Our Lady of Good Success Quito Ecuador

Seventh Apparition of Our Lady

The night of December 1634, at 11:30 o’clock, Mother Mariana directed her steps to the upper choir for her customary prayer. There, shedding a torrent of tears, she presented each one of her daughters to the Divine Prisoner and her Most Holy Mother. She implored good success for her own and their passages to eternity. During this colloquy, she felt the vehemence of divine love and lost her bodily senses.

Then she saw before her the Queen of Heaven, beautiful and captivating as always, with her Most Holy Son in her left arm and the crosier in her right hand. She was accompanied by the three Archangels. – St. Michael carried a countless number of white tunics sprinkled with stars, adorned with burnished gold. Each tunic was trimmed with an exquisite collar of fine pearls, from which hung a most beautiful gold cross with every type of precious stone. In the middle of the cross was a shining star engraved with the sweet names of Jesus and Mary. – St. Gabriel carried a chalice bearing the Blood of the Redeemer, a ciborium filled with Hosts, and a large quantity of fragrant, white lilies. – St. Raphael bore a large, precious ampulla, transparent and finely chiseled, which contained a superb balsam, whose suave odor floated out from the receptacle and diffused in the air, purifying the atmosphere and causing the soul to feel a supreme joy and admirable tranquility. He also carried many violet-colored stoles that shone with a splendorous brilliance and a writing quill of a shining and refulgent gold, marked with the name of Mary.

The three Holy Archangels stood before their Sovereign Queen, whose left arm sustained the King of the Heaven and the Prince of Eternity. The nine angelic choirs, upon a signal from Prince St. Michael, began to sing with celestial harmony, with one choir succeeding another until they reached the ninth. After this celestial symphony had ended, the Queen spoke these words:

Quote:«My most beloved daughter and chosen spouse of the spotless Lamb, leave this earth, the sad land of exile of the just, and come forthwith to your long-desired Fatherland. The hard winter of your mortal existence has passed, and your eternal springtime begins, where the good works practiced during earthly life are flowers of rare beauty, exquisite perfumes of great value, because they are the price of the dolorous Redemption. If mortals only understood how to appreciate the time given to them and would take advantage of each moment of life, how different the world would be! And a considerable number of souls would not fall to their eternal perdition! This disdain is the fundamental cause for their downfall! My daughter, have pity on your imprudent brethren sinners and weep for them. Imploring your God and Redeemer to send to their souls many special, efficacious graces, powerful enough to withdraw them from the dark abyss where they lie. Do you see what the three Archangels St. Michael, St. Gabriel, and St. Raphael carry with joy?

Know that the white tunics, carried by St. Michael, are destined, first, for my faithful and fervent daughters throughout time who will live in this cloister: to some for having preserved their baptismal innocence, and to others for having purified themselves by austere penances (…). Second, the white tunics are also for secular and regular priests, and laity of both sexes, who, loving my Most Holy Son and myself with simple, upright hearts, also love this Convent of our predilection. Ignoring criticism and scorn, they strive for its conservation and dedicate themselves to propagating my devotion under the consoling invocation of Good Success, which will be the sustenance and safeguard of the Faith in the almost total corruption of the 20th century.

«St. Gabriel carries this precious chalice bearing the Blood of the Redeemer: this signifies the grace of the resurrection from death (from sin) and the restoration of souls by means of the Sacrament of Penance, which the ministers of my Most Holy Son make available abundantly to restore life to souls killed by the satanic jealousy of the infernal dragon. See and contemplate the grandeur of this restoring and life-giving Sacrament, so forgotten and even scorned by ungrateful mortals, who, in their mad illusions do not realize that it is the only sure means of salvation after losing one’s baptismal innocence. (…).

«As you see, St. Gabriel also carries a ciborium filled with Hosts: this signifies the most august Sacrament of the Eucharist, which will be distributed by my Catholic priests to faithful belonging to the Holy Roman, Catholic and Apostolic Church, whose visible head is the Pope, the King of Christendom. His pontifical infallibility will be declared a Dogma of Faith by the same Pope chosen to proclaim the Dogma of the Mystery of my Immaculate Conception. He will be persecuted and imprisoned in the Vatican by the unjust usurpation of the Pontifical States through the iniquity, envy and avarice of an earthly monarch.

See the filled ciborium so that you might comprehend the sublimity of this Mystery and the reverence with which it should be treated and received by the faithful. It will be an antidote against sin and an easy and powerful means for souls to unite themselves to their God and Redeemer, Who, in the excess of His love, hides Himself under the white accidents of the Host, exposed to the sacrilegious profanations of His ungrateful sons. To make amends for these sacrileges is the work of contemplative souls, and, in a special way, to the daughters of My Immaculate Conception. Know that in the Divine Arcana, this hidden and voluntary expiation was one of the designs of God in disposing the foundation of this Order so dear to Him.

«These countless white lilies, beautiful and exceedingly fragrant - that you see together with the chalice and the ciborium borne by my Archangel Gabriel are all the good religious of my Order (and they will be very numerous in cloisters throughout the World). Each one of them will have a distinct mission and will receive torrents of graces unceasingly from Heaven for this end. I recommend my daughters to suffer so that the seven Sacraments, are received with perfection by the faithful, above all the third (Holy Eucharist), the fourth (Confession) and the sixth Sacraments (Holy Orders).

The large, transparent and precious ampulla carried by my Archangel Raphael contains an extraordinary balsam of the sweetest fragrance, which is diffused through the air and purifies the atmosphere, communicating to the soul a supreme happiness and admirable tranquility. It represents the cloisters and the convents. They are chosen places that see the daily practice of the solid virtue, as well as the observance of the Rule and austere penances of its inhabitants. The purity and chastity that exist there are the exquisite aroma that perfumes the fortunate countries that possess monasteries and convents. They purify the air polluted by those in the world delivered over to the most shameful vices and passions.

At the same time, they transmit to souls that ineffable joy and admirable peace that causes sinners to fall into themselves and turn toward God. This takes place by virtue of the prayers raised up in these houses to Heaven incessantly, day and night. Like Moses with his arms raised to Heaven, religious souls supplicate and make penances for sinners to be converted and their nations saved from the torrent of vices and passions that call down the terrible chastisements of Divine Justice. Woe to the world should it lack monasteries and convents! Mortals do not comprehend their importance, for, if they understood, they would use their wealth to multiply them, because they provide the remedy for all physical and moral evils.

The Most Holy Trinity and I, the Mother and model of religious persons, love these houses with great tenderness. I am the channel for that river of precious graces that are not given to those in the world. For in each monastery and convent I am truly and tenderly loved; their members have recourse to me with that confidence and love that sons and daughters have for their tender and loving mother. Under different invocations, they venerate me in all these places. The Archangels gather up their prayers, tears, penances, sighs and lives of sacrifices and present them to me. I then present them before the throne of the God for the salvation of the world. No one on the face of the earth realizes whence comes the salvation of souls, the conversion of great sinners, the deferral of great scourges, the production and fertility of the lands, the end of pestilences and wars, and the harmony between nations. All this is due to the prayers that rise up from monasteries and convents».

«The innumerable violet-colored stoles carried by my Archangel Raphael, which shine resplendently and illuminate the sanctuary, symbolize the effective action and zeal of good priests, who, with self-abnegation, forget themselves to make Jesus Christ and myself known and loved. Faithful to their mission confided to them by the Father of the Family, they labor untiringly in the vineyard of the Lord to make it grow and prosper and to save the souls ransomed by the Blood of the Redeemer. These are the good and faithful servants who will enter into the joy of their Lord.

The quill of polished and shining gold marked with My Name is for all the priests of both clergies (regular and secular) who write of my glories and sorrows. It is also for those who by means of their writing diffuse my devotion of Good Success of this Convent, as well as your life, which is inseparable from this tender and consoling invocation. In the 20th century, this devotion will work prodigies in the spiritual as well as temporal spheres, because it is the will of God to reserve this invocation and knowledge of your life for that century, when the corruption of customs will be almost general and the precious light of Faith almost extinguished»!

«Now, my beloved daughter, you realize the significance of all the things that you see in the hands of my holy Archangels: Michael (Who is like unto God?); Gabriel (The Fortitude of God); Raphael (The Remedy of God). Each Archangel fulfills a mission in assisting decadent humanity. Even if the rest of mankind neglects invoking and venerating these holy Princes, I desire that you and your present-day daughters, as well as those to come, should do this to receive graces and favors - material and moral – for yourselves and for this Convent. I also verify that they will always take care of my Statue and of this beloved Convent so favored by the goodness of God».
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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Our Lady of Good Success Quito Ecuador - by Stone - 02-02-2021, 10:23 AM
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