SSPX Priest on Trial for Abusing 7 Children
Sadly, after Archbp. Lefebvre died the SSPX infiltrators went into action and began to operate as corrupt governments do, that is, to get dirt on individuals to be able to hold it over their heads to enable the leaders to control them. The leaders then put those individuals into positions of authority instructing them on how to run things in a perverse and opposite way from which the organization was originally founded and run under the Archbishop.  In the case of traditional Catholicism, it seems that's how they deceptively steered the organization of the SSPX away from tradition.  While the higher authorities manipulated the puppet strings of the district superiors and other superiors, at the same time the leaders at the top put on the phony appearances, talks and smiles to deceive the pew sitters to believe and trust them.
  Did Bp. Williamson know any of this?  How could he not?  He most likely heard from priests and seminarians  about the abuses going on in different countries. After all, not only was he a bishop, he was in charge of 2 seminaries.  First in the USA for a good many years and then in Argentina.  Would Fr. Wegner know of more than "hundreds of cases of abuse within  the Society" and Bp Williamson didn't know anything? I doubt it.
  In the same way of pulling things off in corrupt governments with as many presidents,  governors,  senators etc as they can control due to vices,  or simply with lies, the hidden government behind them control their strings like puppets.
  Early on in 2012 after numerous priests had contacted Bp. Fellay and other SSPX leaders, those priests  could see the reality of the situation.  As one priest explained, when the rot is coming from the top, and like a fish that goes rotten at the head, it's all over.  Nothing can save it.

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RE: SSPX Priest on Trial for Abusing 7 Children - by SAguide - 04-09-2024, 07:56 PM

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