The Eucharistic Meditations of the Cure d'Ars (St. John Mary Vianney)

Take and eat: bread is not made to be put behind a glass or kept in an urn, but to be food and
daily food. The greatest compliment you can pay good bread, is it not to eat it?

O Flesh and Blood of Jesus, true food and drink of souls, I adore you. I hunger and thirst for
you. Come each day to inundate with heavenly life this sad life of exile, to enrich it and to make
shine in it a ray from the joys of our heavenly home.


There are two kinds of food - that of the soul - and that of the body which the earth brings
forth. Our body which is only dust lives on the earth, but the food of the soul is the Body and
Blood of a God. O beautiful food! it is enough, if one thinks of it to make one lose oneself in this
abyss of love. My Father is God! my good is heaven! my food the Body and Blood of God Himself!
O man, how happy thou art! Thou are made to adore, to love and to receive God!

The bread of souls is in the tabernacle. The tabernacle is the storeroom of Christians. Oh! how
wonderful it is my children! when the priest holds up the Host and you see It, your soul can say:
“there is my food.” 0! my children, we are too well off. We shall only understand it in heaven.
What a pity! If we could conceive a little of the grandeur and happiness of Communion, we would
desire life only to have the happiness of making Jesus Christ our daily bread. All created things
would be as nothing. We should despise them in order to cling to God alone, and all our actions
would tend only to make us more worthy to receive it. When one can have a divine banquet every
day, is it not bad taste not to take it?


My children, go to Jesus with love and confidence. Go, to live by Him in order to live for Him.
Do not say that you have too much to do. Has not the divine Saviour said:
“Come to Me all you who work and are heavily laden; come to Me and I will comfort you”?
Can you resist an invitation so full of tenderness and friendship? You work each day.
Communicate then each day. Do not say that you are not worthy. What nonsense! It is true you are
not worthy, but you are in need. If our Saviour had had our worthiness in view He would never
have instituted His beautiful Sacrament of love, because no one in the world, not even the Saints
nor the Angels, nor the Archangels, not even the Blessed Virgin, are worthy of it. Since He wishes
to abase Himself to our misery, let us work then to merit to receive Him every day. This is what the
Christians did in the early Church.

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RE: The Eucharistic Meditations of the Cure d'Ars (St. John Mary Vianney) - by Hildegard of Bingen - 03-17-2021, 10:50 AM

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