Thoughts of the St. Cure of d'Ars (St. John Mary Vianney)
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WHAT sweetness there is in forgetting ourselves in order to seek God!
- Catechism on the Real Presence (Sp.)
IT is a strange thing; I have met plenty of people who repented at not
having loved God.  Never have I met one who repented of having loved
- Of Penitence (M.)
OUR Lord wishes nothing but your happiness.
- Catechism on the Real Presence (Sp.)
THIS is real faith, when we speak to God as we would converse with
a man.
- Maxim (T.)
THERE is one thing everyone can do, whether they find it hard to
meditate or not, and that is to make up their mind in the morning
to cultivate some particular virtue during the day, to practice the
interior Presence of God, and to live their life in union with Him.
- On Prayer (C.)
ST. ALOYSIUS GONZAGA, when he was a student, if found fault with
on any occasion, never tried to excuse himself.  If he was wrong, he was
wrong; if he was right, he would say to himself:  I have often been
wrong before.
- Catechism on Pride (M.)
A SAINT has said:  "I would rather suffer with Jesus Christ than
reign with Him in Heaven."
- Sermon on Afflictions

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OUR Bishop has said that every morning we must offer as
a sacrifice all we shall have to suffer during the day; and that
if God does not send any suffering, the merit of the sacrifice
will be there all the same.
-  On Suffering (C.)
THERE is such a thing as a holy anger, which comes from
our zeal in upholding the interests of God.
-  Sermon on Anger.
HOLY Communion and offering the Holy Sacrifice . . . are
the two most powerful means of intercession for others'
-  On Love for our Neighbor (C.)
"O JESUS", often exclaimed the Cure of Ars, "to know Thee
is to love Thee! Did we but know how Our Lord loves us,
we should die of joy."
-  Virtues of the Cure of Ars (M.)
We ought to ask the Blessed Virgin, the Angels, and the Saints
to pray for us that we may receive the good God as worthy as
it is possible for us to receive Him.
-  Sermon on Communion.
ALL difficulties, temptations, sickness and humiliations
become sweet and easy to endure, if one bears them in
union with Our Lord. 
- On Suffering (C.)

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RE: Thoughts of the St. Cure of d'Ars (St. John Mary Vianney) - by Hildegard of Bingen - 02-02-2021, 12:52 PM

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