My Daily Bread


Holy Fear of God

MY CHILD, if you desire to make progress along the way to Heaven, keep in your heart a
holy fear of the Divine justice. It is only reasonable that you should be afraid to hurt
yourself. When you bring sin into your life, you are making yourself an object of My
justice. I, the Eternal Truth, cannot accept you as good if you have become bad by sin.
Therefore, keep your earthly desires under control and refuse to surrender yourself to
unnecessary or dangerous pleasures. This holy fear of My justice will help you to stay free
of the slavery of earthly attractions.

2. It is not very wise to think only of having a pleasant time and to forget your spiritual
needs. It is reasonable and good for you to be afraid of losing My graces. Without them
you can never reach the perfect life and happiness of Heaven.

3. If your love of Me is not yet strong enough to hold you back from doing wrong, then let
your fear of hell keep you from sinning. A man who lacks this wise and holy fear, will not
go on doing good for long. He will soon fall into Satan's snares, as he becomes more
careless in avoiding temptations. This fear is a holy thing because it is given by Me. It
makes a man strong in the daily battle against his unreasoning and selfish desires.

4. Even the saints, with all their confidence in Me, had this fear of Divine justice. They
knew the weakness and blindness of human nature. They were not less careful, nor less
humble, because of their great virtues and many graces.

If my love of God ever fails to hold me back from sin, it will be because my self-love is
strong at the moment. Yet, even then I can make a last effort against this misguided love by
the thought of God's justice, which will deal with me as I deserve. It is a foolish man,
indeed, who will refuse to consider the harm that can overtake him if he follows a certain
path. This holy fear of God's justice is "the beginning of wisdom" because it guides men on
to a holier life.

My God, I do not want to presume so much on Your love as to forget Your justice. You
will some day deal with each man according to his works. I desire to make good use of all
the gifts which Your love daily sends me. May I never forget that I must one day account
for my misuse of these gifts. This thought will help me to fight sin and to please You more
in my daily life. Amen.



Compunction of Heart

MY CHILD, how can any man abandon himself to the pleasures of this earthly life? Such
people do not appreciate the miserable condition of their souls, nor the rapid passing away
of this brief experience. They do not stop to think and to look beneath the surface of their
daily activities. They laugh when they have many reasons to weep. Happy is he who can
overcome the distractions which hinder him from straight thinking.

2. As for you, strive to develop within yourself a genuine compunction of heart.
Compunction is a deep and lasting sorrow for your sins. It is not a gloomy nor depressing
sorrow, but an intelligent admission of your sins and a sincere determination to do
something about them. Since compunction comes from a realization of how you have failed
so good a God, it brings with it a readiness to accept anything from My Hand.

3. Compunction opens the way to many blessings and precious graces. When compunction
fills your soul, the world will lose its magic attraction and will become more distasteful to
you. Compunction will help you realize how quickly earthly joys pass away, while eternity
goes on forever. You will see clearly that your sins have off ended Me. One who has
genuine compunction, is honest enough to admit his sins, and is truly sorry for them. His
sorrow is proved by his sincere efforts to be rid of his faults.

Compunction is a great grace by which God helps me to face the truth about my sins. It
also helps me to prove my sorrow for my faults. By compunction a man begins to attack his
faults and to practice the opposite virtues. I can be sure of my sincere sorrow only when I
have begun to do something about my faults. Compunction is a lasting sorrow because it is
not an emotion, but rather an intelligent admission of facts. It shows me my faults, God's
goodness, and my own need to change for the better. Then it helps me undertake the daily
task of abandoning my faults and acquiring the opposite virtues.

Lord, I want to live a cheerful life, but I do not want that kind of cheerfulness which
refuses to admit the truth. I can admit my sins and still be cheerful, as long as I am doing
my best to overcome and make up for these sins. I do not want any gift or talent which
might make me proud, or worse in any way. Not everything that is high is holy; nor is
every pleasant thing good. Good desires are not always unselfish. You, my Lord, are not
always pleased with the things that we prize. It is far better to have compunction than to be
able to talk about it. Grant me genuine compunction, so that I may hate my sins and daily
fight against them. Amen.



Striving for Compunction

MY CHILD, unless a man tries hard to acquire a holy sorrow for his sins, he is not worthy
of My heavenly consolation. Are you doing your best to acquire this compunction?

2. This grace will reach you more easily if you will turn your back, for a while, on your
daily distractions. Come aside more often, to be alone with Me. Reflect on My gifts and
your misuse of them. Be honest and face the truth. Reading and reflecting will help you to
realize the wickedness of all sins, even smaller ones. Do not look for new theories and
mere curiosities, but stick to solid everyday truth, truth which will improve your daily life.

3. In solitude and quiet you will discover the hidden treasures of Holy Scripture. As you
become more intimate with Me, your Creator, you will make great progress. You will find
tears to wash and purify your soul. You will also have a deep interior joy as My holy
angels and I draw near to you. Learn to pray and labor unseen by the eyes of men.

4. Slowly, as the gift of compunction fills your soul, you will be filled with fresh vigor. As
you become more eager to make up for your sins, you will find hard things becoming

Jesus said that certain devils are driven out only by prayer and fasting. This shows that
some of God's gifts are given only if we do our part to prepare ourselves for them.
Compunction will be lasting and fruitful only if I make a sincere personal effort to receive
it worthily and apply it wisely. Through solitude, prayer, reading, and meditation, I will
understand how I can best receive and use compunction in my daily life.

O holy and merciful Father, fill my soul with true compunction. Make me honest in
admitting my sins, and determined in overcoming them each day. I need Your assistance,
so that I may not be a coward, but may make a sincere daily effort to please You more in
all my activities. Help me to abandon anything in life which is opposed to Your holy gift of
compunction. Amen.



Purgatory Here or Hereafter

MY CHILD, do not expect to find peace until you have overcome a variety of troubles and
opposition. If you say that you cannot bear much suffering now, how will you be able to
endure the purifying pains of Purgatory hereafter?

2. The patient man finds a cleansing purgatory in this earthly life. When others wrong him,
he is more sorry that evil is done than that he has been wronged. He forgives the evil-doer
from the bottom of his heart. He is not slow to ask pardon when he himself has hurt others.
He is more easily moved to pity than to anger. He frequently disregards his feelings and
tries to live above them, according to his intelligence and My grace.

Either here on earth or hereafter in Purgatory I must make up for each fault I commit.
Nothing tainted will be allowed to enter Heaven. I can purify my soul now by following the
example and words of Christ, my Redeemer. He gained for me the grace to conquer sin and
error. Now I must do my part by living a holy life. If I refuse, and die in venial sin, I'll have
to make it up in Purgatory. If I die in mortal sin, I shall condemn myself to hell forever.

My Jesus, you fulfilled Your Father's Will largely by Your patience during Your earthly
life. Therefore, it is only right that I, a miserable sinner, should be patient in my own daily
life. Even though this present life may feel like a burden, still, by the help of Your grace, it
is a great opportunity to earn heavenly merit. Your holy example and the lives of Your
saints, make this life lighter and more bearable for those who take time out each day so as
to see more clearly Your way to Heaven. Amen.

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My Daily Bread - by Hildegard of Bingen - 01-19-2021, 05:07 PM
RE: My Daily Bread - Book One - by Hildegard of Bingen - 03-15-2021, 02:31 PM
RE: My Daily Bread - by Hildegard of Bingen - 04-02-2021, 07:32 PM

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