My Daily Bread


God's Standards

MY CHILD, on the Day of judgment the rags of the poor will shine more brilliantly than
the fine clothes of those who loved this earthly life too much. The homes of the poor will
be honored more than the comfortable mansions of the rich. In that hour the patience of My
loyal followers will have greater merit than the human might of this world. Simple
obedience to My laws will be more highly praised than all earthly cleverness.

2. In the Day of Truth a pure and good conscience will bring more joy than mere learning.
The man who refused to sin for earthly gain, will be the envy of those who lived only for
this world. You will have more consolation for having prayed devoutly than for having
enjoyed earth's pleasures and comforts.

3. Then you will be glad of the prayerful silence you observed, rather than for having
talked a great deal. Good works will be of greater value than good words. Self-control and
healthy penance will be more pleasing to you than all the delights of earth.

How different are God's standards from those of worldly men I Is it any wonder that those
who live God's way seem to live a foolish life? Yet the real fools are those who disagree
with God's standards. Christ is sure to triumph at the judgment, and those who follow His
standards are certain to triumph with Him.

My Jesus, can I be fool enough to live by any other standard than Yours? Let me embrace
Your standards in my daily life. Though I may find life harder, I will not complain as long
as I know that Your Will is guiding me. Through the Church and the Scriptures, You
promise to lead me to a happy judgment and a joyful eternity. I hope to be a loyal follower
of Yours each day of my earthly life. Amen.



The Pains of Hell

MY CHILD, I have proved My goodness by My numberless gifts to men. They cannot
mention a single good thing in their daily life which does not belong to Me. My love for
them was proved by My earthly life of labor, work, suffering and prayer to obtain
forgiveness for their sins. Anyone who takes time to think of what I deserve, cannot deny
that he owes Me more than he can ever repay. Yet, in spite of My goodness and love, some
people choose to walk away from Me. They refuse to follow My directions. As a result
they fall into sin. Though I made them for Heaven, they shall never see it because they are
refusing to do what it takes to get there.

2. Hell was made for the devil and his rebel angels. Man was made for Heaven. In refusing
to live for Heaven, a man chooses to exist without Me. He shall have his wish-he shall join
the rebel angels in hell. In refusing to follow My law, a man actually turns his back on Me
as the fallen angels did. If he dies in this condition, he condemns himself to hell. The jury
which convicts him is his own sinful life. I merely pronounce sentence on what he himself
has chosen.

3. There is nothing on earth which can compare with hell. It is beyond all description. One
must see it to know it. Though I may try to give you some small idea of it in this chapter,
remember, this is a tiny and very imperfect idea of the real thing. Words fall far short of the
reality which is hell. I make no threats here. I simply want you to face this fact: Unless you
live for Heaven, you shall one day be in hell.

4. All the sufferings known to man are as nothing in comparison with the sufferings of hell.
The wise man would rather bear any trial on earth than place himself in danger of hell. One
single hour of hell will be harder than a hundred years of suffering on earth. In this earthly
life people have some rest from their labors and trials. They get some measure of
consolation from their friends. In hell, however, there is no rest, no consolation, and no

5. The fires of hell will never die. There will be no end to suffering. One will find no
comfort in knowing that he has been there a thousand years. He can never hope for an end
to his tortures. All the other sufferings would be bearable if only the damned could hope
for relief. Despair is hell's bitterest pain.

6. In hell a man will be punished through the same faults by which he sinned on earth. Each
sin will have its own particular torment. The lazy will be forced to work continuously. The
gluttonous will be tormented with extreme hunger and thirst. The proud will be filled with
confusion, and the greedy will feel the pinch of miserable want.

7. And yet, the worst pain of hell is none of these. The people in hell would gladly bear all
of this and much more if only they could hope for My friendship and love, no matter how
long it might take, be it even a billion years from now. Their keenest torment is that they
have forever lost Me, the Source of all true joy and perfect happiness. This suffering makes
hell the home of despair and undying hatred.

8. My child, follow My Will in your daily life, and you need never fear hell. In fact you
have every reason to be joyful and merry if you are following My commandments and
using My sacraments. Do not condemn yourself to hell by refusing to obey My directions. I
love you dearly. Do not prevent Me from taking you to Heaven.

Hell is a fact. Christ, Our Lord, pointed this out time and again during His earthly life.
Whoever rejects this fact is simply denying the word of Christ. He is God. He proved His
divine power many times during and after His earthly life. His word is truth. He preached
the truth of hell and continues to preach it today through His Church and Holy Scripture.

My Jesus, many find too hard a command in the words: "Deny yourself, take up your cross,
and follow Me." Yet a much harder command will be: "Depart from Me, you cursed, into
everlasting fire." If I become so impatient with a little suffering now, how can I ever stand
hell? I cannot expect to have unrestricted enjoyment on earth and still rejoice with You in
Heaven. Therefore, dear Lord, that I may be safe from eternal punishment, let me do my
best in bearing the burdens of this earthly life. Let me prefer to suffer on earth or even die
now rather than commit a mortal sin.

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My Daily Bread - by Hildegard of Bingen - 01-19-2021, 05:07 PM
RE: My Daily Bread - Book One - by Hildegard of Bingen - 03-14-2021, 02:14 PM
RE: My Daily Bread - by Hildegard of Bingen - 04-02-2021, 07:32 PM

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