Every Day with Saint Francis de Sales - March
Every Day with Saint Francis de Sales

Teachings and Examples from the Life of the Saint by Salesiana Publishers

MARCH 27 (page 88)

     If at times it seems that the Lord is not listening to us, we must be careful not to lose heart. It may be that He wants us to shout a little louder into the ears of His goodness, to prove as a result the greatness of His Mercy . . . When the Lord withdraws His consolations in prayer, He does not do this to discourage us or create a gulf between us, but to force us to come closer to His goodness, to practice perseverance and to give some proof of our patience.

(Sermons 58; O.X. p. 229)

     On March 27th, 1603, Francis de Sales, convinced that his office of bishop obliged him in a particular manner to imitate the supreme pastor, Jesus Christ, determined that he had to be, like Him, priest and victim at the same time. Therefore, on the evening of Holy Thursday he went barefoot, dressed in sackcloth, with the Confreres of Holy Cross, in a penitential procession through the city of Annecy. Thus he visited the "sepulchers" in every church where the Blessed Sacrament was exposed. Considering himself a victim to be immolated for the salvation of his people, he cruel disciplined himself. He did this after he had preached a most moving sermon on the passion of our Savior.

(A.S. p. 685)

Nothing so well serves to enlighten the intellect and fire the will than mental prayer.
Do not be afraid! Jesus has given you the desire to be good. He will help you.

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RE: Every Day with Saint Francis de Sales - March - by Hildegard of Bingen - 03-27-2021, 07:48 PM

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