My Daily Bread


A Right Intention in All Things

CHRIST: MY CHILD, in all things I want you to have a right intention. That means that I
want you to have a supernatural purpose in whatever you think, do, or say. Whether you
seek to avoid hell, diminish your purgatory, or gain Heaven, such motives are supernatural,
and therefore they are right intentions. True, you are often unaware of your motives, but as
long as you are not in mortal sin, and your action agrees with My law, you have a right

2. A right intention, however, may have different degrees of perfection. Thus, when you do
something simply to please Me, your intention is higher than if you think of your own
advantage. Still, whatever be the degree of your right intention, it always seeks to fulfill
My Will, and it always brings you a greater good than any intention which seeks only your
earthly welfare.

3. Regardless of feelings, moods, prejudices, or preferences, strive to maintain a right
intention at all times. As soon as your natural desires contradict My Will, check them as
you would check any other foolish intention.

4. Do not let life's daily events disturb nor affect you too much. Seek to know My Will and
to accept it in all things. With this pure intention, you will have a deep interior peace. This
is My gift to those who let Me govern their lives.

5. A person's intention tends to become dim as he proceeds through his daily occupations.
Gradually he is influenced more by pleasure or self-satisfaction. Therefore, renew your
pure intention at different times during the day. Offer Me each activity and avoid anything
which might lead you into sin.

6. Recall your heavenly goal from time to time. Let there be nothing great, nothing high,
nothing pleasant, nothing acceptable to you unless it helps you to follow My Will. Consider
all useless consolations and sinful pleasures as so much worthless money.
7. One who truly loves Me, hates everything which holds him back from Me. I alone, the
eternal, infinite God, the perfect joy of the soul, can bring true peace and unending
happiness to your heart.

Where are the pleasures and joys of last year? Gone and forgotten. If they made me worse,
I shall find death and judgment a little harder to face. Why do I fail to value things
according to God's way of thinking? He wants me to live a sinless and useful life. Even my
pleasures should improve me in some way, and make me better able to do my work.
Heaven is far greater than I can ever deserve. Still I should try each day to be a little less
unworthy of it.

Lord, what You say is true. Grant that I may follow Your words in my daily life. Your truth
shall teach me, guide me, and protect me. May it deliver me from all evil desires and
foolish love. Let me esteem nothing as great, or valuable, or wonderful, except insofar as it
makes me better and more pleasing in Your eyes. In this way I shall never be a slave of this
earth, but shall walk daily towards Heaven with a holy freedom of heart. Amen.


Chapter 4

Holy Indifference

CHRIST: MY CHILD, let Me do with you as I please. I know what is best for you. You
think as a human being, so that your judgments are often influenced by your feelings,
moods or prejudices.

2. I take better care of you than you could ever take of yourself. Anyone who does not give
Me his whole-hearted attention and loyalty, is taking a great risk. I alone can lead you to
eternal life. Let Me do with you as I please. Whatever I do will always be best for you.

3. Knowing all things, I know your most important needs. I want you to gain the perfect
and unending joy of Heaven. For this reason I will place you at times in a spiritual darkness
of doubts and confusion. Then again I will let you enjoy the light of My truth and joy. One
day I will console you, and on the next day you may find life hard and sorrowful. But
through all these changing conditions, remember that My hand is leading you on toward
4. Follow My Will in all things. Be just as ready to experience suffering as to have joy, just
as glad to be poor and needy as to be well off. If you prefer My Will in all these things, you
will be preferring the Perfect Wisdom and the Highest Good.


God made me for the perfect life of Heaven. Whatever He sends me is sent with this goal
in view. Some things I can remedy and improve in my daily life, while other things are
beyond my control. After I have done my best, I should accept the results as God's Will for
me. Be it hard or easy, pleasant or disagreeable, I can always be sure that God knows,
wants and permits what is good for my soul.


My God and my All, You made and control all things in my daily life. How can I forget
this truth and complain about anything? Grant me the holy dispositions which you
mentioned a moment ago. Make me equally willing to receive from Your hand the sweet
and the bitter, the joy and the sorrow. I thank you now for whatever You decide to send
me. Only keep me from sin, and I shall fear neither death nor hell. As long as You do not
separate me from You forever, nor blot me out of the book of life, whatever suffering
comes to me will not hurt me for long. Grant me the grace to see, love, and prefer Your
Will in everything that happens to me today. Amen

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My Daily Bread - by Hildegard of Bingen - 01-19-2021, 05:07 PM
RE: My Daily Bread - Book One - Chapter 1, 2 - by Hildegard of Bingen - 02-07-2021, 04:26 PM
RE: My Daily Bread - by Hildegard of Bingen - 04-02-2021, 07:32 PM

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