Every Day with Saint Francis de Sales - February
Every Day with Saint Francis de Sales

Teachings and Examples from the Life of the Saint by Salesiana Publishers

February 28th (page 59)

      Deepen day by day the resolution to serve God devotedly, to attend to His will and to be entirely His. Reserve nothing for yourself or for the world. Embrace with sincerity the holy designs of God, whatever they are. Never deceive yourself that you have realized purity of heart unless you are entirely, freely and joyfully subject to God’s holy will in all things, even the most repugnant. Therefore, do not consider so much what you do but the One Who commands you to do them. He will further His own glory and our perfection, even in those things that seem to us lowly and imperfect.

(Letters 282; O. XIII, pp. 38-39)

      On February 28, 1607, as Francis de Sales was beginning the second Lenten sermons in his beloved city of Annecy, he went from the altar to the pulpit and told the people that every day he celebrated Mass before preaching, “so that”, he explained, “my words might be steeped in the blood of the Immaculate Lamb, offered in sacrifice for the sins of the people.” In this way he hoped to inculcate more fear of the devil and to communicate more fire and light to souls by enlightening them and helping them to follow the Divine Will. Whenever the saint di not preach during Lent at Annecy, he would attend the services and go to the altar when the preacher mounted the pulpit, “to supplicate”, he said, “the Sun of Justice to shine fully on the evangelical seed cast by the preacher over the souls of the listeners.”

(A.S. II, p. 761)

To be a servant of God consists in being charitable to our neighbor, in being
Determined to follow God’s will, in confiding in Him with simplicity and
Humility, and in putting up with our own imperfections.


Every Day with Saint Francis de Sales

Teachings and Examples from the Life of the Saint by Salesiana Publishers

February 29th (page 60)

      Let us always bless the feet of the Savior and say to Him, “My heart, O Lord, protests my fidelity and my eyes seek Thy face.” Let us keep our eyes on Jesus Christ to contemplate Him, our mouth employed to praise Him, our whole heart intent on nothing less than to please Him without limits.

(Letters 1155; O. XVIII, p. 128)

      A great admirer of the works of our saint once said, “In the life of this great bishop there were no leap years; i.e. a day missed every four years. He always walked in the ways of God at the same pace, without slowing down. It is truly incredible, seeing that he lived for only fifty-six years, that he did so many marvelous things. It could be said that his whole life was a collection of admirable and inimitable actions.”

(A.S. II, p. 784)

Be, as far as possible, even-tempered, and so indicate your stable resolution
to love God unreservedly.
God wants to see us faithful in the small matters that He entrusts to us.
This is far superior to our burning desire to do big things, which seldom come our way.

If you are interested in downloading the whole month February, I have inserted the .PDF file to allow you to do that.

.pdf   Every Day with St. Francis de Sales - February.pdf (Size: 391.94 KB / Downloads: 0)

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RE: Every Day with Saint Francis de Sales - February - by Hildegard of Bingen - 02-26-2021, 09:27 PM

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