Thoughts of the St. Cure of d'Ars (St. John Mary Vianney)
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It is confidence which God looks for from us above all things.  When we have
entrusted our interests to Him alone.  His justice and goodness are pledged to aid us.
- Precept (M.)
If when we are ill, our recovery will contribute to the glory of God and the good of our
soul, He who healed so many when He was on earth, will certainly heal us.  If on the
contrary, the illness is more advantageous to us, He will instead give us the strength
to suffer.       -  Sermon on Hope
WITH the Holy Spirit, we see everything in its true proportions; we see the greatness
of the least actions done for God, and the greatness of the least faults. 
- Catechism on the Holy Spirit (Sp.)
To content His love, He must needs give Himself to us separately, one by one.
- Sermon for the Feast of Corpus Christi.
VERY few people . . . invite Jesus Christ to their wedding; on the contrary, they seem
to do all they can to keep Him away.
-  Sermon on Marriage.
THE way to destroy bad habits is by watchfulness and by doing often those things
which are opposites to one's besetting sins.
- On Amendment (P.)
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WE all make wonderful promises to God so long as nobody says anything to us,
and all goes well . . .
-  Sermon on Afflictions.
OFTEN repeat during the day:  "My God, have pity on me," like a child who says
to its mother:  "Give me a piece of bread, give me your hand, kiss me."
-  Precept (J.V.)
ALTHOUGH the good God does not allow us to see Him, He is nonetheless 
present in the Blessed Sacrament; nonetheless ready to grant us all we ask.
-  Sermon for Corpus Christi.
He who, in repenting of his sins, thinks only of God, has the truest contrition.
- On Contrition (P.)
GOD commands you to pray, but He forbids you to worry.
- On Keeping Sunday (E.)
WHEN we leave the holy banquet of Communion, we are as happy as the wise
men would have been if they could have carried away the Infant Jesus.
- Catechism on Frequent Communion (Sp.)
WHAT will convert X will be the sanctity of your own life!
- Counsel (M.)
LET us pray to the Blessed Virgin, and she will go with us on the road to Heaven.
- On Our Lady (C.)

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RE: Thought of the St. Cure of Ars (St. John Mary Vianney) - by Hildegard of Bingen - 01-17-2021, 03:12 PM

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