the Holy Father, Benedict XVI, “I committed myself,…and I do intend to continue to make every effort to pursue this path in order to arrive at the necessary clarifications, clarifications for the personal Prelature to be carried out,” knowing, moreover, that Rome has not converted back to Tradition, demands the Resistance to your boldness.

Since Vatican Council II, the Popes had a right to our resistance and disobedience because of dangerous errors on the Faith, so more and more people are seeing that you force us to do the same because of your new direction, acceptance of the legitimacy of the New Mass, New Code, Vatican II in the light of Tradition, etc. This is unheard of in the history of the SSPX!

Since you are deaf to your sons’ appeals, and fail to condemn your statements and persist to punish any who warn you or the faithful, you oblige the priests of the Resistance all over the world to pick up where you left off. You oblige us to continue the work of Abp. Lefebvre which is nothing other than the work of the Catholic Church, “without bitterness and without compromises.” The words of Our Lady of Quito, Ecuador seem frightfully so true, that “the Church will be full of those who accept compromise,” when we need to be the ones to cry out, fight, combat openly the evils of Conciliar Rome, leading many souls into apostasy and to Hell-fire. The glory of Christ the King demands it! The COMMON GOOD OF THE CHURCH demands it!

For the love of your soul, your Excellency, please hold an urgent General Chapter. Condemn the new policies and compromises with Vatican II and the New Mass. Return to the stand of Abp. Lefebvre on all the points listed above, resign yourself, and let there be a true son of Abp. Lefebvre to replace you, Fr. Faure, for instance. This alone could save the Society. Otherwise, the work of Tradition will peacefully continue, if it pleases God, in the SSPX Resistance, Marian Corps.

“If the children will not cry out, the very stones in the street will cry out!” The Faith may be compromised and betrayed by men, but the True God does not die!


Immaculate Heart of Mary, hasten Thine hour of Victory!
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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The SSPX: Ten Years Ago - by Stone - 09-20-2022, 07:42 AM
RE: The SSPX: Ten Years Ago - by Stone - 09-20-2022, 11:55 AM
RE: The SSPX: Ten Years Ago - by Stone - 11-16-2022, 02:02 PM
RE: The SSPX: Ten Years Ago - by Stone - 03-01-2024, 11:19 AM

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