The Eucharistic Meditations of the Cure d'Ars (St. John Mary Vianney)

“The greatest proof of love is to give one’s life for those one loves.” It is of you yourself that
you speak, O Jesus, when You say these words.

In order to give me your life in the Eucharist you have left your sacrament open to the
profanations of the wicked, and you come to me across these irreverences and mockeries. It is at
the moment when your enemies prepare for you a crown of thorns, the nails, the cross, that you
prepare for me a chalice of benedictions, and bread from heaven. O how eloquently you show me
by this the strength of your love. Grant that I may be all on fire during this meditation.
Three things make the love of Jesus Christ shine forth for us in the institution of the


Before instituting this sacrament of love, He knew very well to how much scorn and contempt
He was exposing Himself. O my Saviour, why not remain in heaven after your return there! There,
at least, the Angels will love you with a pure and perfect love: but in the Eucharist, the Jews will
pierce you again with nails, wicked Christians will receive you unworthily, some without contrition,
others without the wish to correct themselves, others perhaps with crime in their hearts. He knows
it: but all that does not hinder His love. “O city of Sion, exclaims the Lord, by the mouth of the
prophet Isaias (xii, 6) cry out, thrill with joy, because your God dwells in the midst of you.” Jesus
Christ has chosen for Himself the humiliations and at this price has assured to us forever the
happiness and benefit of His presence.


What love is there like to that of Jesus Christ? He chose for the institution of the Eucharist the
eve of the day on which He was to be put to death! At this moment all Jerusalem is in a fever. The
whole people are angry, and all conspire to bring about His death, and it is precisely at this
moment that He prepares for them the most ineffable pledge of His love. Men weave the darkest
plots against Him, and He thinks only what is the most precious gift He can give them! They think
only of lifting Him on an infamous cross to die:. He thinks only of raising an altar on which to
immolate Himself each day for us. They prepare to shed His Blood, and Jesus Christ wishes this
same Blood to be for us the wine of immortality for the consolation and happiness of our souls.
Yes, we can truly say Jesus Christ has loved us and has exhausted the wealth of His love, sacrificing
Himself in every way that His wisdom and His power could inspire. O tender and generous love of
a God for vile creatures like us, how unworthy we are of it!


He chose for instituting the Eucharist bread and wine, the food of all, both rich and poor, of
strong or weak, to show us that his heavenly nourishment is for all Christians - little and great,
subjects and kings: “Come to me all you who wish to preserve the life of grace and to have strength
to fight the evil spirit. Come to the feast I have prepared for you. I exclude no one.”

He consecrated the wine in a cup. We read in the Apocalypse of St. John that this apostle saw
an angel to whom the Eternal Father gave the vessel of His wrath to pour out on all the nations;
but here we see quite the contrary. The Eternal Father puts in the hands of His Son the vessel of
His mercy to be poured out on all the nations of the earth.

In speaking to us of His adorable Blood, He says to us as to His apostles: “Drink you all of this
and you will find remission of your sins and life eternal.” O ineffable blessing! O, happy
fountainhead! The Blood of Jesus Christ will implore grace for you.

When Jesus Christ worked this great miracle (of the Consecration) He lifted His eyes to
heaven, and gave thanks to His heavenly Father, showing us thus how this happy moment for us
was desired by Him. Yes, my children, this divine Saviour seems then to say: My Blood is impatient
to flow for you; My Body burns with desire to be wounded to cure your wounds; the thought of My
sufferings and death fill Me with joy, because through them you will find a remedy for all your ills.
O, what a love of a God for His creatures!

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RE: The Eucharistic Meditations of the Cure d'Ars (St. John Mary Vianney) - by Hildegard of Bingen - 03-13-2021, 09:31 PM

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