My Daily Bread


Invitation to Holy Communion

MY CHILD, often ponder My words "Come, all you that labor and are burdened, and I will
refresh you." These are My words, and you ought to receive them gratefully and faithfully.
They are Mine because I spoke them; but they are also yours, because they were spoken for
your salvation. Receive them joyfully from My lips. Let them be deeply carved upon your
heart. In these holy words, you see My loyal and tender consideration for you. Do not let
your conscience stop you from rushing into My arms. I know how unworthy you are of My
friendship, but I love you in spite of that.

2. In spite of your nothingness and your sins, I command you to approach Me with
confidence. It is actually My Will that you should receive Me, the Food of Immortality.
Through this heavenly Food, which is truly My own Body and Blood, you shall gain
unending life and eternal glory. I say, "Come, all you that labor and are burdened, and I
will refresh you!" These are consoling words in the ear of a sinner. I, your Lord and God,
invite poor and needy you to receive My holy Body. Do not say, "Who am I, that I should
presume to approach You?" I command you to come and receive Me, for without Me you
are lost.

3. Prepare your soul with confession, if necessary, and with prayers. Then approach My
altar with confidence and with a burning desire to please Me in your daily life.

God is so powerful, so great, so perfect, that we are as nothing compared to Him. The
angels and saints in Heaven see God face to face and realize how very, very small they are
in His presence. As a result they feel a deep indescribable respect for Him. Yet God, in His
goodness, loves His creatures beyond all telling. He did many things to convince us of His
love. He even sent His beloved Son to show His love in a human way. After living and
dying for love of us, Jesus invented a way to remain with us in the Holy Eucharist. In this
wonderful Sacrament He makes Himself the Food of our souls. Lest anyone refuse to
receive Him in Holy Communion, He commanded that we should do so. It is His express
wish that I receive Him in Holy Communion.

Lord, why are You so gracious to me and so concerned about me? You know how full of
defects I am. I offend You so often by my faults and my negligence. How dare I welcome
You into my heart? I have often been selfish with You in spite of all Your generosity to
Me. The angels and archangels stand in deep respect before You. The Saints and the just
have a holy fear of You. Yet, You say, "Come to Me." Were it not You that say this, Lord,
who could believe it, and who would dare approach this holy table? At Your loving
command I will come. I will think of Your Will and forget my unworthiness, and I shall eat
the Bread of Angels. Amen.



The Man of Faith

MY CHILD, My loyal follower is not rebellious at the unpleasant things which I permit in
his daily life. He is a man of faith, that is, he believes My words and follows My teachings
in his daily life. He sees My wisdom guiding his life at all times.

2. This supernatural faith helps him keep his peace of soul, even when humans seem to
complicate his life by their meddling and interference.

3. What I send is not always easy to understand. It may even seem unjust or foolish to those
who are living only for this world. The man of faith takes all from My Hands, knowing that
I plan all things for the best.

4. Do not depend on your natural judgment alone, but learn to consult Me and My Church
in all matters of importance.

I must be a man of faith, with a bright vision of God in my daily life. He is ever near, ever
interested, ever helping me. With such an interior vision I will not be disturbed by the
sayings and doings of those around me. The supernatural man is not fooled by external
appearances. He knows only too well that what looks good may sometimes be wrong, and
what seems undesirable is sometimes the only thing to do. He sees clearly that God
sometimes chooses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise.

Father of wisdom and goodness, my God, when will I see things with Your glorious,
eternal outlook? Let me not be influenced by the wrong standards of worldly people. I will
dare to be different when the humans around me disagree with You. Though they may
mock and criticize what You have commanded, give me courage and strength to follow
what You want of me. Your wisdom will conquer the foolish wisdom of this world. The
folly of sin will one day be condemned and put to shame. Let me hate what is wrong and
fear all sin in my daily life. Amen.

Messages In This Thread
My Daily Bread - by Hildegard of Bingen - 01-19-2021, 05:07 PM
RE: My Daily Bread - Book One - by Hildegard of Bingen - 03-28-2021, 02:52 PM
RE: My Daily Bread - by Hildegard of Bingen - 04-02-2021, 07:32 PM

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