Thoughts of the St. Cure of d'Ars (St. John Mary Vianney)
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IT is our Angels who ask God to grant us a deep sorrow for our sins.
- Sermon for the Feast of the Guardian Angels (D.).
A SOUL in which the Holy Spirit dwells is never weary in the presence of God;
it gives forth a breath of love.
-  Catechism on the Holy Spirit (Sp.)
NO prayer is ever lost.
-  On love for our Neighbor (Catechismes).
ST. TERESA had a sight of Heaven and ever after, as she tells us herself,
everything on earth seemed but as mire and dirt to her.  But we, alas!
creep along on the earth, and know not how to rise above it!
-  Sermon on the last Day of the Year (M.)
WORDLY people say it is too difficult to save one's soul.  Yet nothing is
easier.  To observe the Commandments of God and the Church and to do
good and avoid evil; that is all.
-  Catechism on Salvation (Sp.)
WHAT happiness it is to a Guardian Angel to have the care of a pure soul. 
When the soul is pure, all the Court of Heaven looks upon it with joy.
-  Catechism on Purity (M.)
TO love God with our whole mind is to make the sacrifice to Him of our
knowledge and our reason, and to believe all that He has taught.
-  Sermon on the Love of God (Sp.)

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IN the Sacraments, it is God Himself who comes to annihilate our enemy.
The devil, seeing Him in our Heart, throws himself despairingly into the
bottomless pit; which explains why he does all he can to draw us away from
them, or to make us receive them badly.
-  On the Use of the Sacraments (E.)
THERE is no one who cannot pray - and pray at all times and in all places;
by night or day, when hard at work or resting; in the country, at home, or when
- On Prayer (Sp.)
THE saints never complain.
- Maxim (M.)
WE can, if we will, become a saint, for God will never refuse to help us to do so.
-  Sermon on Sanctity.
THE Charitable believe that other people are always better than they are.
-  Sermon on Charity.
WHEN a soul has received the Sacrament of the Eucharist worthily, it is humble,
mortified, charitable, and is capable of the most sublime sacrifices.  In short, it is
no longer the same.
-  Catechism on the Holy Eucharist (M.)
RESID|ING continually in our Tablernacles Jesus Christ is deserted, misunderstood
by ungrateful men; and yet He continues to love us; to serve us in the Sacrament of the Altar.
- Sermon on Pride

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RE: Thoughts of the St. Cure of d'Ars (St. John Mary Vianney) - by Hildegard of Bingen - 02-20-2021, 05:18 PM

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