A Golden Treatise of Mental Prayer by St. Peter Alacantara

He was so well versed in the Holy Scripture, that for the most part, he could repeat it without book, and in explicating it, he was so clear, and withal so moving, that one might judge his learning to be rather supernaturally infused in prayer, than naturally gotten by the ordinary means of study, for he quickly learned what he was taught, seeing he had the Holy Ghost for his master. He wrote some spiritual works, wherein he had a special gift from Almighty God, both to direct those who tend to perfection, in their journey towards heaven, as also to inflame their wills to aspire to that eternal good. In this particular science, he was chiefly eminent, and wrote profitable and learned tracts of this matter.

He had such a rare gift in preaching, such invective against sin, and withal so comfortable to those who were pulling their feet out of the snare of vices, that Almighty God was pleased to work by his means many wonderful effects in the souls of his auditory.

In the city of Abula there was a young gentleman who was given up to, and as it were buried in all the sports and vanities of this wicked world: but especially in the wild and pernicious love of wanton women. Coming in his pomp upon a festival day of that place, he by chance met the holy father; and, when he understood from his companions the quality and sanctity of him, he went towards him, with others, to salute him with great respect, and withal begged his prayers, but God knoweth with what intention, for he still obstinately remained in his filthy desires. But the holy father in his sermon touched the sore of his soul unto the quick, (yet not revealing any person) insomuch that the Holy Ghost did so work with him, that this prodigal child understanding the father was to go away from that place the next day, made haste to get pen and ink to write his sins, the next day cometh to the father and saluteth him, giving him a long[1] scroll of his sinful life, and desired him for the love of God, that he would vouchsafe to pray for him, that God would have mercy upon his soul, and that he would not punish him for ever according to his deserts.

The holy father received his paper, and promised that he would pray for him. So each departed their way. But he had scarce turned his back, but the father earnestly begged of Almighty God his conversion, of which he was presently sensible; for, before he came home, the spirit of God did so inflame him, that he abjured his former conversation, and loathed the pleasures that before he loved so much, and being returned to his house, flung off his brave clothes, tore his chain from his neck, and vested himself in mean and country clothes, without any shame of appearing to all the world, all admiring the sudden change of the right hand of the Most High; and, as afterwards, he lived well, persevering to the end, so he died happily. He dispersed his patrimony amongst the poor, and built many monasteries and hospitals, as testimonies of his conversion.

He had such efficacy in his preaching, that many common women, drawn with the sweetness of his spirit, changed their sordid and base habits of living, into holy and pious conversation. Others, as well of the nobility, as amongst the meaner sort of people, renouncing all pleasures for the love of Jesus, shrouded themselves in cloisters, where they might be secure from the contagion of worldly vanities. And many consecrating their virginity to their celestial spouse, like lilies amongst thorns, persevered in the open world amidst the dangers thereof, with immoveable constancy.

1. The young man out of humility, manifested his sins to the holy father out of the sacrament of confession.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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RE: A Golden Treatise of Mental Prayer by St. Peter Alacantara - by Stone - 02-23-2025, 05:30 AM

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