Thoughts of the St. Cure of d'Ars (St. John Mary Vianney)
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OH! If only we can say, when next year comes, that
this year has been all God's!
- Sermon on Sanctification
DO we take as much care our soul as of our body?
- On Gluttony (Sp.)
INSTEAD of raising your voice in the newspapers,
raise it before the door of the Tabernacle.
- Counsel on Unnecessary Letters to the Press (M.)
GOD makes use of anything.
- Catechism on Faith (M.)
GOD has given each of us our own work to do.  It is
for us to pursue our road, that is to say, our vocation . . .
when God gives us such and such a vocation, He
bestows upon us at the same time His grace to fulfill it.
- On Vocation (C.)
WE are permitted to love our relations, our possessions,
our health, our reputation; but his love must be
subordinate to the love we should have for God, so that
we may be ready to make the sacrifice of it if He should
require it.
- Love of God (Sp.)
TO preserve Purity, three things are necessary; the practice
of the Presence of God, prayer, and the Sacraments; and
again, the reading of holy books - this nourishes the soul.
- Catechism on Purity (M.)
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THE life of a Saint is just the imitation of Jesus Christ.
- Sermon on the Incarnation (II.)
ENVY, my children follows pride; whoever is envious is proud.
- On Envy (Sp.)
BLESSED are they that are tempted!  It is when the devil sees
that a soul is tending towards union with God that he redoubles
his efforts.
- Sermon on the Parable of the Tares (D.)
THE Angels take great pleasure in helping us with our enterprises,
when they are in accordance with God's will.
- Sermon for the Fest of the Guardian Angels.
GOD looks neither at long nor beautiful prayers, but at those
that come from the heart.
- Catechism Notes (I.)
EVERYTHING that God has made . . . becomes an instrument
for good or evil according to the use we make of it.
- Sermon on the Enemies of the Soul.
"GO, my friend," M. Courbon had said in appointing
M. Vianney to Ars; "go, there is not much love for God
in that parish; you will put it theres." 
(M. Vianney went to Ars on February 9th, 1818)
- Eucharistic Meditation 18

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RE: Thought of the St. Cure of Ars (St. John Mary Vianney) - by Hildegard of Bingen - 01-16-2021, 05:24 PM

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