Bp. Williamson promoting new Novus Ordo "messages" in TX
From a LifeSiteNews article also promoting this group - video in the link:

Meet the nun who allegedly received the messages from heaven
The nun said the Lord has given 'a number of indications that… some kind of manifestation' will take place at the Texas mission and 'pour out so much grace on people’s lives.'

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Wed Apr 17, 2024
(LifeSiteNews) — In a recent video interview republished by LifeSiteNews, a member of the Texas-based Mission of Divine Mercy described receiving messages from all three Persons of the Blessed Trinity and from the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Sister Amapola, who was born in Mexico in 1977, told Anna Jebbia, the director of communications for the mission, that she received her first message during Mass on December 12, 2016 — the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe — when she was feeling sad and spiritually dry.

“And during Holy Communion, all of a sudden, completely out of the blue, I just inside sensed (Our Lady’s) voice saying, you know, like something like, ‘We’ll talk a little later,’” Sister Amapola related.

“You just, very, as if that were the most normal thing, as if she had just finished saying something else (…),” the nun continued.  “And it was so clearly her that I just said, ‘All right.’”

According to Sister Amapola, after Mass, Our Lady directed her to find a piece of paper and a pen because she wanted the nun to write some things down. Sister Amapola said that she obeyed and then Our Lady began say “a few things” especially concerning a recent prayer intention.

“But it felt as if she were just sitting there. I didn’t see anything, but her presence was so manifest, I guess, in some way that she was almost (…) there,” the nun related. “It was a very warm, comforting, like mother-daughter (interaction). Very, very nice.”

The encounter ended when, Sister Amapola said, she was becoming distracted with hunger and Our Lady told her she had to eat.

She reported the experience, known as an interior locution, to her superior, Father John Mary Foster, who thought it was authentic.

READ: Religious order responds to question of why they published alleged messages from heaven contrary to archbishop’s will

At first, Sister Amapola believed that this was a unique event, a grace granted because of her prayer intention, but a few weeks later, on New Year’s Eve, she said she received another message from Our Lady. After that, she experienced at least one interior locution a day for several months and stated that she still experiences them, although not as often as she did. Sister Amapola said that she carries a notebook with her because she never knows when she will next get a message. It once happened in a dentist’s office. Sometimes she is awakened from her sleep.

Asked in what language the Lord speaks to her, the nun replied that He talks to her in Spanish and English, although mostly Spanish if she isn’t asked to write anything down. She said that His messages often are about His relationship with us: “that He sees us with so much love and so much tenderness and consideration.”

“There’s absolutely nothing sappy about His love,” Sister Amapola assured her interviewer. “The way it’s communicated, there’s (…) always a strength behind it.”

“It’s very hard to explain, but how much He loves us, how much He understands us and considers us. The mercy – that’s just incredible,” she added.

“How much He understands our pain (and) suffering, and how much He wants to alleviate that and make it useful. (…) There’s a constant invitation to offer it to Me, give it to Me, let Me make it fruitful, you know, don’t let it go to waste, give it to Me, give it to Me.”

The only way to deal with all the pain, suffering, sorrow, anguish, fear, and anxiety in the world is to give it to God, the nun said.

She mentioned also that the Lord often says “Look at Me.”

“Don’t look at anybody (else); look at Me,” the nun repeated. “Lift up your eyes, look at Me. (It’s) because there’s so many scary things out there that we have to look at Him.”

The messages have been about relatively ordinary matters, like the best place to build a new chapel, and about important future events, including a great battle against the forces of Satan.

“He’s always talking about participating in His plan, in His plan of reconquering all the hearts of His children, you know, that have been under the dominion of the enemy for years,” Sister Amapola said. “And reconquering the Church and restoring the Church and restoring all of creation to what He originally intended.”

“He has a plan for that and we’re part of that plan.”

The nun said the Lord has given “a number of indications that … some kind of manifestation” will take place at the Texas mission and “pour out so much grace on people’s lives.”

Meanwhile, she believes that God has been preparing little groups of faithful all around the world that He now wants to join together against Satan.

“The army of the enemy has grown so exponentially and has taken over so much that now the Lord has to unite all of those smaller armies all around the world, you know, all those places of grace into, into one,” Sister Amapola stated.

“It’s sort of like He’s kept them hidden, you know, like secret little pockets here and there, but now — at least He has told us that He’s planning to unite all of (them) into one big army.”

“For a great battle because it’s coming.”

Since the Mission of Divine Mercy began to make public the messages that Sister Amapola says she has received, the local ordinary has taken action against the order and its superior. Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller of San Antonio has withdrawn Father Foster’s faculties, banning him from public ministry and withdrawing him from the parish where he served as parochial vicar. García-Siller has also suppressed the community and ordered the seizure of its property by the archdiocese.

According to the archbishop, these actions followed a canonical warning and admonition made a week earlier.

To view LifeSiteNews’ coverage of the alleged prophecies, click the following links: message one; message two; and message three.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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RE: Bp. Williamson promoting new Novus Ordo "messages" - by Stone - 04-20-2024, 07:26 AM

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