Catholic Signs and Symbols

ANT: Christian industry.

APE: In art it depicts malice.

ASS: Humility. Patience. Animal of the poor.

BASILISK: A fabled creature, based on Psalm 91:13: naming four animals for the Antichrist. These were interpreted by St. Augustine as four aspects of the Devil, who was trodden down by the triumphing Christ. Although a well-established symbol, and often represented in the Middle Ages, the basilisk rarely appears in Italian paintings of the Renaissance.

BAT: Night. Desolation.

BEAR [wild]: Cruelty and evil influence. In the Old Testament it represented the kingdom of Persia.

BEAR [tame]: Christianity.Typical is the life of St. Euphemia, who, when thrown to wild animals in the arena, was shown honor by a bear who appeared tame, and would not eat her.

BEE: Tireless activity. Regal power. Chastity.  Also associated with St. Rita of Cascia.

BIRDS: Symbol of the "winged soul." Many artists have the Child Jesus holding a bird in His hand.

BLACKBIRD: The black feathers and melodious song represented the temptation of sin. Tradition tells us that one day when St. Benedict was praying the Devil appeared to him in the form of a blackbird which tried to divert him from his devotions. St. Benedict was not fooled: he made the Sign of the Cross and the Devil departed in haste.

BULL: Depicts strength; sometimes St. Sylvester is shown with a bull at his feet because he brought back a dead bull to life. If the bull is made of brass, this is a symbol of St. Eustace who was Martyred with his family by being encased in a brass bull under which a fire was ignited.

BUTTERFLY: Resurrection of Christ.

CAMEL: Represents the virtue of temperance because he can go a long time without water. Also a sign of royalty in the Old Testament. Camel's hair is one of the the symbols of St. John the Baptist.

CAT: Symbolizes laziness and lust generally because of its indolent habits, although the cat is a symbol of good, for instance, when it is shown with the Virgin because tradition has it that a cat gave birth to a litter of kittens in the stable at Bethlehem. Several Annunciation images portray the Virgin Mary with a little cat near her feet.

CENTAUR: This mythic animal, part horse, part man is a symbol of St. Anthony Abbot because a mysterious animal appeared to him to point the way to reach St. Paul the Hermit in the desert.

COCK: Because the cock crows early in the morning, it symbolizes vigilance, but when depicted in a painting of St. Peter, it signifies his denial of Jesus Christ and subsequent repentance. Thus the cock is now a symbol of the Passion. [John 13:38]

CRANE: Vigilance. Loyalty and good works. Good order in monastic life. It is thought that at night some cranes maintain watch for the others.

CROCODILE: Hypocrisy.

Messages In This Thread
Catholic Signs and Symbols - by Elizabeth - 01-21-2021, 12:25 PM
RE: Catholic Signs and Symbols - by Elizabeth - 01-24-2021, 04:17 PM
RE: Catholic Signs and Symbols - by Elizabeth - 02-02-2021, 10:55 PM
RE: Catholic Signs and Symbols - by Elizabeth - 02-16-2021, 11:10 AM
RE: Catholic Signs and Symbols - by Elizabeth - 03-11-2021, 11:54 PM
RE: Catholic Signs and Symbols - by Elizabeth - 03-13-2021, 11:06 PM
RE: Catholic Signs and Symbols - by Elizabeth - 03-14-2021, 01:41 PM
RE: Catholic Signs and Symbols - by Elizabeth - 03-18-2021, 08:35 PM

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