Thoughts of the St. Cure of d'Ars (St. John Mary Vianney)
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THERE are people who make capital out of everything
even the winter.  If it is cold, they offer their little
sufferings to God.   - Catechism Saying (T.)
He who does not see, does not know: he who does
not know, does not love; he who does not love God,
loves himself, and at the same time loves his
pleasures.  - Catechism on the Love of God (Sp.)
THE WISE MEN overcame every difficulty and
surmounted every obstacle, in order to follow
the Star.
  - Sermon on the Magi.
Have a pure intention. 
- Counsel (T.)
GOD speaks to us without ceasing by His good
- Sermon on Grace (Sp.)
AVARICE is an inordinate love of riches and the good
things of this life.  Jesus Christ, to cure us of it, was
born in extreme poverty, deprived of all comforts.  He
chose a Mother who was poor. He willed to pass as
the So of a humble workman.
                      - Notre Dame d'Ars, Meditation 23.
HOW pleasing to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament
is the short quarter of an hour that we steal from
our occupations, from something of no use, to come
and pray to Him, to visit Him, to console Him.
- Catechism on Real Presence (Sp.)

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THE reason why we cannot keep our good resolutions
is that we count too much on ourselves.
- On the Lord's Prayer (C.).
YOU must accept your cross; if you bear it courageously
it will carry you to Heaven.
- Counsel (M.).
HAPPY is he who lives and dies under the protection
of the Blessed Virgin.
- Sermon on the Feast of the Rosary.
Do not be like the proud who always want to assert their
own opinion . . . .  I have known people with whom this
had become a daily habit.
- On Mortifying Self-Will (C.).
AFTER the example of St. Anthony, my children, let
us be always ready for the combat. . . .
- Sermon on Temptations (Sp.).
"WHEN I am about to talk to anybody," said a young
village girl, "I picture to myself Jesus Christ and how
gracious and friendly He was to everyone."
- Jesus Christ our example (F.).
My children, we are in reality only what we are in
the eyes of God, and nothing more.
-  Sermon on Pride (Sp.).

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RE: Thought of the St. Cure of Ars (St. John Mary Vianney) - by Hildegard of Bingen - 01-13-2021, 08:48 PM

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