The Catholic Trumpet: ✝PRAEDICATIO✝

"Call of Christ the King, When Bishops Spoke As Bishops"
by Fr. David Hewko

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The Catholic Trumpet [slightly adapted]| September 19, 2024


In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Amen.

Come Holy Ghost, fill the hearts of thy faithful, and enkindle in them the fire of thy Divine love. Send forth thy Spirit, and they shall be created, and thou shalt renew the face of the earth. Let us pray. O God, who by the Light of the Holy Ghost, Has instructed the hearts of thy faithful, grant us by the same Spirit to be truly wise and ever to rejoice in His consolation, through the same Christ Our Lord, Amen.

Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.
St. Joseph, pray for us.
St. Aloysius Gonzaga, pray for us.
St. Januarius, pray for us.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Amen.

This is the meditation on the call of Christ the King. The call of Christ the King. You can find this meditation laid out on page 96 (of) the old book. St. Ignatius has the title: “Call of Christ the King”. He has on it the reign of Christ the King. But He’s the call. He calls and invites us to battle with Him, and this priest makes the comparison of St. Louis IX and St. Bernard who preached the Crusades to rally the Catholic Nobles and the people to fight for the defense of Christendom: to go on the Crusades.

St. Louis IX will lead two Crusades. That had to be a huge, huge endeavor, with a lot of expense, a lot of sacrifice, and from all over Europe they went. What was the call? It was the call of Christ the King to come and fight. Why? Because the Muslims were slaughtering the women, children, (and) men. They were persecuting the pilgrims coming to the Holy Land. Page 96, and the men responded because it was the defense of Christendom.

And In every great Catholic battle—Lepanto, Vienna 1683, and the great Cristeros of Mexico, the great Vendeans and the Flemish at the French Revolution—it was the same invitation: to call to resist the oppression and extinguishing of the reign of Christ the King. That was the efforts of the Revolution, and that's always been the efforts of the Freemasons and the synagogue of Satan, to suppress Christ the King, get rid of Him! "We will not have this man reign over us!"

So our invitation now is more intense than ever because the invitation now is (to) defend the entire Catholic faith, the integral Catholic faith, and the true Mass, and the true Sacraments, and the integral Catholic doctrine and many people don't want this. They want the liturgy, but they don't want to fight the errors of the Novus Ordo; the false ideas that all religions lead to God, which is right in the texts of Vatican II. So Pope Francis is just quoting Vatican II. So, everybody's pointing the finger at Pope Francis, but it's Vatican II that needs to be condemned, and buried, and sent back to hell where it came from.

Let’s see the second point that he makes is: “Our Lord Jesus Christ, He invites us.” The middle of page 99: "My will, the most just of all wills, is from the height of My cross to draw all to Me, to enter into the possession of My domain-the world, to subjugate all My enemies for their salvation, and as a peaceful conqueror and master, universally obeyed by all the earth, to introduce with Me into the glory of My Father all these men redeemed by My blood."

"Let those who would share My crown accompany Me, follow Me. Their eternal reward will be proportioned to their labors and their efforts." Page 99, on the bottom: "Let us moreover conceive, not only what we must offer of our entire selves, Let us moreover conceive not only that we must offer to follow Him in bodily works and fatigues but also that we owe Him a more worthy and precious service—the struggle and the victory against our flesh, our senses, and our self-love: the love of the world. Let us say, weighing all the circumstances of this sublime vocation.”

“Who is it that calls us?” Bottom of page 99: “Who calls us? It is God, a God who Has every right to our submission, the right of His infinite perfections. We cannot belong to ourselves; we must belong to God or to our passions. We have only the choice of the one yoke or the other. Which appears the most honorable? The right of creation that God Has. What are we? What have we? All that we are, all that we have, comes from God, and consequently belongs to God. Shall we disown, violate towards Him alone, the right of property that reason and justice consecrate in human society?"

“God Has also the right of redemption.” Top of page 100. "The right of Redemption. A thing belongs to us if we buy it with our money, still more if we purchase it by long and hard labor, yet more would it appear so if bought with our blood. But what are we with regard to Jesus Christ? We are the price of all His wealth, the price of all His sufferings, the price of His blood and His death. 'Know you not that you are not your own, for you are bought with a great price? Saint Paul (1 Corinthians 6:19).’ ”

Next paragraph: “To what enterprise does Jesus Christ call us? To the most noble and most heroic that can be proposed in this enterprise, this campaign, this battle, this resistance to the Revolution.”- which is what we really are, the Catholic resistance.

“Consider the enemies to be combated in this enterprise: In this enterprise all is great. Consider first the enemies to be combatted: the devil, the world, our own hearts. What are the weapons? The Catholic faith, prayer, humility, patience, self-denial, charity, (and) zeal. Who are our companions in the battle? The most illustrious that the world ever saw—the apostles, the martyrs, the penitents, in one word, all the saints.”

When +Archbishop Lefebvre was asked, "Don't you feel alone in this battle? Don't you feel a little bit lonely since modern Rome has condemned you and all the Bishops are against you and most of the world is going with the Novus Ordo? Don’t you feel a bit lonely like you’re being a little finnatical here or exaggerated, you’re a rebel, you’re dissident, you’re a disobedient.” And +Archbishop Lefebvre said exactly these words: “I'm not alone. I have all the saints. I have all the Popes with me. Because I have all the Popes who condemned liberalism on my side."

And that's a very important point +Archbishop Lefebvre wanted us to realize that our fight for Catholic tradition is the fight of all the good popes, down to Pius XII, who was the last of the great Popes. And it was Pope Pius VI, who started condemning the errors of the Revolution. He condemned the oath of the civil constitution of the clergy at the French Revolution. He condemned the declaration of the rights of man, which was written by the Freemasons. And then you’ve got Pope Gregory XVI, in Mirari Vos, who condemned separation of Church and state, condemned freedom of the press, freedom of conscience. It’s a great encyclical which we will study in detail.

And then you’ve got the great Pope Pius IX, with the Syllabus of Errors condemning some of the main errors of the modern world such as Communism, Socialism, that the Pope has to change the church and change the doctrine to fit the modern world- to adapt to the modern civilization. So the Church has to now accept that Genesis is a myth and evolution is the way to go because Science says so. He condemns that. He condemns that. And now Science is actually showing that the earth is actually very young- 6000 years and there was a huge flood of Noah and honest science is showing this more and more and more. Science bows down to Theology and to Revelation, not Revelation to modern science. And then Pius IX condemned the idea that all religions lead to God. The syllabus condemns Vatican 2, condemns Pope Francis, and John Paul II and Benedict XVI.

He was succeeded by another great Pope, Pope Leo XIII who wrote encyclical after encyclical affirming the Catholic doctrine against the modern errors. After Pope Leo XIII was the great St. Pius X and he condemned the modernism and didn’t spare them.

And then Pope Pius XI, wrote the encyclical on the Kingship of Christ (Quas Primas, in 1925). And then (comes) Pius XII. Benedict XV is in there too but he at least finished the old code of Canon Law that Pius the X wanted. So all these Popes- +Archbishop Lefebvre said we are fighting the same battle of all these Popes. And that's what's needed now- generous souls who are willing to basically die for Our Lord and take every insult, every deprivation, every mockery for His sake. And to defend the true Catholic faith , the true Catholic mass, and without any compromise.

And that's why the whole situation now with Trump- it's throwing a curveball for many Catholics because 2016 Trump was pro life- he was worth voting for and he had many good policies and he did help the country. And he overthrew Roe v Wade at least brought it to the state level, but he never smashed it the way he should have. He’s very much friends with the Freemasons, he claims to be one. He’s very very all about backing Israel and that's not a good sign, so now in 2024 he has slidden, he has really slid and this puts us Catholics in a tough situation. Do we vote for him or not? He’s a lot of good policies, but he's now pro abortion. No matter what he says about incest and rape, or him and Vance are totally for the abortion pill which will cause more abortions than you can count. It's horrifying.

So He has slid in a big way and now he’s going to go to the shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa of Our Lady in Pennsylvania, with the President of Poland. But you know, either Trump will have the grace to realize: I can’t insult Our Lady like this, come and honor her shrine, but back abortion, killing babies even in the first few days or weeks or months, it's still murder. He can't insult Our Lady like that, and that's what it's going to be if he goes, honors Our Lady yet keeps his policies. So either he’ll go totally Pro Life ban and condemn abortion and take all the steps he can to uproot it and honor Our Lady truthfully, or he’ll just be one of the many hypocrites that honor Our Lady with their lips but insult her and Our Lord with their actions.

So “Who are the companions in this long battle that we are in still for Catholic tradition and the faith? The apostles, the martyrs, the penitents, all the saints. Who is our leader in this battle? It is Jesus Christ” Middle of page 100. “It is Jesus Christ Himself, but Jesus Christ who combats in us by His grace, and who already a conqueror in so many saints, wishes to conquer in each one of us and in the hearts of all mankind.”

Lastly, “The motive and end- our purpose. What is the purpose of this combat? It is to bestow on all the captives of Jesus Christ the true liberty, glory, (and) happiness. To restore them to the way, the truth and the life, and that is only in Our Lord Jesus Christ” and His Catholic Church of tradition. Needless to say, the Catholic Church of tradition. That's the only light for the future. Socialism is death. Communism is death and destruction and damnation of many souls.

Modern democracy- you heard Bishop Sheen. He didn’t see the depth that +Archbishop Lefebvre saw. Bishop Sheen at least in this talk, it wasn’t so great. He was praising Thomas Jefferson, as if he was opposed to the French Revolutionary thinkers, Mr. Saint-Just But Thomas Jefferson was a mason with them. He was continuing the same revolution. He was a brother with them. And he’s the one that said, Thomas Jefferson: “I have sworn eternal hostility to every form of tyranny over the mind of man.” What's that mean?  I have sworn hostility. In other words I have declared eternal war against every form of tyranny over the mind of man. Well what tyranny is he talking about? It’s the tyranny, well he calls it tyranny, but we are bound to believe all that God Has revealed and He’s calling that tyranny. The tyranny of the Catholic Church- its imposing on us what we must believe to save our soul. But yeah God Has done that He imposed on us what we must believe. This is called Divine Revelation and it’s contained in all of Scripture and Tradition. Both, not one without the other. Scripture and tradition are the pillars of Revelation.

So the purpose of this combat is to fight with Our Lord, to spread His reign on this earth as much as we can and to obtain heaven.

“What are the conditions of this enterprise, this war, this battle?” Number 3, page 100. “to partake in the labors of Jesus Christ. That we may afterwards partake of His glory. But let us remark well that the sacrifices that Jesus asks of us, He Has first accomplished Himself. He asks of us humility. He first humiliated Himself.  If He asks renouncement of us, He first renounced Himself. He Has done more. He Has gone beyond what He asks of us. He humbled Himself, even to annihilation, to the Cross. He renounced Himself to the Cross. The sacrifices that Jesus Christ demands are sweetened by the unction of His grace. The cross has been without alleviation for Him alone. For His servants, He lightens the weight with consolations.” So even when following Our Lord, He gives many consolations in this fight for heaven. “He alone can say the full force of the words: “My soul is sorrowful even unto death”. He enables His servants to say”, Top of 101, "I exceedingly abound with joy in all our tribulations. (St. Paul  2 Corinthians 7) The sacrifices that Jesus Christ asks of us are only passing; a short period of combat, (but) an eternity of reward. If He asks Humility of us, He first humiliated Himself. If He asks renouncement of us, He has first renounced Himself. He Has done more. He Has gone beyond what He asks of us. He humbled Himself even to annihilation. He renounced Himself even to the Cross.”

4 “Let us consecrate ourselves generously to the service of so great and magnificent a master and say to Him, from 2 Kings 15: "Behold me at Thy feet, Supreme Monarch of the Universe. Without doubt I am unworthy to march after Thee but full of confidence in Thy grace and protection, I consecrate myself to Thee without reserve. All that I am and all that I possess I submit to Thy holy will. I declare before Thy infinite goddess in the presence of the Virgin Mother, of my Savior and of all the heavenly court that my desire, my unalterable resolution, my determined will is to follow Thee as nearly as possible, detached in spirit from the things of this earth and if Thou shouldst will it, really poor, humble of heart and if that also is Thy will partaking in all Thy humiliations and all Thy ignominies. Living and dying at the post where the interests of Thy glory and my salvation and Thy Divine Call may have placed me. As the Lord liveth and as my Lord the King liveth, in what place soever Thou shalt be, my Lord King, either in death or in life, there will Thy servant be.”

So you can use that as part of the meditation in this powerful meditation. The Invitation of Christ to follow Him, to follow Him, and this is really the call of Our battle right now: The desperate need of traditional Catholic Priests who are not going to compromise with liberalism, and Vatican II and the New Mass; Who are not modernists. Who will fight it and vocally so. Vocally so, oppose the errors with our barking. It’s not enough to oppose the error and be silent like the fake resistance- this is what they’re doing. Oh they don’t like Vatican II but they might say something about it here or there. They don’t like the compromise of Bishop Fellay, but don't speak too loudly, don't say it from the pulpits.  It's a false resistance. That's exactly what it is, It's a false resistance.

Listen to this powerful bishop who knew +Archbishop Lefebvre. I quoted him the other day. His name is Bishop Gerard de Proença Sigaud, Bishop Gerard de Proença. He’s spanish speaking. Sigaud. This is a bishop's exhortation. He wrote this in a letter to Domenico Cardinal Tardini, August 22nd, 1959. He wrote this letter, and you would think it came from +Archbishop Lefebvre or Archbishop Vigano, and it's right before Vatican II.

Remember, Vatican II will be from 1962 to 65. 62 to 65, and that will be the time bomb exploding in the Church. It was an explosion, the worst disaster in the history of the Church, and it's still the worst disaster right now, because everything Pope Francis is doing and John Paul II and Benedict XVI and Paul VI was all in the name of Vatican II. So here's what this great bishop said, and he was part of the Cetus Internationalis Patrum, the group of international priests that +Archbishop Lefebvre was head of, actually, and he wrote this letter saying, these are the errors of our day. We must combat them, and we must also have a program for the reign of Christ the King. That's basically what the letter is about. Very good.

Here's what he says, “The Revolution: A war to the death against the Church.” So he's not under any illusions. “When I consider the present Catholic life in my country and in other parts of the world, I can see a lot of things which are a sign of life and which are certainly a source of consolation for every soul who loves the Church of Christ, but I also see certain signs which cause great alarm. These are so grave that I think they should be taken into consideration by the Preparatory Pontifical Commission to the Ecumenical Council, Vatican II, and afterwards by the council itself as well.”

So obviously what he says in this letter was chucked. They could care less about what he says here, but what he says here is excellent and in line with all the great popes.

“I can see that the principles and the spirit of what we call The Revolution are penetrating the clergy and the Christian people, just as in the past, the principles, doctrine, spirit, and love of paganism penetrated into medieval society, resulting in a pseudo-reform.”

So he's talking about the Renaissance Period, the over-adulation of Greece and Rome, bringing back nudity, bringing back the sensuality, bringing back the man-centeredness of the pagan world. You see that in, for example, the art of Michelangelo. You see Gerber babies in bare bottoms floating all over the Sistine Chapel. That's the Renaissance Art, right? And +Archbishop Lefebvre mentions that, actually, as this spirit of paganism entering into the thinking of Catholics.

And then he says this, “Many among the clergy”, that's bishops, priests, and cardinals, “Many among the clergy do not discern the errors of the Revolution anymore, nor resist them.”

So that's more than ever now. Who's resisting the errors now? The only episcopal voice that's speaking loud and clear is Archbishop Vigano and Bishop Williamson, sometimes, sometimes except he's mixed in this whole New Mass nonsense, unfortunately. So he says they're not resisting The Revolution anymore. The only ones doing it are the Catholic resistance, and not the fake resistance either.

“They propagated The Revolution and collaborate with it. They persecute and speak evil of the adversaries of the revolution and hinder their apostolate.”

Isn't this true? And Pope Paul VI tried to smash tradition by punishing +Archbishop Lefebvre with a phony suspension. Then Pope John Paul II tries to smash Catholic tradition by punishing +Archbishop Lefebvre with a null and void excommunication. And now Pope Francis just leveled a phony excommunication on Archbishop Vigano. It doesn't hold. Because why is he excommunicated? Because he's just keeping the faith and opposing the errors of Vatican II and these modernist popes. And he's calling into question this Pope Francis.

So to smash tradition, they try to silence them. And then if they can't silence them, they persecute them. And that's what happened to the SSPX. They put them in a position of silence by offering them all these deals. We'll give you jurisdiction. We'll give you jurisdiction for marriages, confessions. We'll give you this and that. You'll be able to work with the bishops. You'll be able to use their churches. We'll give you recognition. And Bishop Fellay said, this sounds great. Let's go for it. And he did. He was warned by +Archbishop Lefebvre. No, no deals.

No canonical setups with modernist Rome until Rome comes back to tradition and steps in line with all the popes and their condemnations of the modern errors. But Bishop Fellay thought he could do better than +Archbishop Lefebvre. And in fact, some priests actually said that. Father, one of the priests in France, said that Bishop Fellay did more for the society than +Archbishop Lefebvre (did). When Bishop Fellay betrayed +Archbishop Lefebvre. And now his four bishops basically have all been corrupted.

So this is very pertinent to what this bishop is saying right here. It's very pertinent.

“Other bishops and priests love The Revolution as an ideal cause.” So they're all for Vatican II,  the New Mass, modernism evolution. “They propagated and collaborate with it. They persecute and speak evil of the adversaries of the revolution and hinder their apostolate.”

So isn't this happening with the fake resistance trying to stop the true resistance from growing? And I can give dozens of examples, but just one was as simple as holy oils. You know, I was told by Bishop Williamson, no holy oils unless you publicly promote with examples, the Novus Ordo Eucharistic Miracles. So sorry, that's persecuting the apostolate of the adversaries of the revolution.

And Father Ruiz has suffered much also from Bishop Williamson and from the fake resistance priests.

“Very many pastors keep silent”, he says.

And that's the modern Novus Ordo church. They're all silent in the fake resistance. They're all silent against the errors, against compromise, against the Doctrinal Declaration of 2012 signed by Bishop Fellay and the leaders, and never condemned, never retracted. So why is everybody keeping silent? “Others assimilate the errors and spirit of the revolution and encourage the spirit openly or covertly in the same way as the pastors did in the time of Jansenism.”

So in some way, all the clergy are just going along with it. And this is what's happening. It's still happening.

At the time of Vatican II, most of the bishops and clergy went with The Revolution. The only real voice was +Archbishop Lefebvre and Bishop de Castro Mayer. And then in the United States and Canada, we had over 100 independent priests who were great priests and fought for the faith. They were kicked out by their bishops, and they had to travel covering missions, and some of them just established their chapels, and people came to them.

But I could list a whole list of these great warriors, and they were good priests, and they all rallied around +Archbishop Lefebvre. When we were in the seminary, and Bishop Williamson was just freshly consecrated in 1988, a bishop, I was one of the sacristans, and we had to ship out the holy oils or hand them out by hand to be brought to independent priests. So many of the independent priests were supplied holy oils from the Society of Saint Pius X in its great days in 1988.

He goes on to say, “Those who fight against the errors suffer persecution from their colleagues and are labeled Integrists.”  So that was one of the labels on +Archbishop Lefebvre.

Oh, he's an integrist. That means he wants the entire social reign of Christ the King. Well, we are. We are integrists. That's right. And they called +Archbishop Lefebvre rebellious, renegade, disobedient, dissident, you name it, schismatic.

And that was by fellow bishops and priests and popes, like Archbishop St. Athanasius, who was persecuted by most of the bishops who were Arian heretics. And he had to run for his life six times. He was excommunicated by a weak pope who did sign a heretical document.

Now, that's a tough one for the Sedevecantists to swallow, but it's a historic fact. A pope signed a heretical document, and they are arguing (that) if he does anything or says any heresy or writes any heresy or signs it, he's automatically not pope. But the Church never said Pope Liberius was not pope, even after he signed that document.

He's considered a pope. So that's a strong argument against the Sedevecantist  position. And, you know, we're no, believe me, we're no worshippers of Pope Francis.

We disobey him, and we publicly oppose him. We recognize and resist. They don't like that position, but that was the position of Archbishop Lefebvre.

And it's well founded on Scripture. And we all know the Sedevecantists. They have good logical arguments, and a lot of them are very good priests and bishops, but they assume an authority to themselves which they don't have.

And in a way, it's a much tougher position to be where we are, which is (to) recognize this pope as pope, but oppose him and disobey his anti-Catholic orders. So here we go.

“Those who fight against the errors suffer persecution from their colleagues and are labeled Integrists. Seminarians filled with the ideals of the revolution come forth from the seminaries, even those in the holy city of Rome itself.”

So they all are believing in the ideas of the French Revolution, liberty of the press, separation of Church and state, the state should be neutral on matters of religion, all religions are so many paths to God. This is what he's talking about. That's The Revolution. This is our war.

“They call themselves Maritainists.” That's following Jacques Maritain, who was a great philosopher who went very modernist in his older age. “They call themselves disciples of Teilhard de Chardin”, the evolutionist. “They call themselves Catholic socialists and evolutionists. A priest who fights against the revolution is rarely made a bishop, but those who support it frequently are.”

So look at Father Paul Robinson in the Society. He's heavily promoting evolution and he's being elevated in rank. The liberals get promotions and the more so-called conservative priests now in the SSPX get put to the sidelines. And here's what this great Bishop Sigaud says, “In my opinion, the Church should organize throughout the world a systematic combat against the revolution.” And +Archbishop Lefebvre had to do this after the council.

“I do not know whether this will be done, but the revolutionaries themselves do not act otherwise.” And then he goes on to say, “Many of the Catholics do nothing. The poison permeates every country. People convoke reunions, they create the international and everywhere they use the same slogan, namely, that we must foment a revolution before others do so. It is thanks to the callous default of Catholics that The Revolution is kept in existence. In my humble opinion, if the council is to produce any solitary effects, it must first consider the state of the Church, which suffers a Good Friday, as Pope Pius XII stated to the young people of Italy, being given over without defense to her enemies. One has to realize there is a war to the death going on against the Church in every place. We must recognize the enemy, discern his strategy of war and his tactics, and clearly examine his logic, psychology, and dynamics so that we may understand with certainty every single battle in this war and organize and implement our opposition wisely.”

Now, here's a bishop that has his finger on the pulse. And it's too bad he died early because he would have been a great companion with +Archbishop Lefebvre.

“The enemy and the blindness of Catholics. For six centuries running, the relentless enemy of the Church and of Catholic society has preserved in mortal combat. Marching forward steadily and systematically, it has overthrown and destroyed nearly all of the Catholic order that is the city of God and has made an attempt to build the city of man in its place. The name of the city is Revolution.”

So Christ the King, he is waged war against by the city of Satan, the city of man, which Vatican II well represents. The city of man is opposed to the city of Christ the King in every aspect. And now in modern politics, it's all pro-abortion, pro-sodomite, pro-euthanasia, pro-assisted suicide, pro-in-vitro fertilization, which leads to more abortions and killing of babies. And everything pro-revolution that the laws of God, the popes have always condemned. So it's a war between these two cities.

“The revolution wants to build an order of human life, a society, and a humanity that is devoid of God.” Kamala Harris, she's just going to fast forward this program.

“Without the church, without Christ our Lord, without revelation, divine revelation, solely built on human reason, sensuality”, pornography, and fornication, and contraception, and adultery, this has all become normal in our society today. “Cupidity”, which is greed, “and pride”, pride and vanity.

“To attain this, it is necessary to attack at the roots, to pull down everything, and to replace the Catholic Church.” So this is their war. They want to destroy the Catholic Church.

“This enemy is very bold now, because he is confident of his victory in the near future. And yet, many Catholic priests disdainfully reject these considerations as the dreams of unbalanced imaginations.”

So anyone who preaches against this, oh, he's unbalanced. He's looking too deeply into things. He's following (the) Archbishop, he’s a Lefebvrist, or he's read too much of Father Dennis Fahey, or he's following these old popes who are dusty and in their graves.

This is a new era, a new age, a new time. That's how the communists speak. We have to get rid of the old world and bring in the new. Joseph Stalin spoke that way and got rid of the bishops, priests. Hundreds and hundreds of them were martyred and sent to Siberia. Nuns just massacred, and the killing of millions of Catholics under his, in his own country, and in Ukraine as well. Over seven million starved out in Ukraine in just one winter.

And the first ones they got rid of were the bishops who were like this bishop and +Bishop Lefebvre, warning the faithful, don't go with Communism, oppose any compromise of the Catholic faith, don't believe in the lies of Communism. That's why they imprisoned Cardinal Mindszenty for 14 years in Hungary. He was warned, stop talking about Communism, stop condemning it. So they kidnapped him in the middle of the night.

And so this is very important, what we're covering here with this great bishop.

“And yet many Catholic priests call them unbalanced imaginations. They act like the people of Constantinople during the years which preceded the city's disaster”, the sacking of the city of Constantinople. “They are blind and do not want to see the danger.”

And he talks about the two great enemies that Father Dennis Fahey talks about, the visible enemies of the church, which are Freemasonry, which Trump is working very closely with, and the Judaism, the synagogue of Satan, the synagogue of Satan.

“Freemasonry, the eyes of the whole council should be turned towards the Freemasons. At Vatican II, not one word of the Freemasons. They were never condemned. The words of the sovereign pontiffs declaring their philosophy, opposed to revelation, and denouncing them as the main weapon of the implacable war against Catholic society are still valid. After two centuries, we have before us the results of what Pope Clement XII indicated had been the program of this sect. Some elements of this program are still lacking, but are presently being pushed with great intelligence, perversity, energy, and logic, and they are coming to pass at a brisk pace.”

“Little now lacks in the construction of the city of man. How many years will be granted to the Church in the meeting of the kings of the earth? How many years will it take to impose the New World Order on the world and the faithful?”  So, here he is. He's already talking about the New World Order, and it was President Bush who was the one who publicly pushed and glorified and highlighted the New World Order.

And it was Saint Pius X who mentions this in his condemnation of modern democracy, our apostolic mandate. He condemns and talks about the One World Order. And Pope Francis, of course, is working hand in hand with the globalists, all building the kingdom for the antichrist.

And then here he says, “Worldwide conspiracy. I would like to bring to your attention very serious evidence which shows the worldwide conspiracy against the Catholic order and its imminent victory, unless God miraculously saves the Church and is preparing for us such a miracle by our ceaseless effort. It is the one dollar bill of the United States of America.”

This is what he says. What's on the dollar bill? It's all Freemasonic symbolism, the Novus Ordo Saeculorum, the new order of the ages.

“What do we see if we look closely at this little piece of paper, the American dollar bill? Within a circle on the left, we see a pyramid of polished and square stones rising from a vast uncultivated field. The meaning of this symbol is given in the Latin inscription, which translates New World Order, novus ordo saeculorum. This pyramid signifies the new humanity composed of men esteemed by the Freemasons, whose symbol is the polished stone into which the men created by God are transformed by the great architect of the universe. The base of the pyramid indicates the foundation of this new world order, 1776, the year of the birth of the Republic of the USA.”

And then he says here, “The USA and the New World Order. The USA is therefore the basis for this new Masonic humanity. Still lacking a few stones, the New World Order is not yet complete, but nearly so. Eventually, the work will certainly be completed since on top of the pyramid is signified the so-called God, not the father of Jesus Christ, but a Gnostic God, the architect, represented by an eye within a triangle. We are fully in the domain of Gnostic-Manichean Dualism, which is the theological basis of the Freemasonic sect. This so-called God gives his approval to their enterprise, as may be read above the pyramid. He praises their work, approves of new things which are to begin, and is in agreement. This allegory is quite clear. For us, the legitimate New World Order was founded by our Lord Jesus Christ 1,959 years ago.”

“The New Order in question here was started in 1776 and is a construction which is contrary to created nature.”

Pretty powerful. And then he warns about, quoting Pope Leo XIII, the works of Freemasonry.

Then he says, “Communism is another enemy of the Catholic Church. The Masonic sect gathers together the Bourgeois. The communists gather together the Proletariat. The aim of each group is identical, a socialistic society, rationalistic, without God and without Christ. The two movements have one common head, International Synagogue of Satan.”

And here he talks about the Synagogue of Satan.

“One, we condemn all persecution of Jews for their religion or for ethnic reasons. The Church is against the so-called anti-Semitism.”

Right, I mean, we pray for the Jews. We're polite to them. There's no problem. Pius XII rescued many Jews in World War II, and he converted one of the head Rabbis in Rome and baptized him. It was a huge victory, but they hated him for it. So obviously, it's Catholics (who) have no problem with Jews as an ethnic people, and we pray for their conversion. But two, listen to this.

“Two, but the Church cannot ignore the facts of the past and the clear affirmations of international Jewry. The heads of this Jewry have for centuries conspired methodically and out of an undying hatred against the Catholic name and the destruction of the Catholic order. And for the construction of a worldwide Jewish empire.”

Now you wonder why Trump is in the pocket of Israel. This is what Masonic sects, S-E-C-T-S.

“This is what Masonic sects and the communists stand for: Money, media, and international policies are for a large part in the hands of the synagogue of Satan. Although the synagogue of Satan are the biggest Capitalists and should, on that account, be the greatest adversaries of the Russians and the Communists, they do not fear them. On the contrary, they help them.”

“Those who have revealed the atomic secrets of the USA were part of the synagogue of Satan. Fuchs, Goels, Greenglass, and Rosenberg, the founders of Communism, were part of the synagogue of Satan. They are the promoters, organizers, and bankers. This is the reality. Should this foster hatred? No. But with vigilance and clarity, we should launch a systematic and methodical onslaught of the enemy of man whose secret weapon is hypocrisy, the leaven of the Pharisees.”

Wow! So, this is pretty hard-hitting. And this is 1959. I'll bet you most of the bishops, certainly the American ones and the Canadian ones, thought he was off his rocket, talking like this. But he had his finger right on the pulse. And then he talks about the whole efforts for the one world government, the revolution progressing.

“And they work to do this, to build an atheistic society and destroy the Catholic society. They promote sensuality”, pornography, fornication, adultery, “and pride.”

And that's what the devil uses. Sensuality and pride. Sensuality and pride. And avarice, the greed for the things of this world.

“While our Lord, he wants us to follow him in self-denial, to be pure in our thoughts, pure in our actions”, self-denial, self-sacrificing-wives accepting the cross of the home life and children- carry that cross out of love for our Lord. Husbands, be devoted to their wives and cherish them. That's the sacrifice. And that sacrifice is fruitful and good. And take the children God sends and Christ demands of us humility. “Learn of me, for I am meek and humble of heart.”

And our Lord wants us to imitate his poverty, which is to be detached from this world. Use this world what you need. Use it as if you used it not.

“The spirit of poverty. These violent passions of sensuality are manipulated for a precise purpose and subjected to the iron discipline of their leaders in order to utterly destroy the city of God and build the city of man. These passions accept totalitarian tyranny and endure poverty for the purpose of building the order of the Antichrist.”

“A central government directs the whole process with energy and great intelligence. This is a human dynamo, which is an instrument of Satan himself. What one calls politics of the right, such as Fascism and National Socialism, were themselves spearhead movements against the Church of Christ.”

And then he calls here, “Catholics must organize against this enemy. We must combat them, fight them with an organized and well-ordered army of working with the Pope, the bishops, the priests, and all the faithful and the religious orders.” This is what he's calling for.

And had the Pope consecrated Russia, this is what would have happened. But they ignored Our Lady.

And then he talks about the Syllabus of Errors here: “The syllabus is the providential list of the pernicious errors of our day, and it retains all of its timeliness. The Syllabus of Errors of Pius IX, it needs, however, to be completed, one, by the inclusion of the new errors of our time, two, by a practical organization of resistance against such errors and their defenders, both outside and within the Church. It seems to me that this practical and organized combat has been lacking.”

“Defenders of these errors and those imbued with the spirit condemned by the syllabus have been promoted to positions of responsibility within the Church.”So “in the seminaries, you will find teachers who spread the errors and who are filled with the love of The Revolution.” So they put, as Father Gommar DePauw used to say, the communists realized, since the Catholics, since the priests won't become communists, communists will become priests. And they infiltrated the Church. And Bella Dodd told Bishop Sheen, they had sent over a thousand agents into the American seminaries.

“Priests who remain neutral in this combat are being promoted.” So all the liberal priests and the neutral ones, they're all being promoted. “Those who openly fight against the revolution are dismissed from their responsibilities.”

So +Archbishop Lefebvre saw Father Leflocq dismissed from the French seminary in Rome.

They got rid of him, and he was really heavily pushing the encyclicals of the popes in the reign of Christ the King. And out of that seminary came many good bishops, such as +Archbishop Lefebvre. So they got rid of him.

“Those who openly fight against the revolution are dismissed from their responsibilities. They often suffer persecution and are forbidden to speak. They're silenced. The pastors do not chase the wolves from their flocks and keep the dogs from barking. I have already found one monstrosity of this kind. I am a Maritainist Priest, or I am a Maritainist Bishop.”

Maritain. Today they would say I'm a Vatican II Priest or Vatican II Bishop. And he talks about modern democracy, and then he goes on about the lesser evil is always an evil.

So the talk about lesser evil to vote for Trump or Kamala Harris, you got to vote for the lesser evil. Father Rippinger was promoting this idea, and he explained it, but I think he's wrong on that point. I think he's wrong, and Pope Francis, of course, is very wrong.

So we can't vote for these characters who are pro-abortion at all. And then he talks about the means of corruption that the revolution uses at the practical cultural level. He talks about dancing.

“It seems to me that dances in which the men embrace the women are to be categorically condemned. Likewise, modern dances such as rock and roll and other similar dances should be formally and universally forbidden to Catholics. The Church should discourage what are called balls or parties”, I guess, rock and roll parties, “which are a sensual and exclusive cult of the body.”

So he's talking about these corrupt dances that are very sensual. Of course, there are traditional Catholic cultural dances that are not sensual, like the Ukrainian dance, the Polish polka. Those things are not corrupt, but it's the corrupt dancing that should be condemned.

“Fashions, as far as the countries of the Western civilizations are concerned, objective norms could be given for feminine attire.”

And Pius XI did this. He gave the five conditions for the modest dress.

He condemned “the swimsuits for women that are called bikinis should absolutely be condemned. The same for two-piece swimsuits of those that leave their backs bare.”  Wow.

So you never hear this. “Beauty contests”, he says, “should be condemned.” And then anyone, any Catholic should participate in them should be excommunicated.

Why? Because he says “it's just parades of the human flesh. American bishops should refuse the sacraments to these people. Movies and vice of pleasure-seeking is promoted. The Church's position with regard to the cinema is expressed in pontifical documents. But in practice, certain scandals do happen.”

So he talks about the use of movies and the parish theater, and he says these things aren't good. They just induce dissipation. Because in the 30s and 40s, they would have a parish movie, but it could easily downslide because of original sin. So what would he say today about internet and all that? So books, he calls for the condemnation of bad books. Of course, the church has always done that.

“The Protestant errors entering into the Catholic ranks and the need for the counter-revolutionary resistance.” There it is, the Catholic resistance.

So that is the call of Christ the King. This is what we are called to be saints, to follow our Lord: “Who wishes to follow Me, let him deny himself, pick up his cross daily and follow Me.”

Humility, “Learn of me, I am meek and humble of heart.”

Poverty, we see our Lord born in the cold night of Bethlehem, and how he died poor on the cross.

So to follow our Lord and follow the combat of all the great popes of Catholic tradition.

So the One World Order, the city of man is spreading and Communism is just the daughter of these two, Freemasonry and the synagogue of Satan.

So that's our battle, gentlemen.

That is our battle. So make this meditation, asking our Lord, Lord, say with St. Paul, “Lord, here I am. What do you want me to do?” What do you want me to do?

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen.

Glory be to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end, Amen.

Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

St. Pius X, pray for us.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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RE: The Catholic Trumpet: ✝PRAEDICATIO✝ - by Stone - 09-24-2024, 02:45 AM

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