January 27th - St. John Chrysostom
January 27 – St. John Chrysostom, Bishop & Doctor of the Church
Taken from The Liturgical Year by Dom Prosper Gueranger (1841-1875)

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Before our Emmanuel came upon this our earth, men were as sheep without a shepherd; the flock was scattered, and the human race was hastening on to perdition. Jesus would, therefore, not only be the Lamb that was to be slain for our sins; he made himself, moreover, a Shepherd, that so he might bring us all back to the divine fold. But, as He had to leave us when He ascended into heaven, he has provided for the wants of His sheep, by providing us with a succession of Pastors, who should, in His name, feed the flock, even to the end of the world. Now, instruction, which is the light of life, is what the flock of Christ needs above all other things; and therefore our Emmanuel required that the Pastors of His Church should also be Doctors of sacred science. The Pastor owes two things to His people; namely, the Word of God, and the Sacraments. He is under the obligation of dispensing, personally, and unceasingly, this twofold nourishment to his flock, and of laying down his very life, if needed, in the fulfilment of a duty, on which rests the whole work of the world’s salvation.

But, since the disciple is not above his Master, the Pastors and Doctors of the Christian people, if they are faithful in the discharge of their duties, are sure to be hated by the enemies of God; for they cannot spread the Kingdom of Christ, without, at the same time, taking from the power of Satan. Hence it is, that the history of the Church is filled with the persecutions endured by her Pastors and Doctors, who continued the ministry of zeal and charity begun by Christ upon the earth. These contests have been threefold, and gave occasion to three admirable victories.

The Pastors and Doctors of the Church have had to struggle with Paganism, which sought, by inflicting tortures and death, to oppose the preaching of the law of Christ. It was this sort of persecution which gave the Church such Saints as those whom we celebrate during this Season of Christmas – Polycarp, Ignatius, Fabian, Marcellus, Hyginus, and Telesphorus.

When the era of Persecution was over, the Pastors and Doctors of the Christian people had to engage with enemies of another kind. Kings and Princes became children of the Church, and then sought to make her their own slave. They imagined that it would serve their political interests to interfere with the liberty of the Word of God, which, like the light of the sun, was intended to be carried, without hindrance, throughout the whole earth. They usurped the priestly power, as did the Pagan Caesars, and presumed to set limits to the administration of those sources of life, which become corrupt as soon as they are touched by a profane hand. This usurpation gave rise to an incessant contest between the temporal and spiritual powers, and produced a second class of Martyrs. God has glorified his Church during this long period of struggle, and has given her, from time to time, a brave defender of ecclesiastical Liberty. We have met two of these champions of the Word and the holy ministry, during our Christmastide – Thomas of Canterbury, and Hilary of Poitiers.

But there is a third sort of battle in which the Pastors and Doctors of the flock of Christ have had to fight – it is the battle with the world and its vices. It began when Christianity began, and will continue to the day of Judgment. It was their courage in this battle, that made so many saintly Prelates be hated for the name of Jesus Christ. Neither their charity, nor their services to mankind, nor their humility, nor their meekness, protected them from ingratitude, spleen, calumny, and persecution. And, what was their offence? They had been faithful in their duty of preaching the doctrines of their Divine Master, of encouraging virtue, and of chiding the sins of men. The amiable Francis of Sales was as much disliked and even hated by bad men, as was John Chrysostom himself, whose triumph gladdens the Church to-day, and who stands near the Crib of his Lord, as one of the most illustrious Martyrs of pastoral duty courageously discharged.

Fervent in the service of his Saviour, even to the observance of the divine Counsels, (for he had embraced the monastic life) this golden-mouthed Preacher made no other use of his wonderful gift of eloquence than that of urging men to the observance of the virtues taught in the Gospel, and of reproving every vice. Satan sought to have his revenge against our Saint, by raising him many enemies. Among these, were an Empress, whose vanities and sins he had rebuked; men in power, whose wickedness he had held up to notice ; women of influence, who would have him preach a morality more in accordance with their own depravity; a Bishop of Alexandria, and certain Prelates of the Court, who were jealous of his virtues, and still more so of his reputation. He is exceedingly loved by his people – but, neither that nor his great virtues protect him from persecution. He whose eloquence had enraptured the people of Antioch, and won for him the enthusiastic admiration of the citizens of Constantinople, was deposed in a council convened for the purpose, his name was ordered to be cancelled from the diptychs of the Altar, notwithstanding the energetic protest of the Roman Pontiff; and, at length, he was condemned to exile, and died on the way, worn out by the hardships and fatigues he had to go through.

But, this Pastor, this Doctor, was not vanquished. He said, in the midst of all his persecutions, “Wo is unto me if I preach not the Gospel!” (1 Corinthians 9:16) He made use, too, of those other words of the great Apostle: The word of God is not bound. (2 Timothy 2:9) The Church triumphed in him; she was more glorified and more consoled by the unflinching courage of Chrysostom, who was led into captivity for having preached the Gospel of Christ, than she had been by the success achieved by his eloquence, an eloquence which Libanius was heard to covet for his pagan Orators. Let us hearken to the thrilling words of Chrysostom, which he addressed to the Faithful immediately before his last banishment. He had been sent into exile once before; but a terrific earthquake happening immediately after his departure, and which was looked upon as sent by heaven to punish the authors of so crying an injustice – the Empress herself went, with tears in her eyes, to ask the Emperor to recall him. Accordingly, he was permitted to return. Shortly after, fresh occasions were sought for, and John is again sentenced to exile. He receives the intimation with all the calmness of a Saint, who knows that the whole Church is on his side. Let us study this glorious model of a Bishop trained in the school of our Jesus, who is, as the Apostle calls him, the Shepherd and Bishop of our souls? (1 Peter 2:25)

Quote:“Many are the waves, and threatening are the storms, which surround me; but I fear them not; for I am standing on the Rock. Let the sea roar; it cannot wash away the Rock: Let the billows mount as. they will; they cannot sink the bark of our Lord Jesus Christ. And tell me, what would you have me fear? Death? To me, to live is Christ; and to die, is gain (Philippians 1:21) Exile? The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof. (Psalm 23:1) Confiscation of my goods? We brought nothing into this world; and, certainly, we can carry nothing out. (1 Timothy 6:7) No – the evils of this world are contemptible, and its goods deserve but to be laughed at. I fear not poverty, I desire not riches; I neither fear to die, nor wish to live, save for your advantage sake. Your interest alone induces me to speak of these things, and to ask of you, by the love you bear me, to take courage.

“For, no one can separate us; no human power can part what God has united. It is said of husband and wife: Wherefore, a man shall leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and they shall be two in one flesh. (Genesis 2:24) Therefore, what God hath joined together, let no man put asunder. (Matthew 19:6) Thou canst not, O man, dissolve the nuptial tie – how hopest thou to divide the Church of God? It is she whom thou attackest, because thou canst not reach him whom thou fain wouldst strike. Thou makest me more glorious, and thou but wastest thy strength in warring against me, for it is hard for thee to ‘kick against the sharp goad. (Acts 9:5) Thou canst not blunt its point, and thou makest thine own foot bleed, just as the billows, when they dash against the rock, fall back mere empty froth.

Believe me, O man, there is no power like the power of the Church. Cease thy battling, lest thou lose thy strength; wage not war with heaven. When it is with man thou warrest, thou mayest win, or lose; but when thy fighting is against the Church, it is impossible thou shouldst conquer, for God is above all in strength. Do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? Are we stronger than he? (1 Corinthians 10:22) God founded, God gave firmness: who shall be so bold as to attempt to pull down? Knowest thou not His power? He looketh upon the earth, and maketh it tremble; (Psalm 103:32) He gives His order, and that which trembled is made firm again. If he made firm the City after an earthquake had shaken it, how much more could he not give firmness to the Church? The Church is stronger than heaven itself: Heaven and earth shall pass, but ray words shall not pass. (Matthew 24:35) What words? Thou art Peter; and upon this Rock will I build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. (Matthew 26:18)

If thou wilt not believe His word, believe facts. How many tyrants have sought to crush the Church? They had their gridirons, and fiery furnaces, and wild beasts, and swords – and all failed. Where are those enemies now? Buried and forgotten. And the Church? Brighter than the sun. All they had is now past; but her riches are immortal. If the Christians conquered, when they were but few in number; canst thou hope to vanquish them, now that the whole earth is filled with the holy religion? Heaven and earth shall pass, but ray words shall not pass. Wonder not at it; for the Church is dearer unto God, than the very heavens. He took flesh not from heaven, but from His Church on earth; and heaven is for the Church, not the Church for heaven.

Be not troubled at what has happened. I ask this favour of you – be firm in your faith. Have you not observed, that, when Peter was walking on the waters, and began to fear, he was in danger of sinking, not because the sea was rough, but because his faith was weak? Have I been raised to this dignity by human intrigue? Was it man that brought me to it, or can man now depose me? I say not this from arrogance or boasting; God forbid! I say it from the desire of calming your trouble.

The devil no sooner saw that your City was tranquillised, than he plotted how he might disturb the Church. Thou wicked and most impious spirit! thou couldst not throw down the walls of a City; and thinkest thou thou canst make the Church fall? Does the Church consist of walls? The Church consists of the multitude of the Faithful. Look at her pillars, and see how solid they are, fastened, not by iron, but by faith. Not only is the great multitude itself more vehement than fire, but even one single Christian would conquer thee. Hast thou forgotten the wounds thou receivedst from the Martyrs? Oftentimes the combatant was a tender maiden; delicate as a flower, yet firmer than a rock. Thou didst mangle her flesh, but her faith was proof against all thy tortures. Her blood fell as nature felt the wounds, but her faith fell not; her body was torn, but her manly soul flinched not; what was material was spoilt, what was spiritual was untouched. Thou couldst not vanquish one woman; and yet thou hopest to vanquish a whole people? Hast thou not heard these words of the Lord: Where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them? (Matthew 18:20) And thinkest thou, he will not be in the midst of a numerous people, united together by the ties of charity?

I have His pledge, and on that I trust, not on my own strength. I have His written promise. That is my staff, and my guarantee, and my tranquil port. What matters it to me if the whole world be upset – have I not His written word? have I not His letters? There is my rampart and there my defense. What letters? I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world. (Matthew 28:20) Christ is with me – of whom shall I be afraid? Though stormy billows should rise up against me, though the sea should open to swallow me, though the wrath of kings should be enkindled against me – I will heed them no more, than if they were so many spider’s webs. Had not my love for you kept me, I would have started this very day on my exile, for this is my constant prayer: ‘Lord! thy will be done; (Matthew 6:10) I will do thy will; not what such or such an one may will, but what thou wiliest/ This is my tower of strength, this is my firm rock, this is my trusty staff. If God will that I go, I will go. If he will me to remain here, I will give him thanks. Yea, whithersoever he wills me to go, I will bless His Holy name.” (Chrysostom – Homily before his exile)

What humility and courage in this saintly minister of Christ! What a consolation for the Church when God sends her men like this! He has given four to the Eastern Church: Athanasius, Gregory of Nazianzum, Basil, and Chrysostom. In spite of the immense dangers to which faith was exposed during the age in which they lived, these four Holy Doctors, by their sanctity, learning, and courage, kept it alive among the people. Athanasius and Gregory appear to us in that period of the Ecclesiastical Year, when the Church is radiant with her Easter joy, and celebrates the Resurrection of her Divine Spouse. Basil’s feast gladdens us in the season of Pentecost, when the Church is filled with the gifts of the Holy Ghost. Chrysostom comes at Christmastide, and adds to the joy of the dear Mystery of Bethlehem. Let us, the favoured children of the Latin Church, which alone has preserved the primitive faith, because Peter is with her – let us honour these four faithful guardians of Tradition: let us, to-day, pay the homage of our devotion to Chrysostom, the Doctor of the universal Church, the conqueror of the world, the dauntless Pastor, the successor of the Martyrs, the Preacher by excellence, the admirer of St. Paul, and the fervent imitator of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Roman Church, in the Lessons of today’s Office, thus speaks the praises of our Saint.

John, surnamed Chrysostom on account of his golden eloquence, was born at Antioch. Having gone through the study of the law and the profane sciences, he applied himself, with extraordinary application and success, to the study of the Sacred Scriptures. Having been admitted to holy orders, and made a Priest of the Church at Antioch, he was appointed Bishop of Constantinople, after the death of Nectarius, by the express wish of the Emperor Arcadius. No sooner had he entered upon the pastoral charge, than he began to inveigh against the licentious lives led by the rich. This his courageous preaching procured him many enemies. He likewise gave great offense to the Empress Eudoxia, because he had reproved her for having appropriated to herself the money belonging to a widow, name, Calliitropa, and for having taken possession of some land which was the property of another widow.

At the instigation, therefore, of Eudoxia, several Bishops met together at Chalcedon. Chrysostom was cited to appear, which he refused to do, because it was not a Council either lawfully or publicly convened. Whereupon, he was sent into exile. He had not been gone long, before the people rose in sedition on account of the Saint’s banishment, and he was recalled, to the immense joy of the whole city. But, his continuing to inveigh against the scandals which existed, and his forbidding the games held before the silver statue of Eudoxia, which was set up in the space opposite Sancta Sophia, were urged by certain Bishops, enemies of the Saint, as motives for a second banishment. The widows and the poor of the City bewailed his departure a that of a father. It is incredible how much Chrysostom had to suffer in this exile, and how many he converted to the Christian Faith.

At the very time that Pope Innocent the First, in a Council held at Rome, was issuing a decree, ordering that Chrysostom should be set at liberty—he was being treated by the soldiers, who were taking him in exile, with unheard of harshness and cruelty. While passing through Armenia, the holy Martyr Basiliscus, in whose Church he had offered up a prayer, thus spoke to him during the night: “Brother John! we shall be united together tomorrow.” Whereupon, on the following morning, Chrysostom received the sacrament of the Eucharist, and, signing himself with the sign of the cross, he breathed forth his soul to his God, on the eighteenth of the Calends of October (September 14th). A fearful hailstorm happened at Constantinople after the Saint’s death, and, four days after, the Empress died. Theodosius, the Son of Arcadius, had the Saint’s body brought to Constantinople, with all due honor, where, amidst a large concourse of people, it was buried on the sixth of the Calends of February (January 27th). Theodosius, while devoutly venerating the Saint’s relics, interceded for his parents, that they might be forgiven. The body was, at a later period, translated to Rome, and placed in the Vatican Basilica. All men agree in admiring the unction and eloquence of his sermons, which are very numerous, as indeed all his other writings. He is also admirable in his interpretation of the Sacred Scriptures, which he explains in their genuine sense. It has always been thought that he was aided, in his writings and sermons, by St. Paul the Apostle, in whom he entertained an extraordinary devotion.

The Greek Church, in her Menæa, honors the memory of her great Doctor with an enthusiasm which even her liturgy has seldom surpassed. We extract the following stanzas.
Die xiii Novembris
Tubam auream, divine flams organum, doctrinarum mare inexhaustum, Ecclesiæ firmamentum, mentem cœlestem, sapientiæ abyssum, craterem deauratum, diffundentem flumina dogmatum melliflua, irrigantia creationem, meloditer hymnificemus. 
Let us sweetly hymn the praises of Chrysostom, the golden trumpet, the divinely sounding organ, the exhaustless sea of doctrine, the pillar of the Church, the heavenly mind, the abyss of wisdom, the gilded vase, that pours forth the honeyed streams of dogma, which refresh the world.

Sidus inocciduum, radiis illuminans dogmatum omne subsolare, pœnitentiæ præconem, spongiam auratissimam humiditatem terribilis desperationis auferentem, et rorificantem cor peccatis consumptum, Joannem digne Chrysologum honoremus. 
Let us worthily honor John the Chrysologus, the unsetting star, that illumines with the rays of doctrine all nations under the sun; the preacher of penance, the golden sponge that takes away the clammy sweats of sad despair, and with refreshing dew revives the sin-worn heart.

Angelus terrenus et cœlestis homo, lyra bene loquens et multisonans, virtutum thesaurus, immobilis lapis, fidelium forma Martyrum æmulus, contubernalis sanctorum Angelorum, Apostolorum commensalis, in hymnis magnificetur Chrysostomus. 
Let Chrysostom be extolled in our hymns: he is the angel of earth and the man of heaven, a sweet and many-tuned harp, a treasury of virtues, an immoveable rock, a model of the Faithful, an imitator of Martyrs, a companion of the holy Angels, an associate of the Apostles.

Diffusa est gratia in labiis tuis, sancte Pater, Joannes Chrysostome; nam unxit te Deus sacerdotem populi sui, pascere gregem suum in sanctitate et justitia. Ideo cinctus gladio potentis, garrulitatem hæreseon emputasti, et nunc ne cesses deprecari ut pacificetur mundus, et salventur animæ nostræ. 
Grace is poured forth upon thy lips, O holy Father, John Chrysostom! for the Lord hath anointed thee priest of his people, to feed the flock in holiness and justice. Therefore, armed with the sword of strength, thou didst cut short the prattling of heresies: oh! cease not, now, to pray that the world may be in peace, and our souls be saved.

Aureis verbis tuis Ecclesia, tamquam auro mundo circumornata, Joannes Chrysostome, festive gaudens exclamat: Satiata sum tuis auriferis pascuis, et auriparibus ac mellauratis fluentis; et actione in contemplationem educor, per tuas exhortationes, et Christo, spiritali Sponso, unior, imperans cum eo. Ideo et nos congregati in tui memoriam clamamus: Ne fatigeris deprecari pro nobis ad salvandas animas nostras.
The Church, enriched with the pure gold of thy words, O Chrysostom! cries out to thee, on this thy holy feast. “I am nourished by thy golden pastures, and by the streams of thy rich honeyed words. By thy exhortations, I am led from action unto contemplation, and am united to Christ, the Spouse of my soul, that I may reign with him.” We, too, that are assembled to celebrate thy memory, cry out unto thee: Cease not to pray for us, that our souls may be saved.

Decebat Reginam urbium Joanne gloriari tamquam de ornatu regali et de aurea tuba, circumsonante per omnem terram salutaria dogmata, et omnes convocante ad concentum canticorum divinorum, ad quem clamamus: Chrysologe et Chrysostome, Christum deprecare salvari animas nostras. 
It was meet that the Queen of Cities should glory in her pontiff John, for he is her crown, and the golden trumpet, that makes the whole earth re-echo with the doctrines of salvation, and summons all men to keep choir in God’s praise. We, also, cry out to him: O Chrysologus! O Chrysostom! beseech our Lord that he give us salvation.

Gaude, orphanorum pater, injuste patientium magnum auxilium, pauperum largitio, esurientium cibus, peccatorum erectio, animarum soleritissime medice, theologiæ excelsæ accuratio, explanatio Scripturarum, Sancti Spiritus lex practicissima, theoria et praxis sapientiæ celsitudinis; Christum exora mittere animabus nostris magnam misericordiam. 
Rejoice, O thou father of the orphans, that unjustly suffer the great banishment! O treasury of the poor—food of the hungry—converter of sinners—most skilled physician of souls—accurate teacher of sublime theology—interpreter of the Scriptures—living law of the Holy Spirit—theory and practice of heavenly wisdom!—Oh! pray for us to our Lord, that he show unto us his great mercy.

Sol splendidissime, terram verbis illustrans factus es, sidus fulgidissimum, lampas præclara, fax per mare mundanum hyeme agitatos evocans ad portum salutis tranquillissimum, in charitate: auridice Chrysostome, legate animarum nostrarum.
Thou art a most brilliant sun, enlightening the earth by thy words—a most bright star—a shining lamp—a beacon, by thy charity, that calls into the tranquil haven of salvation them that are lost on the wintry stormy sea of this world—O golden-mouthed Chrysostom, thou advocate of our souls!

In tuo pastoratu, injusta perpessus es, Pater sancte, participans tribulationibus amaris exiliisque, in quibus dignatus es beato fine, tu qui, sicut athleta generosus, artificiosum inimicum superasti: ideo victoriæ diademate te Christus coronavit, Joannes Chrysostome, legate precum nostrarum. 
O holy Father! thou didst suffer most unjustly in the discharge of thy pastoral office, and wast made to drink of bitter tribulation and exile, wherein thou didst receive a blessed death, for, as a courageous soldier, thou didst overcome the crafty enemy. Therefore, O Chrysostom! ambassador of our prayers! thou didst receive from Christ the crown of victory.

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What a crown is thine, O Chrysostom! Oh! how glorious is thy name in the Church of both heaven and earth! Thou didst preach the gospel in truth, thou didst fight the battle of thy Lord with courage, thou didst suffer for the cause of justice, and thou didst give up thy life in defense of the liberty of God’s word. The applause of men did not make thee less stern in claiming the rights of God, and the gift of apostolic eloquence, wherewith the Holy Ghost had enriched thee, was but a feeble image of the divine fire which burned within thy heart, and which made thee love the Word Incarnate, Christ Jesus our Lord, more than thine own glory, or happiness, or life. Thou wast calumniated by wicked men; thy name was erased from the tablets of the holy altar; and, like thy divine Master, thou wast condemned as a criminal, and deposed from the episcopal throne. But, as well might men strive to eclipse the sun, as efface thy loved name from the memory of the Christian world. Rome defended thee, and has ever honoured thy admirable virtues, just as she now venerates thy sacred Relics, which repose near the tomb of the Prince of the Apostles. She and ail her children throughout the world consider thee as one of the most faithful dispensers of divine Truth.

Recompense the devotion we have for thee, O Chrysostom! by watching over us from heaven; instruct us, convert us, make us earnest Christians. Like thy beloved master St. Paul, thou didst care for no knowledge save that which would make thee know Christ Jesus – but, is it not in Christ Jesus that are hidden all the treasures of knowledge and wisdom? Teach us to know this dear Saviour, who has come down to us with all His infinite perfections; teach us to know His spirit; tell us how we may . please and imitate him; ask him to receive the offering of our faithful love. In one thing we resemble thee, great Saint! – we are exiles; but, alas! we are so often tempted to love our exile as though it were our home. Oh! detach us from this earth and its vanities. May we long to be united with thee, (as thou wast united with the Holy Martyr Basiliscus,) in order that we may be with our Jesus.

Faithful Pastor! pray for our Pastors; obtain for them thine own spirit, and pray that their flocks may be docile to their teachings. Bless the Preachers of God’s word, that so they may preach, not themselves, but Jesus Christ. Ask our Lord to give them that Christian eloquence which comes from the study of the Sacred Volume, and from Prayer; that thus, the Faithful may be allured to virtue by the charm of an unearthly language, and may give glory to God. Protect the Roman Pontiff, whose predecessor was thy sole defender; – may he ever be the protector of the Bishops of the Church, who are persecuted for justice sake. Pray for thy Church of Constantinople, which has forgotten thy faith and thy virtues. May she be raised from the degradation, in which she has been so long enslaved. May Jesus, the Eternal Wisdom, be appeased by thy prayers, and be mindful of his Church of Sancta Sophia, and purify it from profanation, and restore that altar whereon he was offered in sacrifice for so many ages. Show, too, thy love for the Western Church, which has ever revered and loved thee. Hasten the fall of the heresies which have so long laid waste large portions of her inheritance; dispel the dark clouds of incredulity, and obtain for us all, by thy powerful intercession, a lively faith and the fervent practice of every virtue.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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January 27th - St. John Chrysostom - by Elizabeth - 12-20-2020, 04:21 PM
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