Our Lady of Good Success Quito Ecuador

Fifth Apparition of Our Lady

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On February 2, 1610, at 1:30 o’clock, Mother Mariana was praying near the grille in the upper choir, meditating on the humility of Mary the Most Holy in the sublime mystery of the Purification. When she resolved to conclude her prayer and retire, suddenly she felt herself overcome by a joy intermixed with fear, and immediately saw herself in the presence of Our Lady of Good Success, who was looking at her with amiable severity without saying a single word.

To the worries of Mother Mariana, Our Lady said:
Quote: «Hard-hearted and long-delaying creature (...). With the making of my Statue, I will favour not only you and my Convent, but also the people – and the general public – through the centuries. Since this Convent is a fortress, it will bring salvation for many souls, drawing them from the abyss of sin in which they find themselves. God will be glorified in those souls. How many conversions it will bring about! Do you want to be responsible for the loss of so many souls by remaining deaf to my voice and command?».

«Beautiful Lady - responded Mother Mariana - your reprimand is most just and I receive it humbly before God. (...) but permit me to tell you my fears and request a grace, which, as a Mother, you will not be able to deny me. The fear that I present is this: since the people of this land are so inclined to idolatry, this might prove an occasion for them to deliver themselves to this practice. The grace that I ask is that you will hide my name so that only you, as the Sovereign and Queen that you are, might be glorified and I always hidden. Also, I ask that you give me your measurement once again, so that I can be certain at least of your height, since it would be impossible to represent your features, even if your holy stature were carved by the angelic spirits».

The Queen of Heaven responded:

Quote:«Beloved daughter of my heart, your humility pleases me. (...). Go as soon as possible to speak with the Bishop and tell him, on my part, what I ordered and told you at our last meeting. Make haste in commanding my Statue to be sculpted, for time is flying and only two years of life remain for the presently governing Bishop, who has been chosen to consecrate my Statue with holy oil and place it in the spot I have designated. Tell him, moreover, that in his final agony, we – I and you – will be there at his side to assist him in that final transit.

If he asks how you will come to find yourself there, tell him that nothing is impossible with God and His Most Holy Mother, for they are the absolute masters of all creatures. As for your request that your name be hidden, this pleases me, and I will do as you have asked. Tell the Bishop that it is my will and the will of my Most Holy Son that your name be hidden at all costs, both within as well as outside the cloister, for it is not fitting for anyone at the present time to know the details or origin of how this Statue came to be made. For this knowledge will only become known to the general public in the 20th century.

During that epoch the Church will find herself attacked by terrible hordes of the Masonic sect, and this poor Ecuadorian land will be agonizing because of the corruption of customs, unbridled luxury, the impious press, and secular education. The vices of impurity, blasphemy, and sacrilege will dominate in this time of depraved desolation, and that one who should speak out will be silent.

Know, beloved daughter, that when your name will become known in the 20th century, there will be many who will not believe, claiming that this devotion is not pleasing to God. But the great sufferings of my daughters – and yours – of this time will make a melodious concert of humility and hidden penance for my Most Holy Son and myself. The Divine Spouse and I, His loving Mother, and you also will watch over our daughters from Heaven and guide them on the correct path that leads to Paradise.

What will cause these favoured daughters the greatest pain will be the doubt of their own sisters, who will increase their sufferings, but also their merit. A simple, humble faith in the truth of my apparitions to you, my favoured child, will be reserved for humble and fervent should who are docile to the inspirations of grace, for our Heavenly Father communicates His secrets to the simple of heart, and not to those whose hearts are inflated with pride, pretending to know what they do not or infatuated with empty science. Do not worry about the features of my Statue, for it will be completed as I desire for the elevated ends for which this statue is destined. Now, hand me the end of the cord that you wear around your waist, the symbol of the purity of the spouse of the Divine Jesus, so that I might hold it to my forehead. Touch the other end to my right foot, and you will have the measurement of my height marked by the length of this cord».

Instantly, the humble religious, filled with confidence in and loving gratitude to the Blessed Virgin, took the cord that she wore around her waist and offered one of its ends to her Blessed Mother, while she touched the other end to the foot of Our Lady. The cord stretched as if it were elastic until it reached the height of the Queen of Heaven and Earth. When she raised her eyes to contemplate the forehead of Her Mother, she saw the Divine Child was standing and holding the end of the cord that touched the forehead of His Blessed Mother. (...). Then, extending His small, gracious hand, He handed the cord to Mother Mariana, saying: «My beloved spouse, here you have the measurement of the height of My Most Holy Mother that you desired. Conserve it reverently, for I desire that the many spouses I will have here throughout the centuries should measure themselves by it. The Measurement has already been given. And do you know how I desire that they be measured? I shall measure their humility, their silence, their charity, their patience, and their love for Me and My Blessed Mother, in Whom all should see themselves mirrored. And as Christians and, even more, as religious, I desire that they have My spirit in every act of their lives. My spirit is one of patience, meekness, abnegation, and total abandonment to the Divine will. Let them serve Me with diligence and disinterest, abandoning even their eternal happiness to the loving will of My Divine Heart (...)».

The following day, Mother Mariana started moving immediately to have the Statue of Our Lady of Good Success realized. She spoke with her spiritual director, Friar Juan of the Mother of God, and then with the Bishop of Quito who committed himself to have the Keys of the Convent made up, while the Crown was offered by the Chapter of the Cathedral. The sculptor Francisco del Castillo called to the Convent two days later, considered himself fortunate to make such work, and accepted the commitment. He left Quito immediately to find a special wood for the Statue. At the end of August, he came back to the Convent and started his work on September 15. As he sculpted the holy Statue, the sculptor seemed a man transformed, and he was often found working with tears streaming for his eyes. The Bishop visited the work from time to time and always He would leave quite moved. At the end of September, Mother Mariana called the Marquesa Maria de Yolanda, who took the assignment of having the gold Crosier made in Spain by her family. Known, then, of the measurement of the height of Our Lady of Good Success with the cord of the Abbess, the Marquesa asked the favor to see it. Received it in her hands, and just given it back, her left arm, inert since days as a consequence of a severe fall, was suddenly cured.

The Statue completed by the Angels

On January 16, the fervent religious arose in the early morning to pray the Little Office, as was the custom. As they drew near the choir, they heard distant refrains of melodious music. They hurried their steps to the upper choir, and there, wonder of wonders, they saw the whole choir enveloped in a celestial light and heard the resounding voices of Angels who, accompanied by celestial music, were intoning in sweet and enchanting harmony the Salve Sancta Parens.

The holy Statue had been finished by the Angels! From her face issued rays of intense light that diffused through the whole Choir and church. Little by little it became less brilliant so that the Sisters could draw near and contemplate more closely the miracle worked by God for His Convent and mankind with the angelic completion of the holy and venerable Statue. Haloed by this brilliant light, the physiognomy of the Statue was not severe, but majestic, serene, sweet, amiable, and attracting, as if she were inviting her daughters to approach their Heavenly Mother with confidence to give her a filial embrace of thanks-giving and welcome. The Divine Chid was a masterpiece. His countenance expressed love and tenderness for the spouses so beloved of His Heart and so dear to His Mother. (…). Overflowing with love of God and His blessed Mother, they recited the Little Office with redoubled fervour on that happy morning.

At the prearranged hour, Señor Francisco del Castillo after receiving Communion, arrived at the Convent to give the last coat to his great work. He brought with him the best and finest paint that he could find for that purpose. Mother Mariana and the Founding Mothers decided that they would have the sculptor enter the choir to verify what had taken place. Without telling him anything, they brought him into the cloister. Arriving at the choir, he looked at the Statue in astonishment and exclaimed with great emotion: «Mothers, what has happened? This magnificent Statue is not my work! I cannot express what my heart feels! This is an angelic work, for a work such as this could not be made on this earth by hands of mere clay. No sculptor, no matter how skilled he might be, could ever imitate such perfection and unique beauty». He fell to the feet of the holy Statue, his heart overflowing with sentiments of faith and piety while a flood of tears poured from his eyes. Then, rising, he asked for paper and ink so that he might draw up a written testimony swearing that this blessed Statue was not his work, but that of the Angels. In it, he testified that he had found the Statue different from the way he had left it in the upper Choir of that Convent, six days earlier.

The Bishop, informed of this miracle, went immediately to the Convent to personally see the marvel of the completion of the Statue and, after realizing this miraculous event, invited Mother Mariana to the confessional, to know from her what had really happened.

«Your Excellency – responded Mother Mariana – during the community prayer on the afternoon of the 15th. God Our Lord forewarned me that during the early morning hours of the 16th I would witness His mercy toward our Convent and mankind in general. He asked that I prepare myself to receive these graces with nocturnal penance and prayer. I did as I was ordered. At midnight, ending my prayer of the way of the Cross, I entered the choir.
As I made my customary prayer, I saw the choir and church become illuminated with celestial light. My spirit was lost in the immensity of God, and divine love expanded my small heart. Then, the Tabernacle opened, and I saw that in the Holy Host were the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. I saw the sublime mystery of the Incarnation of the Divine Word in the most pure womb of the Blessed Virgin take place. Then, I understood the infinite love of the Three Divine persons for Mary Most Holy, Our Lady, Who was present there, so magnificent, beautiful and captivating. The nine choirs of Angels sang praises to Her and rendered Her homage as their Queen and Lady. The Blessed Trinity manifested Their full satisfaction for this beautiful and holy Creature free from the stain of Original Sin.

At a gesture from the Most Holy Trinity, the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael came before the throne of the Divine Majesty, prepared and ready to carry out some sublime mission. I did not understand what order they had received, but I saw that, after bowing in profound reverence, they approached the throne of the Queen of Heaven. St. Michael, saluting Her dutifully, said: “Mary Most Holy, Daughter of God the Father; St. Gabriel, said: “Mary Most Holy, Mother of God the Son”; Saint Raphael, said: “Mary Most Holy, Pure Spouse of the Holy Ghost”. Then, joined by the celestial hosts, they intoned together: “Mary Most Holy, Temple and Sacrarium of the Most Holy Trinity”.

In an instant, swifter than a flash of lightning, this august trio was in the choir where the Statue was being made so that they might finish and illuminate it with heavenly splendour. My seraphic Father also appeared. From his wounded hands issued celestial rays which, without blinding my eyes, penetrated my heart and transported it to the heavenly spheres. Accompanied by the three Archangels, St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael, and followed by the celestial hosts, he approached the almostcompleted Statue of Señor Francisco del Castillo and, in an instant, they had transformed it. I was unable to see how this instantaneous transformation took place, but they left it most beautiful, just as Your Excellency saw it. Then, my seraphic Father took the white cord that he wore around his waist and, wrapping it around the waist of the holy Statue, he said with love and reverence: “My Lady, I entrust to your maternal love my sons and daughters of the three Orders I founded, that continue on their earthly pilgrimage. I deliver to you today and for all times this Convent established under my custody. Difficult times of barrenness and spiritual hunger will come over it, with my sons withdrawing themselves from it for a long period of time. In their absence, I beg You to be the seraphic life for my daughters who will live in these cloisters during that unfortunate time. There will be illegitimate daughters, it is true, but they will be happy only in appearance, for in their depth they will lack virtue. They will become sharp tools to chisel and polish my true daughters. For the latter, I give my blessing and ask your support. But for the others, final justice!”. My seraphic Father then placed the cord on the sacred Statue and departed.

Meanwhile, the Statue was completely illuminated as if it were engulfed by the sun itself. The Holy Trinity looked at it with pleasure and the Angels sang the Salve Sancta Parens. Amid this great happiness, the Queen of the Angels approached the Statue and entered into it, just as the rays of sun penetrate beautiful crystal. At that moment, the holy Statue took on life and sang the Magnificat with a celestial voice. This took place at 3 o’clock in the morning».

Solemn Anointment of the Statue

In preparation for the anointment of the Statue, the Bishop ordered the Sisters to make a Novena, and blessed the miraculous Statue with the name of “Mary of Good Success of the Purification, or Candlemas. On February 2, 1611, in the church of the Convent, Fr. Juan of the Mother of God celebrated the Mass in presence of the Bishop, all the Conceptionist Sisters, the Chapter of the Cathedral, and a vast public of every social class that was overflowing the church. At the conclusion of the Mass, the Statue was carried down from the high altar and placed on the main altar, along with the Crown, the Crosier, the brooch, a precious dress and two strips of a long belt make of silk, along with a golden mantle of silk interwoven with threads of silver.

In addition to these treasures, there were also a beautiful necklace of fine pearls and three rings of gold, one with precious emerald, another with a diamond, and the third finely set with rubies in a form of a small royal crown. These fine pieces were placed on a small gold shell made for this purpose and engraved in letters adorned with precious emerals: “I am Mary Most Holy of Good Success, February 2, 1611”. The Solemn Anointment, then, began. After the sermons that followed, the Bishop began the solemn procession through the cloisters, preceded by a tall Cross. The participants held lighted candles in their hands. The procession ended at the choir, festively decorated, and the Statue was placed in its niche by the Friars. Intoned a solemn Salve Regina, followed by the Litany and by Salve Sancta Parens, with tears, the Bishop reverently and tenderly placed the Crown on the head of the holy Statue saying: «Señora, I deliver to Thee the Church». Then, he placed the Croiser in Her right hand, saying: «Señora, I deliver to Thee the government of this Convent and of my flock in general».

Finally, he placed the Keys in the same hand holding the Crosier, saying: «Señora and my Mother, I deliver to Thee my soul. Open the doors of Heaven to me, for the time remaining to me in this life is quite brief. Watch over this Tabernacle and these cloisters of your daughters with care and affection. Defend them always and conserve in them the religious spirit that should characterize the spouses of thy Most Holy Son».
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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Our Lady of Good Success Quito Ecuador - by Stone - 02-02-2021, 10:23 AM
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