My Daily Bread


Looking Away from God

CHRIST: MY CHILD, the person who esteems anything for itself alone, forgetting My
goodness and love, will always be small and inferior like the things which he values.
Whatever does not help you to please Me, has no true value in your life. You should
therefore consider it as nothing.

2. Unless you see Me in your daily life, you will sooner or later become discontented,
wherever you are and wherever you turn.

3. If any man tries to enjoy anything as though it were his alone, he will not have a lasting
joy nor true freedom. In many ways he will find himself tied down and shut off from Me.

4. He who thinks more of earthly things than he does of Me, will find nothing but
insecurity, trouble and sorrow. He may not realize it, but he is planning his own

5. Be it ever so little, if anything is loved and valued more than it deserves, it holds you
back from Me, the Highest Good, and it weakens your soul. The man who looks only for
worldly satisfactions, becomes blind to the loving presence of his Creator.

One who seeks only pleasure, ease, honor, or profit is a worldling, that is, he lives only for
this life. Gradually he becomes a slave of his earthly desires, so that he cannot even think
of God. He will believe in Heaven too late-when he finds its gates forever closed to him.

My God, I rely on Your assistance to keep myself free from the slavery of earthly
attractions. I shall use my possessions and daily enjoyments as things which You have lent
to me. May I never offend You with these gifts of Yours. As yesterday's enjoyments passed
away, so too will those of today. I want to live for the greatest Good-for You, my God and
my All. You alone are best and highest. Only You can satisfy my heart's longings forever.



The Last and Highest Goal

CHRIST: MY CHILD, My true friends refuse to pursue things simply because they are
pleasant. They do not want anything which has only temporary value. All their hopes and
ambitions aim at the success which I give, the success which will never pass away. They
know that too much love for earthly things can draw them away from the only lasting joy
and glory. So in all their daily activities, they keep an eye on Me and My commandments.

2. Among all the wonders of heaven and earth, there is no one like Me. My works are
supremely good and My judgments are perfectly true. By My providence the universe is

3. Let others seek whatever else they desire besides Me. As for you, let nothing please you
except Me alone, your Hope, your Eternal Salvation.

4. Daily look for Me above all things. Try to find Me in all things. I alone am the Giver of
true peace and lasting happiness.

No tongue can describe the peace which God gives to those who sincerely want His Will
above all else. Many never find this peace because they lack the trust and courage to live
entirely God's way. They try to obey God's law only in part. God loves the man who is
honest enough to want first things first.

My loving Saviour and merciful God, can I be so foolish as to think that I can find
happiness without You? Can sin ever bring me true joy when it separates me from You, the
Fountain of lasting joy? No. I hope, with Your help to keep my eyes fixed on You
throughout my daily life. I hope to avoid whatever displeases You, and to live as You wish
me to live each hour of the day. Your Will shows the way to undying peace and happiness.
Let me love Your Will in all things. Amen.

Messages In This Thread
My Daily Bread - by Hildegard of Bingen - 01-19-2021, 05:07 PM
RE: My Daily Bread - Book One - by Hildegard of Bingen - 02-09-2021, 12:25 PM
RE: My Daily Bread - by Hildegard of Bingen - 04-02-2021, 07:32 PM

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