Thoughts of the St. Cure of d'Ars (St. John Mary Vianney)
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THE heart of the Saints is as steadfast as a rock in the midst of the sea.
- On the Joys of the Interior Life (Sp.)
GOD made all the days of the week.  He might have kept them all, but
He has given you six and has reserved to Himself only the seventh.
- Conversion of the Village (S.)
THERE is nothing easier than to pray to God and nothing is more comforting.
- Catechism Notes (T.)
AH!  If only one would do as much for God as one does for the World! . . .
- Sermon on the Services of God.
THOSE who are led by the Holy Ghost have true ideas; that is the reason why
so many ignorant people are wiser than the learned.  The Holy Ghost is light
and strength.  When we are led by a God of strength and light, we cannot go astray.
- Catechism on the Holy Ghost (Sp.)
WHEN we are walking in the streets, let us fix our eyes on Our Lord bearing His
Cross before us; on the Blessed Virgin who is looking at us; on our Guardian
Angel who is by our side.
- Catechism on Self-Control (Sp.)

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YOU must close your heart against pride, sensuality, and all other
passions- just as one shuts doors and windows so that none may enter.
- Catechism on Purity (M.)
JESUS CHRIST expressly tells us that it is impossible to be for God and
the World at the same time, because when we want to please the one,
it means becoming the enemy of the other.
- Sermon on the World.
WHEN one loves anyone, it is a great happiness to have something of
theirs as a souvenir.  If we love our Mother, the Blessed Virgin, we
should make it both our duty and privilege to have one of her pictures
or statues in our home, which from time to time will remind us of her.
- On the Furniture of a Christian Home (F.)
WE listen to a sermon if we happen to like the preacher . . . We must
not act thus humanly.  It is not the shell we should look at.
- On the Word of God (M.)
A SAINT has told us that if we had the happiness of assisting often and
devoutly at Mass, we should have far more blessing -- spiritually --
and even for our temporal affairs.
- Sermon on the Mass.
ALL that we do without offering it to God is wasted.
- On Faith (C.)

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RE: Thoughts of the St. Cure of d'Ars (St. John Mary Vianney) - by Hildegard of Bingen - 01-30-2021, 03:41 PM

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