Treatise on The Spiritual Life by St. Vincent Ferrer
Treatise on The Spiritual Life By ST. VINCENT FERRER of the Order of Preachers


Perfection is more easily attained through the help of a director than by our own unaided efforts. (page 19-20)

      It is very certain that he who would arrive at perfection will attain it more easily and in a shorter space of time by the assistance of a director, who will guide him in everything, and to whom he must be obedient in the smallest matters, than if left to himself, however great may be the spirit of intelligence with which God has gifted him. Nay more: Jesus Christ will never bestow His grace – without which we can accomplish nothing – on him who, having a guide at hand, neglects this means, by persuading himself that he is well qualified to strike out for himself a path that will lead him to salvation Obedience is the royal road by which man can reach, without obstacle, the summit of that mystical ladder whereon the Lord is seen to rest. It is the road traversed by the Fathers in the Desert; and those, who, in a short time, have attained perfection, knew no other. If God, however, by a special grace, has Himself deigned to guide certain souls who were destitute of the means of direction, it was only to supply, by His bounty, the external helps that were wanting to them. He deals thus with souls who are united to Him with a humble and fervent heart. There are, doubtless, few to be found in these lamentable times to lead souls in the way of perfection. While, on the other hand, there are many who seduce from the path of virtue those who are desirous to follow it, but who have no one to direct them. It is needful, then, to have recourse to God with their whole soul, and to entreat Him with earnestness and humility to act towards them the part of a guide. Yes, they must throw themselves trustfully into the arms of His mercy, that this God Who desires not that anyone should perish, but that all should attain a knowledge of His truth, may in His clemency, receive them as orphans who have no father but Himself. To you, then, who yearn in the fullness of your hearts to find God, to you I address myself to you, who ardently sigh after perfection with a view to serve your neighbor; to you, in whom no guile is to be found, but who seek after God in the simplicity of your hearts; to you, who aim at what is most perfect in virtue; to you, in short, who desire to arrive, at eternal glory by the path of humility; to you, once more, I address myself.

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RE: Treatise on The Spiritual Life by St. Vincent Ferrer - by Hildegard of Bingen - 01-30-2021, 03:44 PM

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