Thoughts of the St. Cure of d'Ars (St. John Mary Vianney)
Page 39

TO the man who gives himself up to the guidance of the Holy Ghost,
there seems to be no world; to the world there seems to be no God.
-  Catechism on the Holy Ghost (Sp.)
LET us open the door of the Sacred Heart, and shut ourselves in for a moment
amidst its divine flames; we shall then realize what God's love means . . . .
-  On the Sacred Heart (H.)
THOSE who do not pray think only of temporal things like the miser who,
when a silver Crucifix was presented to him to kiss, remarked: 
"That cross weighs at least ten ounces."
-  Catechism on Prayer (M.)
LOVE for God here consists in loving Him more than any created thing
-- loving Him better than our own life. 
-  Catechism on the Act of Love (F.)
THERE is not single creature which does not provide us with the means
of reaching God.  If any of them become an obstacle, it is only by our
misuse of them.
-  On Paradise (Sp.)
WE love a thing in proportion to what it has cost us.  You may judge by that
Our Lord's love for our soul, which has cost Him His Blood.  He is eager
for communications and intercourse with it.  He longs to see it, to hear it . . . .
-  Joys of the Interior Life (Sp.)

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ALTHOUGH Mary knew that God had raised her to the most
supreme of all honors - that of being the Mother of God -
nevertheless she regarded herself as the least of all creatures.
-  Notre-Dame d'Ars, Meditation 19.
WHAT happiness do we not feel in the Presence of God, when
we are alone at His feet before the Sacred Tabernacle! . . .
Redouble your fervour; you are alone to adore your God; His
eyes rest upon you alone.
-  Catechism on the Real Presence (M.)
OUR faults are life a grain of sand beside the great mountain
of the mercies of the good God.
-  The Cure d'Ars in his Catechisms (Sp.)
WE should say every morning:  "My God, send me Thy Holy
Spirit to teach me what I am and what Thou art!" 
-  Catechism on the Holy Ghost (M.)
A SAINT has called us "Porte-Dieu" (God-Bearers).  That is
quite true, but we have not enough faith.
-  Catechism on the Blessed Sacrament (D.)
REMEMBER that when the priest gives you absolution, you
have but one thing to think of -- that the Blood of the good
God is flowing over your soul to purify it and make it as
bright as it was made by its Baptism.
- Catechism on the Sacrament of Penance (M.)

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RE: Thoughts of the St. Cure of d'Ars (St. John Mary Vianney) - by Hildegard of Bingen - 02-03-2021, 02:03 PM

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