To Jesus Dead on the Cross - Devotion to the Passion
[Image: jesus-dies-on-cross.jpg?w=584]

To Jesus dead on the Cross.
Had He not loved me He would not have died for me!
(Taken from St. Alphonsus’ Prayer-Book – pages 451-452)

    O Saviour of the world, O my Jesus, behold to what Thy love for men has at length reduced Thee!  I thank Thee that Thou hast been willing, Thou, Our God, to lose Thy life that we might not lose our souls.  I thank Thee for all men, but especially for myself.  And who is there more than I that Has reaped the fruits of Thy death!  I through Thy merits, without even so much as knowing it, was, by baptism, made a child of the Church; through Thy love my sins have been often forgiven, and I have received many special graces; through Thee I have the hope of dying in the grace of God, and of loving Thee eternally in paradise.

    O my beloved Redeemer, what gratitude do I not owe Thee!  Into Thy pierced hands I commend my poor soul.  Make me well understand the excess of that love which made God die for me:  would that I could die for Thee!  But what would the death of a wicked slave weigh against the death of his Lord and God?  Would that I could, at least, love Thee with my whole heart; but without Thy help, O my Jesus, I can do nothing.  Oh, help me! And, through the merits of Thy death, make me die to all earthly affections, that so I may love Thee only, Who dost deserve all my love.  I love Thee, O infinite Goodness.  I love Thee, my chief Good.  O Mary, my Mother, intercede for me.  Amen.


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To Jesus Dead on the Cross - Devotion to the Passion - by Hildegard of Bingen - 03-04-2021, 12:10 PM

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