Thoughts of the St. Cure of d'Ars (St. John Mary Vianney)
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OFTEN in the course of the day, ask for the light of the Holy Ghost.
- Thoughts on the Interior Life (Sp.)
AH!  if only God saw in us the same humility and self-abasement as He
saw in the Centurion who said to Him:  "Lord, I am not worthy that Thou
shouldst come under my roof,"  with what pleasure and with what
abundance of graces would He not come into hearts!
- On Considerations during Mass (E.)
IT is by battles against Hell and by resistance to temptations
that we give God proofs of our love.
- Sermon on Temptation (Sp.)
OUR greatest cross is the fear of crosses.
- Catechism on Suffering (M.)
IF you find it impossible to pray, hide behind your good Angel and
charge him to pray in your stead.
- Eucharistic Meditations.
WE must be like the shepherds in the fields during the winter.  They have
a fire, but from time to time they search about for sticks to keep it alive.
If we knew how to keep up the fire of the love of God in our heart by
prayers and good works, it would not go out.
- Catechetical Illustration from Nature (D.)

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O MY child, use your voice always for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.
- Of the Gift of Speech (M.)
ST. IGNATIUS, lying wounded in a Hospital, began to read the lives of the saints.
On learning what conflicts they hadbeen through and with what courage they had fought for
God, he saidto himself; "Now, why can'tI do what these Saints have done?Have I not the same
God who will help me to fight, the same Heaven to hope for,and the same Hell to fear?"
- On Devout Practices (E.)
If we love someone very much, is it necessary that we should see him in order to think of him?
- Counsel (T.)
SOMETIMES, temptations are useful in making us recapture our lost sense of the
Presence of God by means of an act of love or aspiration.
- On Temptations (C.)
THE grace of God helps us to walk and supports us.  He is as necessary to us
as crutches are to a lame man.
- The Cure d'Ars in his Catechisms (Sp.)
THE Blessed Virgin's life was full of sorry . . . .
Every time her tender glance fell upon her Divine Son, she suffered . . . .
- Sermon for the feast of the Nativity of Our Lady.

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RE: Thoughts of the St. Cure of d'Ars (St. John Mary Vianney) - by Hildegard of Bingen - 01-24-2021, 03:42 PM

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