My Daily Bread


Variety In the Spiritual Life

MY CHILD, not everyone can make use of the same spiritual exercises. One devotion suits
this person, while another suits that person. At times a change of spiritual exercises will do
you good. Some devotions will help on ordinary days, and others will be more helpful on
holy days. You may need one type of spiritual activity in time of temptation and another in
time of peace. A man likes certain thoughts when he is sad, but in time of spiritual joy, he
prefers other thoughts.

2. Variety in your spiritual life will help you live a richer life and a holier one. Make your
spiritual goals and your resolutions according to the spirit of the different seasons of the
church calendar. Plan your interior life as one who is eager to give Me better service. Live
as one who looks forward to Heaven.

3. Think of death as the gateway to Heaven. Learn to look upon your earthly life as a great
opportunity to make a worthy preparation for Heaven. If I have not called you yet, consider
that it is because you are not yet well enough prepared to receive the heavenly glory which
is being reserved for you. Then plan how to prepare yourself for that heavenly reward.
Never forget the words: "Blessed is that servant whom the Lord shall find watching when
He comes. Indeed, I tell you, He will place him over all His possessions!"

It is so easy to fall into a routine and stick to it. Many go on day after day, doing the same
old things in the same old way. Variety makes life interesting, yet too few have the
ambition and energy to put variety into their daily lives. In prayer, I shall try to learn
various methods in case I should need them to avoid the dullness of routine. I can read the
lives of the saints and see where I may make a few changes in my own spiritual life. My
spiritual director can give me ideas on how to freshen my zeal for God's glory and for the
help of my neighbor.

O Holy Ghost, my God and Sanctifier, grant me light to see how I can make my daily life
more fruitful in doing good. Let me not fall into a rut and stay there. Life is a glorious
opportunity to do great things-to become more like You, my God, by the good and love
which I can give to others. Help me to see more ways of increasing the good in my daily
life. Give me the unselfishness and strength to do good for Your sake. Amen.



Frequent Communion

MY CHILD, you should come often to Me, the Giver of grace and divine mercy, the
Fountain of all goodness and holiness. In this way you will gain greater control over your
passions, faults, and defects. In Holy Communion I will make you wiser and stronger
against the temptations and deceits of the devil.

2. When I come to You in this Holy Sacrament, I offer you interior fight and strength.
These gifts are known only to my faithful ones. They are not enjoyed by unbelievers, nor
by those who love sin. In this Sacrament, the soul receives the grace to regain lost virtues
and the beauty which was lost by sin.

3. The blind desires of man tend to evil from his youth. Unless this divine Medicine assists
him, he will quickly slip from bad to worse. Holy Communion withdraws you from what is
evil and strengthens you in what is good. You need Me. Make full use of the wisdom and
strength which I offer you in Holy Communion.

To fight sin, I need a strength greater than my own. Jesus promises to give it to me in Holy
Communion. I must not pass up this marvelous invitation. As often as possible I will go to
receive Him. I will lay before Him my hopes, plans, and ambitions. He will give me the
strength to do what is best for me.

Lord, this heavenly gift is certainly necessary for me. I become sluggish so easily, and I fall
into sin so quickly. I need to be spiritually refreshed, cleansed, and inflamed once more by
frequent prayers, confession, and a loving reception of Your Sacred Body and Blood. By
staying away too long, I may fall away from my good intentions. Make me wise enough to
come to You as often as possible, so that I may have Your grace to work for eternal life.

Messages In This Thread
My Daily Bread - by Hildegard of Bingen - 01-19-2021, 05:07 PM
RE: My Daily Bread - Book One - by Hildegard of Bingen - 03-24-2021, 10:58 AM
RE: My Daily Bread - by Hildegard of Bingen - 04-02-2021, 07:32 PM

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