Visions of Hell of St. Frances of Rome

      Very different from the pains endured by the gluttonous are those endured by the dancer.
      The damned who has taken guilty pleasure in these amusements is placed on a large burning iron pole and is attached to it. The demons pierce him cruelly with arrows. They do so with discernment and strike him with their traits according to the different ways in which he succumbed, dancing, to the temptations of the spirit and the flesh.
      Then they remove him from the pole, beat him with their feet and break his head with appalling cruelty.
      Then they make him stand up and, to make fun of him, they dance around him. Each executioner holds in his hand a whip made of straps and red iron grapples mixed with one and another. With these instruments they strike their victim in the places of the body where he has taken the most pleasure in his amusements; the ears, if it is by hearing; on the tongue, if it is by singing; so that the dancer is punished in that of his senses with the help of which he had committed some fault.
      By torturing him, the demons add insult and mockery to the blows.
      - "O painful soul," they tell him, "in another century you were charmed by worldly vanity; but here you suffer with us. Know well that you will remain in these deep dwellings, amid torments throughout all eternity."


      Women who during their lives have taken excessive care of themselves, adorned themselves and made themselves more beautiful by toiletries and luxurious clothes, expiate their vanity in the other world in a very particular way.
      Their hair, which they arranged with such care, has disappeared. Instead, ugly snakes are wrapped around their naked skulls which bite their heads with ferocity.
      The demons charged with torturing each of them, hold small vases full of very sharp nails, reddened with the flame of the infernal fires. To punish the care, she once took to decorate herself, they put these burning nails in her flesh, throughout her whole body. And the snakes stretch the head and bit it cruelly in the wounds dug by the tips.
      Meanwhile, the two executioners insult her and tell her:
      - "O sorrowful soul, who was so vain, now wash yourself and make yourself beautiful in the midst of this fire that devours you. You're in the custody of these snakes. You are subjected to their bites.
      Behold, you have fallen into hell: it is justice. When you lived on earth, you were like a demon; from now on you will remain in the company of demons; you are immersed in the fury of the abyss and will never, ever know any rest.”
      And blown away by this mockery, the wretched vain soul curses her Creator with accents of senseless rage.

Married Women

      A little further, a married woman responds to the shouts of the vain soul with other clamors and blasphemies. Because of the sins of vanity, she committed, she suffers the same torments, but to her torment are added other tortures.
As punishment for her evil desires, she is divided in two by demons from head to toe, and in her wounds her executioners place legions of worms who devour her alive.
      These sufferings are imposed on her because of the criminal thoughts in which she had delighted herself, and her excesses in the pleasures of the flesh.
      Snakes hurl themselves in crowds around her and bite her, especially the members with whose help she had sinned. She is thus tormented in proportion to the entertainment she had engaged in.
      Moreover, to punish her for the excessive care she had taken in adorning herself, in dressing herself, she was seized by her executioners who played with her like a ball, they threw her from one to the other and tore her apart.
      Then, when the demons had thrown her from right and left, they punished her with her proud thoughts by placing her in a bed full of snakes, toads and other horrible beasts.
      The victim endured all these torments in addition to the other punishments common to all the damned, and like them she constantly cries out in pain and blasphemes with rage.

Vicious Widows

      The widowed woman who had failed to maintain the respect due to her state and had given herself up to vice was placed on a tree. She is attached in such a way that her head is maintained upside down.
      The fruits of this tree are filled with worms that fall into her mouth and throat.
      A dragon of terrifying ugliness embraces her from its folds, tears out her tongue and heart and also tears her belly. Not only does he make her suffer cruelly, but he also reproaches her.

      - “O soul greedy for forbidden pleasures,” he said to her, “who didn't watch over yourself, but learned the sin, you despised God’s mercy because of your shameful life. You have fallen into the power of the evil spirits and you will be tormented by them for all eternity.”

Impure Thoughts

      The faults of the senses against chastity are not the only ones punished in hell; those committed by the spirit are also cruelly punished.
      The reprobates who kept the virginity of their bodies on earth, but were complicit in thoughts of impurity, are scourged with double blows by demons armed with blazing chains, torn apart and torn to pieces; they are also placed above pools of flaming iron. And the demons, when they strike them, cast insults to them, and bloody reproaches.
      - “You didn't know your good and despised it. You have lost your beauty through your hypocrisy. What did you use it for? You are now burning in fierce fires and are being mocked and despised by us.”

The Incest

     The incestuous suffer even greater evils. Their souls are kept in the deepest place of hell with the sodomites.
     They are immersed in a large tank full of foul-smelling materials. The demons submerge them in this inconceivable abomination.
     Then they cut them into quarters and then reform them. Thus reformed, they throw them again and push them into this tank from where an infamous stench is exhaled.


      The wretched men and women who have allowed themselves to be carried away by the crimes that caused the punishment of the cursed cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, inhabit the deepest and most terrible abode of the infernal depths. They are suffering a terrible ordeal there.
      The demons, armed with long burning sticks, impale them and skewer them. They pierce them through the whole body until the tip of their fire instruments come out through their mouths.
      Their executioners hold red iron fangs in their hands and tear them from head to toe. Sometimes, to make them suffer even more, they grab the end of the pin that comes out of their throat, and remove it completely, then start passing it through their bowels again. And the souls, prey to these frightening tortures, never see them stop, nor diminish for a single moment.

Procuring Parents

      In a no less horrible place are held the souls of parents who have delivered their own daughters to immorality.
      Each of them is enclosed in a kind of cabin with walls of flames. Four demons in the form of dogs, full of rage, cruelly tear them with their teeth and one of them throws his debris at the other and this one sends them back to the third.
      The soul who committed this monstrous sin by depravity, sees its heart torn away by the devils. They throw it at each other while thrilling each other. Everyone bites it in one place, then bites on its own waste.
      The damned one who was guilty of this infamy for love of money, is forced to open his mouth, and the demons pour into his throat molten gold and silver.
      Snakes tie themselves all around the body of these immoral people and make them suffer especially in those senses by which they have sinned.
      Their torturers, meanwhile, address these accusations to them:
      - “O providers of vice, you are in the fire that never goes out, and you endure a thousand evils and a thousand outrages. You have destroyed the honor of God and, for a reward, you endure boundless torment.”
      And these wretched respond with shouts of pain and curses against their Creator.
      Their executioners, in order to increase their torment, push these souls against each other in a terrible tumult.
      Parents curse their daughters, and daughters curse their parents who were the cause of such great evils and torments, and they fight each other horribly.

Religious Who are Unfaithful to the Vow of Chastity

      The souls of religious who have not kept the vow chastity that they had promised to God, remain in an intense fire and suffer many torments.
      Each of them is immersed in a tank filled with molten pitch and sulfur. The demons take them out with fangs and throw them into another full of ice.
      Then, despite their blasphemies and frightful howls, they extract them and place them between two basins of red iron, on which are planted, the points outside, very sharp nails also reddened by fire. They nail them to it.
      The devils then place themselves all around, armed with iron forks with which they pierce them on all sides by addressing these outrages to them:
      - “Wretches, it is because you have committed sacrileges, that you are plunged into the infernal fires for eternity. You had the audacity, on earth, to take part in the sacraments in the state of mortal sin. You ate your judgment and drank your condemnation. For this reason, we will make you suffer without pauses or rest.”


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RE: Visions of Hell of St. Frances of Rome - by Elizabeth - 03-22-2021, 10:40 PM

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