The Stations of the Cross by St. John Mary Vianney
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V. We adore Thee, O Jesus, and we praise Thee.

A. Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world.

Jesus Christ.  Behold I am crucified between two thieves. Listen, My child, My last recommendations:

I ask My Father for forgiveness of My executioners: forgive even those who offend you.
I entrust My Mother to Saint John: always take good care of Her as your own.
But I want Mary to be your mother as well: honor Her and pray Her every day of your life.

I promise paradise to the good thief: trust your sins are many, but I forgive you if you repent sincerely.  My feet are tied to wait for you; arms extended to receive you; head bowed to give you the kiss of peace and reconciliation; soon My side will be opened and My heart wounded to spread all My graces upon you. Do not be afraid, you will be saved.

And now I'm dying. Do not forget Me, My child, always love your Savior and your God.

The faithful.  O Jesus! My love! Thou die for me, I want to live and die for Thee; always will I remember the words that Thou spoke to me on the cross.

Our Father.  Hail Mary.  Glory Be.
Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us.
Eternal rest give unto them. O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon them.

May they rest in peace.

[Image: station13.jpg]


V. We adore Thee, O Jesus, and we praise Thee.

A. Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world.

The faithful.  O My Mother! How great is Thy affliction! Thou contemplate in Thy arms Jesus, Thy dear Son: His face is pale, bloody and disfigured, His eyes are extinguished, His mouth is closed; His side opened; His feet and hands are pierced. Thou look at it, and Thy soul is filled with sadness.

O My Mother! It is because I offended God that Jesus Christ died and Thou suffer so cruelly. Excuse me, dear Mother! I absolutely hate my faults, and I want to love Thee always, Thee and Thy divine Son.

Our Father.  Hail Mary.  Glory Be.
Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us.
Eternal rest give unto them. O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace.

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V. We adore Thee, O Jesus, and we praise Thee.

A. Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world.

The faithful.  Sacred body of my Savior, I adore Thee. We put Thee in a sepulcher; I want to hide with Thee. That men forget me and despise me, I consent.

When I work, when I mortify myself, when I do my duty, Thou alone, perhaps, will see it and be content with it: it is enough for me and makes me happy.

To live and resurrect with Thee, it will be necessary to correct me of my faults, to resist my passions, to die to myself: I am ready, O my God.

Thou wished to be placed in a new sepulcher: give me, Jesus, a new heart, a pure heart, a heart adorned with all the virtues, in order to receive Thee with dignity in the Holy Eucharist.

O Jesus, reign in me, now and forever.  Amen.

Our Father.  Hail Mary.  Glory Be.
Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us.
Eternal rest give unto them. O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace.

This is the PDF file of the Stations of the Cross written by St. John Mary Vianney which has been translated from French to English.

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RE: The Stations of the Cross by St. John Mary Vianney - by Hildegard of Bingen - 02-17-2021, 12:07 PM

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