My Daily Bread


The Honest Admissions of One's Defects

MY CHILD, let my infinite wisdom teach you what is best for you in your daily conduct
on earth. Think of your sins with great displeasure and sorrow. Never consider yourself big
because of your good works. The simple truth is that you are a sinner. Too often your
actions are controlled by emotions or feelings rather than intelligence and grace.

2. If I leave you to yourself, you tend to what is wrong and fall into sin. You are easily
overcome by selfishness. Your self-control falls apart in a short time. You are much weaker
than you think. You have little reason to take pride in yourself and many reasons for
humbling yourself.

3. Fear nothing so much as your disorderly tendencies and your sins. Run from them more
than from anything else. They should displease you more than any other trouble. Be afraid
of My judgment and fear the anger of the Almighty. Do not presume to criticize the works
of the Most High. Look to your faults. Consider the wrong you have done and the good you
have neglected.

4. Be angry with yourself, and do not let pride control you in anything. Foolish heart, what
have you to complain about? Can you not accept the trials which come to you, when you
have so often offended Me and deserved hell? My love has spared you. Still, you must be
honest with yourself. Face the truth about yourself and be patient with your defects and

God loves an honest man. Why should it be so hard to admit what I am? If I hide the truth
from myself, how can I ever become pleasing to God? I need not become depressed and
discouraged as I look at my many faults. All that God expects of me is that I begin today to
fight against them. Being a sinner is not the worst thing. The worst thing is to remain a
sinner. God loves the repentant sinner, that is, one who detests his sins and makes an
honest effort to be rid of his faults.

Dear merciful God, at last I understand. I will no longer become paralyzed with sadness or
discouragement, over my faults. I shall do what You desire of me. I will prove my genuine
sorrow for my sins by fighting against them in my daily life. Show me which fault
displeases You most, and I will at once begin a campaign against it. I may never get rid of
it, Lord, but at least I can keep on trying each day. I cannot offer You much in my life, but
this honest daily effort against my main faults I can offer as a proof that I am truly sorry for
offending You. Amen.



The Predominant Fault

MY CHILD, I give strength to those who make an honest effort in fighting against their
faults. The harder they try, the more will they advance in virtue. The self-control which I
give is a man's greatest glory because he approaches closer to My perfection.

2. No two men have the same combination of faults, nor have they the same amount of
grace. I give more grace to those who make good use of what they have already received.

3. As you make progress against your main fault, you will find your other faults easier to
control. Once you are the master of your heart, you will be the master of your life. Your
intelligence will be guided by My grace and your will, will follow My wise and holy law.

4. Begin at last! Attack first your most frequent fault. When you fall back into that fault,
instead of becoming sad and discouraged, prove your sorrow by beginning again. You will
find selfishness at the bottom of every fault. Your feelings will rebel, but you must fix your
eyes on Me, and let your will stand firm on My law.

5. Prayer, penance, and My sacraments will help you to see Me near, and will give you the
strength to follow My Will.

Every man has a predominant fault, that is, an outstanding one, because of which he
commits most of the sins in his daily life. Conquering that fault means overcoming many
different sins. This fault will not die easily, but a sincere and continued effort will weaken
it more and more. Our Lord will not let me fight in vain. He will give me strength to make
true progress against this fault. I need only to continue trying, doing whatever is necessary
to overcome this fault.

Lord, make me wise in using the means which You have provided for my spiritual victory.
Let me never become careless or lazy in following the guidance of Your Church, nor in
frequently using Your sacraments. The victory of this daily battle will bring me eternal
glory in the wonderful life of Heaven. The reward which You have prepared is far greater
than my effort can ever deserve of itself. Let me never become tired of fighting for Heaven.

Messages In This Thread
My Daily Bread - by Hildegard of Bingen - 01-19-2021, 05:07 PM
RE: My Daily Bread - Book One - by Hildegard of Bingen - 03-21-2021, 01:56 PM
RE: My Daily Bread - by Hildegard of Bingen - 04-02-2021, 07:32 PM

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