Thoughts of the St. Cure of d'Ars (St. John Mary Vianney)
Page 57
AS a good gardener works from morning till night to destroy
the weeds in his garden and fill it with flowers, so let us work
every day to destroy the blemishes of our soul and adorn it
with virtues.
- Of Salvation (Sp.)
WHEN you think of going to Mass on working days, it is an
impulse of the grace that God wills to grand you.  Follow it.
- Eucharistic Meditation 25.
THE first thing about the Angels that we ought to imitate, is their
consciousness of the Presence of God.
-  Sermon for the Feast of the Guardian Angels.
OH!  How easily we could win Heaven day by day just by doing
what we have to do - but by doing it for God! . . .
-  On the Sanctification of Daily Life (E.)
HOW beautiful it is, my children, to be accompanied by the Holy
Ghost!  He is indeed a good guide; and to think that there are
some who will not follow Him!
-  Catechism on the Holy Ghost (Sp.).
IT is good to abandon oneself unreservedly to the guidance of
Divine Providence.  Our reserves dry up the current of His
mercies, and our distrust stops the course of God's blessings.
- Advice to the Directresses of the Cure d'Ars Orphanage (M.)

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IF we did like St. Remigius, we should never be angry.  See, this
Saint, being questioned by a Father of the desert as to how he
managed to be always in an even temper, replied:  "I often
consider that my Guardian Angel is always by my side . . . . "
-  Sermon on Anger (Sp.)
IF you really love God, you will not be content with avoiding big
sins.  You will regard as hateful anything which could be even a
little displeasing to Him.
-  On the Keeping of Sunday (E.)
IN the morning we should behave towards God like an infant in
its cradle.  As soon as it opens its eyes, it looks quickly through
the room to see its mother.  When it sees her, it begins to smile.
When it cannot see her, it cries.
-  Catechetical Illustration from Nature (M.)
SEE, my children, the first virtue is Humility, the second Humility,
and the third Humility . . . . The Saints thought themselves nothing
. . . and God gave them all they asked.
-  On Humility (C.)
GOD treats us as He treated His people of old.  When He took away
Moses, He left them Caleb and Josue (Joshua).
-  Conversation - A Thought which consoled the Cure after a friend's death. (Sp.)

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RE: Thoughts of the St. Cure of d'Ars (St. John Mary Vianney) - by Hildegard of Bingen - 02-17-2021, 11:56 AM

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