Every Day with Saint Francis de Sales - February
Every Day with Saint Francis de Sales

Teachings and Examples from the Life of the Saint by Salesiana Publishers

February 12th
(page 43)

    We know that there are several ways of obeying. Some people, for example, esteem this virtue and willingly speak about it. Talk is not enough, however; we must come to practice it as occasions present themselves. Others want to obey, but in things that are not difficult or contrary to their inclinations. The Lord is not pleased with is kind of obedience, but wants us to obey in difficult things as well as in easy ones, and to be constant in our obedience.

(Sermons 85; O. X, p. 387)

      On February 12th, 1613, while Francis de Sales was preaching in the Church of Saint Dominic in Annecy, he taught his listeners the use of spiritual communion, which is made with a holy desire to unite ourselves to Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, and, all inflamed with zeal, he repeated several times during his discourse, “Ah, how I desire to live for Jesus and His glory; I prefer this more than anything else in the world!” After the sermon he received the abjuration of eleven Protestants whom he had previously instructed in the faith. A famous sinner was also converted on that day and made such a show of public sorrow for his past scandals that all were greatly edified. Returning home, the holy bishop was surrounded by his friends, who said that he must have been happier with the conversion of that one sinner that with the abjuration of the eleven Protestants, because he was a distinguished person and his conversion was so much talked about. Francis smiled at this innocent banter, said nothing, for a while and then remarked to those around him, “After He had called Matthew, who was a public sinner, Our Lord Jesus Christ went to a banquet. So now let us go to table in the name of Jesus Christ.” During the lunch he spoke of the conversion of sinners. The twelve converts were at table with the others, and the saint did not try to hide his joy nor his feelings in this matter, assuing them that the conversion of one single Protestant gave him more pleasure than that of several Catholics.

(A.S. II, p. 31)
God is merciful and has promised forgiveness to all who ask for it with a contrite and humble heart.

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RE: Every Day with Saint Francis de Sales - February - by Hildegard of Bingen - 02-12-2021, 03:54 PM

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