Thoughts of the St. Cure of d'Ars (St. John Mary Vianney)
Page 46

AS the Disciples on Tabor saw Jesus only, so interior souls see
Our Lord alone in the Tabor of their heart.  They are two friends
who never grow tired of each other.
-  Catechism on Heaven and Hell (M.)
GOD only gave men ten Commandments, and one of the ten has
for its sole object the reverence due to His Name . . . . Yet is there
anything nowadays that is treated with less respect than the
Sacred Name?
-  Catechism on Blasphemy (E.)
IF I were to ask you if you loved God, you would tell me that
you did; but that is not enough.  You must prove it.
-  Sermon on the Love of God.
WHEN good thoughts come to us, it is a visit of God the Holy Ghost.
-  Catechism on the Holy Ghost. (D.)
WE must never despise the poor, because that contempt is
reflected back upon God.
-  Catechism on Love for the Poor (Sp.)
IF we are tempted to thoughts of envy against our neighbor,
far from letting him see it by our cold manner, we must go out
of our way to be friendly, and do him any service that lies in our power.
-  Sermon on Envy.

Page 47

ST. COLETTE saw and spoke to Our Lord as we speak to each
other.  How often do we come to church without knowing what
we come to do, or what we wish to ask!
-  Catechism on Prayer (M.)
TO what outrages does Our Lord expose Himself in the Blessed
Sacrament that He may remain in the midst of us!  He is there to
console us, and therefore we ought often to visit Him.
-  Catechism on the Real Presence (Sp.)
EVERY time we are able to give up our own wishes in favor of
those of other people, so long as it is not contrary to the will of
God, we acquire great merit . . . .
-  On Mortifying Self-Will (C.)
LET us live as the Blessed Virgin lived:  loving God only,
desiring God only, trying to please God only in all that we do.
-  Sermon for the Feast of the Assumption.
THOSE who are led by the Holy Ghost experience all sorts of
happiness in themselves.
-  Catechism on the Holy Ghost (Sp.)
OUR home is -- Heaven.  On earth we are like travellers staying
at an hotel.  When one is away, one is always thinking of going home.
-  On Detachment (C.)

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RE: Thoughts of the St. Cure of d'Ars (St. John Mary Vianney) - by Hildegard of Bingen - 02-09-2021, 11:30 AM

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