Every Day with Saint Francis de Sales - April
Every Day with Saint Francis de Sales

Teachings and Examples from the Life of the Saint by Salesiana Publishers

APRIL 3rd (page 95)

      Saint Augustine says that if we want to die well, we must live well; as our life is, so shall our death be.  To sum up the matter in a few words,
we say that the rule for a happy death is to lead a good life, placing our trust in the merits of the passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, without
whom every day would be a terrible and terrifying event.

(Sermons 62; O.X. p.324)

     Around Easter of 1595, Francis de Sales was hearing the confessions of the soldiers of the fortress of Allinges.  He had previously instructed
these men, and one of them was brought almost to the point of despair by his sermon on the horror of sin.  The saint took a very special
interest in him, allowing him to sleep in his room and to eat at his table.  He also helped him to make his confession several times.  Moved
by this man's contrition, the saint imposed a penance of reciting only one Our Father and one Hail Mary.  The soldier was very much
surprised at this, and, turning to the saint, he said, "Oh, my lord, do you want to damn me, giving me such a light penance for so many sins?"
"No," said Francis.  "Put your trust in God's mercy, which is much greater than your sins.  As far as the penance is concerned, I'll make up for it."

(A.S. IV, p. 52)

Do not trust your spiritual enemies, even if they leave you in peace for a while.  They may be thrown out, but they have not been killed; they
can initiate a terrible was at any time.

Remember! There is no state in life without its problems and frustrations.

Every Day with Saint Francis de Sales

Teachings and Examples from the Life of the Saint by Salesiana Publishers

APRIL 4th (page 96)

     I would adviser you to consider from time to time the quantity of your interior and exterior goods, and at the same time the very great number of interior and exterior punishments that Divine Providence has prepared for us in His most holy justice and His great mercy.  As if opening the arms of our consent,let us most lovingly embrace all this by saying, "Yes, Lord, They will be done on earth, where we have no pleasure without pain, no roses without thorns, no day without a night to follow, no spring without a winter that preceded it.  Here consolations are rare and trials are countless. Still, O God,Thy will be done."

(T.L.G. IX, Ch. 1; O.V. pp. 111-112)

     Once, on April 4th, Francis de Sales was present at a public disputation on philosophy presided over by a scholar advanced in age.  In the heat of the dispute a speaker put forth an argument so skillfully and with so much vigor that the old president became confused.  Then the holy bishop modestly gave a contribution, and with wonderful logic explained the difficulty that had embarrassed the old man.  Seeing his argument demolished, the speaker was very upset and said with some indignation that he had never heard of the distinction made by the saint.  With admirable kindness, Francis de Sales replied, "You can say, sir, that you had not heard this in the past, but from now on you cannot say you have never heard it."  And seeing that this made the speaker still more annoyed, he thought it prudent not to reply but merely to say to the audience, with prudent modesty.  "There is no need to be surprised that this good man feels some resentment; the learned are also subject to human emotions, but their learning knows how to keep them in check."  Later the good president came to the bishop to thank him "for having saved the honor of a poor old man."  He admitted that he had almost forgotten the art of logic.  But the saint, in his usual, humble way, replied, "There is no need to thank anyone.  It is the obligation of the young to help the old, as it was the obligation of the old to sustain us during the time of our infancy.  This is the reasonable way of acting and the rule of Divine Providence."

(A.S. IV, p. 95)

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RE: Every Day with Saint Francis de Sales - April - by Hildegard of Bingen - 04-01-2021, 08:53 PM

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