Every Day with Saint Francis de Sales - March
Every Day with Saint Francis de Sales

Teachings and Examples from the Life of the Saint by Salesiana Publishers

March 22nd (page 82)

     So you want to know the best time to serve the Lord? It is the present time, which is in your possession here and now. The past is no longer yours; the future has not come yet and is uncertain. The best time is really the present, which you should spend in serving God. If you want to recover lost time, do your best, with fervor and diligence, in the time that still remains to you.

(Sermons 16; O. IX, p. 132)

     On March 22nd, 1599 – he was then thirty-two years old – Francis de Sales was examined in a public consistory by Pope Clement VIII, assisted by several cardinals and by twenty other important people, among whom were prelates, archbishops, bishops and superiors of religion orders. The great reputation of our saint had also attracted many other people outstanding for their merit and doctrine. The numerous and august assembly was so imposing that a Spanish prelate, who also had to undergo the examination on the same day, was so awestruck that he fainted! Confiding solely in God, the humble Francis de Sales courageously kept his calm and presence of mind. Kneeling down in the midst of the assembly, as was the custom in this ceremony, Francis was first asked by His Holiness, “What subjects have you studied?” He replied, “Sacred Theology, canon and civil law.” “In which of these areas do you wish to be examined?” “Whichever His Holiness desires.” In a severe tone, an examiner retorted, “You make the choice, since it has been left to you.” Francis humbly replied, “Since Sacred Theology is more in keeping with my vocation, I will try, with the help of God, to give my answers to whatever is proposed to me.” Commencing the examination, the pope put forth several questions. Then cardinals Borromeo, Baronio, Borghese, the learned and saintly Father Bellarmine and other examiners presented some very difficult questions, thirty-five in all, to which he replied with admirable precision. He resolved subtle objections to his answers with precision and clarity. His brisk but humble demeanor aroused admiration in his hearers. The pope, who listened to him with pleasure, ended the examination by proposing several difficulties. Among other things, he asked if bishops could absolve from heresy. Francis de Sales replied in the affirmative, according to the definition of the Council of Trent. Since that power had just been revoked, the pope replied, “My son, this is not in accordance with my intentions.” Then Francis, with modesty and deep reverence, said, “Holy Father, if Your Holiness revokes this dispensation, I accept your position and abandon the old.” This act of humility on the part of the holy priest was no less edifying to the assembly, who had so admired his learning and the exactitude of his reasoning. “No one we have examined until now has given us such satisfaction,” said the pope. Coming down from the throne, he approached Francis, who was still kneeling, embraced him and, with tears of joy, uttered aloud the words of Proverbs: “Drink water from your own cistern, running water from your own well. How may your water sources be dispersed abroad, streams of water in the streets?” [Prv 5:15] The prelates present at the examination joined the pope in offering their congratulations. All the city of Rome resounded with the praises of the new bishop, and the most famous personages considered it an honor to make his acquaintance.

(A.S. III, p. 547)

Try always to maintain love for your low condition, because this virtue
Is necessary even for people well on the way to perfection.

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RE: Every Day with Saint Francis de Sales - March - by Hildegard of Bingen - 03-22-2021, 11:40 AM

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