French Traditioanl Catholic Author Condemned for Writing against Freemasonry
The following was sent in an email to those who are subscribed to the Éditions St. Rémi, which is a French publishing company that sells and prints Catholic books.

The books from this author in French include (I translated the titles), under the Judaism-Freemasonry category: Synthesis of the World Revolutionary Movement; A MASONIC LODGE LEADS THE VATICAN; FREEMASONRY: 300 YEARS OF IMPOSTURE; and CONSPIRACY AGAINST GOD.

His books are available at the following link:

I also included the French PDF that Éditions St. Rémi made themselves.

Johan LIVERNETTE, the author whose books we publish, which denounce the action of Freemasonry against the Catholic Church, was incarcerated.

We communicate below the message he succeeded in spreading on his Facebook page, thanks to one of his friends, despite his incarceration at the prison of La Farlède in Toulon.

We would like to express our support for this courageous Catholic author who finds himself behind bars because of a machiavelic plot, according to the first-hand accounts we have received. This writer is disturbing; with his writings and his communications on the Internet, he denounces the action of the counter-church and brings many people back to the Catholic Faith. "Blessed are ye when they shall revile you, and persecute you, and speak all that is evil against you, untruly, for my sake: Be glad and rejoice, for your reward is very great in heaven. For so they persecuted the prophets that were before you." (Mt., V, 10-12)

A convert himself for about ten years, he has not had the grace of a Catholic education since childhood in a traditional Catholic family. He has had to redo his education and religious instruction, despite the very hostile family and relational environment in which he lives.

We invite you to support him by your prayers, by your visits or letters to him, a work of mercy, and by obtaining his books.

Bruno Saglio
Director of Éditions Saint-Remi

"Rights and Standing,

18 months in prison: this is the very heavy penalty that was imposed on me on February 5th at the criminal court of Toulon. My two rosaries per day in police custody added to the "Ave Maria" before the judgment were not enough. This news must surprise those who were not aware that I have been in the crosshairs of justice for several weeks. In a short period of time, I have indeed lived through hard trials during two police custody periods of 48 hours each (or 96 hours). For the time being, I will refrain from expressing myself too much on this absolutely scandalous condemnation in view of the facts (violence). For there was nothing at all about the events of December 5, and all those present know this very well. Nothing at all. Nothing at all. Cinema. In one sentence: a simulated aggression leading to a serious conviction. My personality and my politico-religious ideas were obviously very displeasing to the public prosecutor's office. But this is by no means a fact worthy of imprisonment. To be imprisoned when you have done wrong is already difficult from a human point of view. To be incarcerated for an injustice is terrible. The truth was the biggest loser in my judgment of February 5th.

This affair, which has marked me for life, will be the subject of a book (a "novel") in which I will write everything I have lived through, in detail, these last few weeks: the sequence of events, the anecdotes (funny and often dramatic), the encounters, the suffering, and above all: the betrayals. The immense betrayal of the mother of my children. Betrayal also of one of my relatives who signed his testimony without having read it!

On Friday, February 5th, with my lawyer, the valiant and exemplary Philip Fitzgerald, we lost a battle. But we fought with dignity, heart and righteousness, in a spirit of truth and honesty. And that is what matters. We were defeated, of course, but we stood tall and upright, despite the injustice. On February 4th and 5th, before this shameful condemnation, I lived strong moments, humanly and emotionally, with my lawyer and a father from Marseilles with whom I made friends in the jails.   

Here people don't understand why I'm here; here people suffer in silence, and in some cases noisily. It's in these difficult moments when we see who is, where I will see who really loves me sincerely. Today I am a destroyed man. I have to admit it. But tomorrow will be another day. By my example on a daily basis, I hope to be able to celebrate Christmas 2021 with my children. This is my primary goal.

I invite you to write to me as often as possible at this address:

Toulon Penitentiary Center - la Farlède
CS 10543
Livernette Johan
Numéro d'écrou: 25532
83041 Toulon cedex 9

I will be happy to answer you. Our exchanges will be valuable and certainly fruitful.

For those who want to support me by buying my books, thank you for ordering them from Saint-Rémi Editions.

May the Lord Jesus be with you and with your spirit."

                                                                         Johan Livernette

.pdf   Johan-LIVERNETTE-incarcere.pdf (Size: 453.89 KB / Downloads: 2)

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French Traditioanl Catholic Author Condemned for Writing against Freemasonry - by Elizabeth - 02-13-2021, 05:45 PM

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