Thoughts of the St. Cure of d'Ars (St. John Mary Vianney)
Page 76 - 77
LET us adore Jesus Christ as our God; let us follow Him as our King.
Let us offer Him all we have and all we are.
-  Sermon on the Magi.
AFTER thanking our Guardian Angel who has remained by our side
during our sleep, we should ask him for his protection during the day.
-  On the Joys of the Interior Life (Sp.)
NOTHING is harder to bear than those things which wound our self-love;
but if we thought of the humiliations suffered by Jesus Christ at Bethlehem,
should we ever dare to complain?
-  Sermon on the Incarnation I.
ALL those who have become Saints have frequented the Sacraments and have
raised their souls to God by prayer.
-  On the Joys of the Interior Life (Sp.)
NOTHING is so common among Christians as to say:  "O my God, I love You!"
and nothing more rare, perhaps, than the love of God.
-  Sermon on the Love of God (Sp.)
PURE souls shall form a circle round Our Lord.  The purer we have been on earth,
the nearer we shall be to Him in Heaven.
-  Catechism on Purity (M.)
THE Saints had no hatred, no bitterness; they forgive everything and think they
deserve much more for their offenses against God.
-  Sermon on Forgiveness (Sp.)
GOD wills that we should work today and tomorrow; and after that, and eternity
of joy, of happiness, awaits us in Heaven . . .
-  Catechism on Sin (Sp.).
O MY God, come to me, so that Thee may dwell in me and that I may dwell in Thee.
-  A Prayer suggested by the Cure d'Ars for Daily Life.  Insight of The Cure d'Ars (T.)

The book of "The Thoughts of the Cure of Ars" is completed.  Here are the sources for the quotations.

List of Sources of Quotations

Annales d’Ars. Novembre, 1929. « Meditation sur L’Amour de Dieu. »
Decembre, 1929. « Meditatation sur la Charite envers le Prochain. »

Eucharistic Meditations, from Tresor Spirituel d’Ars Series, by Mgr. H. Convert,
Cure d’Ars. Translated by Sister Mary Benvenuta, O.P. (Burns and Oates Ltd., London, 1925).

Heures Catholiques d’Ars (Librairie Catholique Emmanuel Vitte,
Lyon et Paris, 1924).

Le Cure d’Ars : Predicateur Populaire, par Abbe Francis Trochu,
du Clerge Nantais, Docteur es Lettres (Vitte, 1927).

Life of the Blessed Cure d’Ars. From the French of the Abbe Alfred Monnin.
Preface by Henry Edward Manning, Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster (Burns and Oates, Ltd., London).

Sermons du Cure d’Ars. (4 Vols.) Edited by Rme. P. Dom Marie-Augustin Delaroche,
Superieur General des Chamoines Reguliers de l’Immaculee Conception (Beauchesne, Paris, 1925).

The Blessed John Vianney, Cure d’Ars, Patron of Parish Priests.
By Joseph Vianney. (Burns and Oates Ltd., London, 1920).

The Cure d’Ars (St. Jean Vianney) according to the Acts of the Process of Canonization
and hitherto unpublished documents, by Mgr. Francis Trochu. Translated by Dom Ernest Graf, O.S.B.,
of St. Mary’s Abbey, Buckfast (Burns and Oates Ltd., London, 1927).

The Secret of the Cure d’Ars, by Henri Gheon. Translated by F. J. Sheed.
With a Note on the Saint by G. K. Chesterton (Sheed and Ward, London, 1929).

The Spirit of the Cure of Ars. From the French of M. l’Abbe Monnin. Edited by John Edward Bowden,
Priest of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri (Burns and Oates, Ltd., London, 1864).

Tresor Spirituel d’Ars. Ouvrages tires des instructions de Saint J.M.B. Vianney,
par Mgr. H. Convert,Cure d’Ars (Librairie Catholique Emmanuel Vitte, Lyon et Paris).

(E.) « A l’Ecole du Cure d’Ars (1921) »

(C.) « Catechismes du Saint Cure d’Ars » (1927)

(F.) « Le Saint Cure d’Ars et la Famille » (1927)

(P.) « Le Cure d’Ars et le Sacrament de Penitence (1923).

(D.) « Le Cure d’Ars et les Dons du Saints-Esprit » (1923).

(N.D.) « Notre-Dame d’Ars » (1927).

The Insight of the Cure d’Ars, by Mgr. Francis Trochu. Translated by V.F. Marlet (Burns and Oastes Ltd., London, 1957).

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RE: Thoughts of the St. Cure of d'Ars (St. John Mary Vianney) - by Hildegard of Bingen - 03-09-2021, 01:05 PM

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