Thoughts of the St. Cure of d'Ars (St. John Mary Vianney)
Page 42

DO you know why Our Lord persists in remaining day and night
in our churches? . . .  He stays there so that every time we want to
go and see Him, we may be able to find HIm.
-  Style of the Cure d'Ars (P.)
YOU wonder why God, who is goodness Itself, allows us to suffer . . . .
But, what would you think of a doctor who lost his patient because he
was afraid to give him the necessary but unpleasant treatment?
-  Sermon Afflictions.
TO be loved by God, to be united to God, to live in the Presence of God,
to live for God!  Oh! how wonderful like is -- and death!
-  Words with which the Cure d'Ars often ended his addresses (D.)
WITH God's help we shall always have power over our emotions.
-  Of Salvation (Sp.)
WHEN his mother recognized St. Alexis in the lifeless body of the
beggar who had lived for thirty years under her palace stairway,
she cried:  "Oh!  that I should have known you so late!"  . . . The
soul after this life will see at last Him whom she has possessed
in the Eucharist . . . .
-Eucharist Mediation I.

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WE should be able to suffer for Him who
vouchsafed to suffer for us.
-  Catechism on Suffering (M.)
ONE must do all one can for everybody,
expecting no return save from God only.
-  Catechism on Charity (D.)
NOTHING is more unworthy of a Christian, whose
life should be an imitation of a God who is the soul
of Honor and Truth itself, than to think one thing
and say another.
-  Sermon on Lying.
IF God took the name of Father, it was to inspire
us with a greater confidence in Him.
-  Sermon on Hope.
GOD makes greater speed to pardon a penitent sinner
than a mother to snatch her child out of the fire.
-  Catechetical Illustration from Nature (M.)
HE to whom all power has been given has not yet lost it.
-  Signs of the Saint's Mission (J.V.)
AN undertaking to be pleasing to God must have three
conditions:  It must be sincere, selfless and persevering.
-  Sermon on False and True Goodness.
THE martyrs would not have been martyrs if they had not
refused to disobey the commandments of God.
- Sermon on the First Commandment.

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RE: Thoughts of the St. Cure of d'Ars (St. John Mary Vianney) - by Hildegard of Bingen - 02-07-2021, 02:43 PM

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