Catholic Patriot: Andreas Hofer
Taken from The Stylus, Volume XIV, Number 5, 1 May 1900

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Thursday evening, May 10, Rev. CP||Hj Father Quirk, S. J., vice-president Baslgfial of the college, delivered a most interesting and thoughtful lecture in the college hall. The subject of his lecture, as we announced in our last issue, was, " Andreas Hofer, A Study in Patriotism." As the main purpose of Father Quirk's lecture was that of raising a sufficient amount wherewith to pay off the debts which have accumulated upon the STYLUS by reason of its delinquent subscribers, at least a fair-sized audience was to be hoped for. Our anticipations were rudely shocked. Father Quirk's kindness was requited by the gathering of a few hundred people, who were, however, well rewarded for their coming. Father Quirk began his remarks by giving a rapid historical sketch of the hardy race which for ages held the mountain-bound land of the Tyrol, now a portion of the Austrian Empire. Centuries ago these sturdy people had submitted to the teaching of Catholic missionaries, and their faith had become so inextricably intertwined with their lives, that all the endeavors of Protestantism to shake the Tyrolese in their attachment to the faith of their fathers proved ineffectual. In the beginning of the present century the overthrow of the Austrian power by Napoleon changed the destinies of the Tyrol.

The weak and faithless Emperor Joseph, at the demands of Napoleon, relinquished his claims upon his valorous mountaineers, whose land was forthwith overrun by the ruthless Bavarian soldiery. The Tyrolese, stung by the profanation and sacrilege done to the monuments of their faith, and inflamed by the hideous persecution of their new masters, broke out in revolt. They found a leader in the person of Andreas Hofer. After a brief struggle, Hofer and his patriotic troops took possession of Innsbruck, the ancient capitol of the Tyrol. The invaders were driven out. Hofer was appointed to take charge of affairs, and showed in an administrative capacity the same sterling qualities of character which he had displayed as a soldier. This happy condition of affairs was not destined to be of long duration.

A French army was sent into the Tyrol, a fierce struggle took place and again did Hofer enter Innsbruck in triumph. Then came the news of the Austrian overthrow at Wagram and of Joseph's second cession of the Tyrol to Napoleon. Hofer could not believe the report of Joseph's treacherous act. He refused to seek safety in flight. A traitor revealed the patriot's refuge and Hofer fell into the hands of the French. He was tried by a court martial, condemned and shot. The heroic fortitude with which he met death well befitted this noble patriot and pious Catholic. The reverend lecturer closed his remarks by drawing from the story of Hofer's life the lessons which that life's eventful career should bring home to all who admire true heroism. Hofer's life was a lesson in fidelity to God, to high principles and to self. His memory is secure because of his devoted adherence to these lofty influences. The foregoing is, of course, but a meagre outline of Father Quirk's graphic words, and gives no idea at all of the fervor and eloquence displayed by him in his splendid narrative of the noble life of Andreas Hofer. It is to be hoped that Father Quirk will deliver his lecture again in the near future. We sincerely recommend it to the hearing of every Catholic.

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"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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Catholic Patriot: Andreas Hofer - by Stone - 04-22-2021, 09:58 AM
RE: Catholic Patriot: Andreas Hofer - by Stone - 04-22-2021, 10:02 AM
RE: Catholic Patriot: Andreas Hofer - by Stone - 04-22-2021, 10:12 AM

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