Archbishop Lefebvre - Various Works in English
Various Works of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre - online format

Archbishop Lefebvre & the Vatican - A complete set of the documents exchanged between Rome and Archbishop Lefebvre in the time leading up to and immediately following the episcopal consecrations of June 30, 1988 - Compiled by Rev. Fr. François Laisney
An Open Letter to Confused Catholics - complete book by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre
Apologia pro Marcel Lefebvre -Volumes I, II and III

The New Catechism (January 12, 1993)

Remarks with Respect to the New Bishop to Succeed His Excellency Bishop de Castro Mayer (February 20, 1991)
To Express Our Love of God in Prayer The Last Sermon of His Excellency Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre (February 17, 1991)
Archbishop Lefebvre and Padre Pio

Letter to Bishop de Castro Mayer (December 4, 1990)
Truth, Justice & the News Media (May 12, 1990)

Archbishop's Sermon on his 60th Anniversary of Ordination (November 19, 1989)
Sermon for the Feast of Christ the King (October 29, 1989)
Ubi Maria Ibi Ecclesia (May 14, 1989)


Schism and Monsignor Lefebvre (November 1988) -by Rev. T.C.G. Glover
Episcopal Consecrations (June 30, 1988) - Sermon of Archbishop Lefebvre
The Sermon On the Occasion of Ordinations to the Holy Priesthood (June 29, 1988)
Episcopal Consecrations:Recommendations to the Four Bishops Elect (June 12, 1988)
Episcopal Consecrations: Recommendations to the Four Bishops Elect (June 13, 1988)
Letter to His Holiness John Paul II (June 2, 1988)
The Episcopal Consecrations: A Decision and Explanatory Documents (June 15, 1988)
A Sermon for Pentecost (May, 1988)
Conference at St. Nicolas du Chardonnet (May 5, 1988)
Can Obedience Oblige Us to Disobey? (March 29, 1988)

Sermon of His Excellency Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre On His Fourtieth Anniversary As a Bishop (Oct. 3, 1987)
Letter to the Future Bishops On the Feast of St. Augustine (August 29, 1987)
Bishops to save the Church (June 29, 1987) - Sermon at the Priestly ordinations in Ecône
Pastoral Lenten Letter (January 25, 1987)
Disobedience (1987)


Twenty Years of Struggle (September, 1986)
Letter to Each of Eight Cardinals (August 27, 1986)
On the Occasion of the Reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation (20 April 1986)
Conference of Archbishop Lefebvre at Campbell, California (January 5, 1986)
Interview with Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre (January, 1986)

What is a Carmel? (Nov. 13, 1985)
A Letter to His Holiness Pope John Paul II (August 31, 1985)
On the Occasion of Ordinations at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary (May 17,1985)

In Conformity to God's Will (December 13, 1984) - Conference given to the priests of the District of France, at St. Nicholas du Chardonnet, Paris
The Church, The Priesthood and the Tridentine Indult (Oct. 29, 1984)
The New Code of Canon Law (March 24, 1984) - Conference given in Turin, Italy


The Archbishop's Press Conference (December 9, 1983) -Conference given by Archbishop Lefebvre to focus light on the Episcopal Manifesto of November 21
An Episcopal Manifesto: (Nov. 21, 1983) -Two Bishops write to the Pope
Conference Of His Excellency Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre (November 5, 1983)
On the Occasion of the Episcopal Consecration of Several Priests of the Society of St. Pius X (19 October 1983)
The declaration of Religious Liberty reduces the Church to the status of equality with false religions
A Message of Importance To American Friends & Benefactors (April 28, 1983)
Letter to Friends and Benefactors No. 24 (March 7, 1983)
The Case for the Defence (1983) -by Michael Davies

The Infiltration of Modernism in the Church (1982) -the Archbishop's personal experience of the tragic corruption of modernism

Sermon for the Feast of Our Lady of Compassion (April 10, 1981)

On the Occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of the Society of St. Pius X (1 November 1980)
Letter To Friends & Benefactors, No. 19 (October 1, 1980)
Sermon on the Occasion of the Ordinations To The Holy Priesthood, Ecône (27 June 1980)
Letter to Friends & Benefactors, No. 18 (April 13, 1980)
What is Happening In The Church? A Sermon delivered at the Church of St. Simon Piccolo, Venice (April 7, 1980)

Sermon to the Seminarians of Albano on their Entrance into the SSPX (Dec. 8, 1979)
Sermon the Feast Of Christ The King (28 October 1979)
Jubilee Sermon of Archbishop Lefebvre (Sept. 23, 1979)
On the Feast of the Assumption during the Angelus Pilgrimage (15 August 1979)
The 1979 Ordination Sermon (June 29, 1979)
Letter to Friends and Benefactors No. 16 (March 19,1979)

Interview with Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre (1978)
The reality of purgatory and how we can help the souls there (Nov. 1, 1978)
On the Occasion of the Ordination of 28 Deacons (October 29,1978)
Letter to Friends and Benefactors No. 15 (September 8, 1978)
Archbishop Lefebvre On the Conclave (August 28, 1978)
Article in Il Gionale di Bergamo regarding ordinations (June 29,1978)
Sermon at the Ordination of 18 priest and 22 sub-deacons (June 29, 1976)
Letter to Friends and Benefactors No. 14 (May 1, 1978)
Sermon Delivered on Pentecost (1978)
Sermon Delivered on Easter Sunday (March 26, 1978)

Three Great Gifts of God (September 18, 1977)
Real and Apparent Disobedience (September 3, 1977)
Tota Pulchra es, Maria, et Macula Originalis non est in te (December 8, 1977)
Sermon On the Occasion of the Profession of Three Sisters (April 17, 1977)
Fidelity (April 10, 1977)

Sermon On the Occasion of Engagements in the Society of St. Pius X (Dec. 8, 1976)
Excerpts from a Sermon on the Occasion of the First Solemn High Mass of Father Denis Roch - (July 4,1976)
Sermon of Archbishop Lefebvre on the Feast of Corpus Christi (June 17, 1976)
Sermon at the Ordination of 13 priest and 13 sub-deacons (June, 1976)
The Ordinations of June 29, 1976 -by Michael Davies
Sermon Before an Association of Catholic Families in Southern France (May 2, 1976)


The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (November 1975)
Devotion to the mystery of the Cross (September, 14 1975) - Sermon on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
The true Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Priesthood of Our Lord Jesus Christ (September 8, 1975)
Twenty fifth Anniversary of the Promulgation of the Dogma of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (August 15, 1975)
Charity Remains Forever (Vigil of Pentecost, 1975)
Luther's Mass (February 15, 1975)

The Campaign against Ecône, part I (1974)
To Preserve the Faith (Pentecost Sunday, 1974)
The Declaration of November 21, 1974

Homily on the Feast of the Epiphany (7 January 1973)

Feast of The Immaculate Conception (December 8, 1972)

Confronting Godlessness (February 24, 1949)

"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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Archbishop Lefebvre - Various Works in English - by Stone - 11-27-2020, 08:45 AM

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