Thoughts of the St. Cure of d'Ars (St. John Mary Vianney)
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THAT which above all should inspire us with veneration
for the holy Angels is their unswerving loyalty to God.
- Sermon on the Guardian Angels.
HUMILITY is like a pair of scales; the lower one side falls,
the higher rises the other.  Let us humble ourselves like the
Blessed Virgin and we shall be exalted.
- Notre-Dame d'Ars, Meditation 19.
ONE ought always to be ready to give up one's own will
to do what God wants . . .
- On Mortifying Self-Will (C.)
THE good chief gave Jesus Christ all that he could give Him . . . .
- Sermon on the Mass.
OUR Lord is hidden in the Blessed Sacrament, waiting for us to
come and visit Him . . . .  See how good He is!  If he had appeared
before us now in all His glory, we should not have dared to approach
Him; but He hides Himself like one in prison, saying:  "You do not see
Me, but that does not matter; ask Me for all you want . . . ."
-  Eucharistic Meditation 19.
THERE are two ways of uniting ourselves with Our Lord . . . . prayer and the Sacraments.
- On the Joys of the Interior Life (Sp.)

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THERE are some people who, under an exterior of piety, take offence at the slightest insult . . . The way to
overcome the devil when he excites feelings of hatred against those who injure us, is immediately to
pray for their conversion.
- Sermon on Charity (M.)
GOD has created my heart only for Himself.  He asks me to give it to Him that He may make it happy.
- Eucharistic Meditation 27.
JESUS on the Cross said to the disciple whom He loved:  "Behold your mother!" How sweet are those
words to the Christian who is able to understand what depths of love they contain!
- Notre-Dame d'Ars, Meditation 8.
HOW mistaken is he toils on Sunday with an idea that he is  making more money or doing more work.
Nothing can ever compensate for the injury one does to oneself by breaking the law of God.
- On the Keeping of Sunday (M.)
PEOPLE say it is too much trouble to save one's soul; but does not striving after honors or riches
involve trouble?
- Of Salvation (Sp.)
LIVE on Him that you may live for Him.
- Of Holy Communion (M.)

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RE: Thoughts of the St. Cure of d'Ars (St. John Mary Vianney) - by Hildegard of Bingen - 01-23-2021, 03:45 PM

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