Thoughts of the St. Cure of d'Ars (St. John Mary Vianney)
Page 18
THE Apostles reflect Jesus Christ's zeal and love for souls.
- Sermon for the Feast of All Saints.
OH, how I like those little mortifications that are seen by nobody!
- Catechism on the Cardinal Virtues (Sp.)
IF your religion is called in question by others, listen to what is said,
but take no notice whatever of their criticism and laughter.  Be sorry
for those people . . . and say a prayer for them.
- Sermon on Confirmation.
We may offer ourselves as victims during a week or a fortnight for the
conversion of sinners.  We suffer from heat or cold; we deprive
ourselves of looking at something or going to see someone which
would give us pleasure; we make a novena; we hear Mass every day
of the week for this intention . . . .
- Zeal of M. Vianney (Sp.)
GRIEVE over the contempt cast upon Jesus Christ in the Blessed
Sacrament, and try to make amends for it by a greater and more
ardent love.
- Eucharistic Meditation 20.
WHEN we give alms, we should think that we are giving Our Lord,
and not to the poor.  We often think we are relieving a poor person,
and we find it is Our Lord.
- Love of the Cure d'Ars for the Poor (Sp.)

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RE: Thought of the St. Cure of Ars (St. John Mary Vianney) - by Hildegard of Bingen - 01-20-2021, 08:51 PM

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