Archbishop Lefebvre [excerpt]: 'It would be worse to send priests who have no Traditional doctrine'!
From The Catacombs archives: 

Archbishop Lefebvre gave a series of conferences to the SSPX seminarians in Ridgefield in April of 1983. The conferences dealt primarily on the issues surrounding the leaving of the "Nine," in the installation of then-Fr. Williamson as the new Rector of the seminary, and a myriad of other issues.

The following excerpt from the Conference given on the 26th of April is interesting. In a great sense of paternal solicitude for the souls in his care, the Archbishop demonstrates his carefulness in the selection of his priests for the Society, showing a focus on the proverbial 'quality over quantity'.

In a subsection of the Conference entitled, The Question of the Indian Priests, the Archbishop says the following words:
Quote:"I think they are valid priests. Because I received from Fr. Bolduc, the document of their ordination.  ... I investigated the bishop (who ordained them) in the 'Romanum Pontificio,' in this diocese in India...that city and diocese is all very Catholic...and so he was a true Catholic bishop who ordained these Indian priests ... some were ordained before the Council of Vatican II: Fr. Mathias, Fr. Pinto, before the Council. I cannot say that this ordination was invalid. They are true priests and there is no reason to say they are not true priests. But there is another question involved concerning them -- these priests, what kind of formation did they receive? Especially Fr. Papas (sp?), who came from India...this man, I think is very modernist! [...] I know that Fr. Bolduc has begged me for priests...he said, 'I need priests...I have not enough priests; ... please send us priests...', etc. I am aware of the need, but it is very important to send true priests, true Catholic Traditional priests. It is worse to send a priest you are not sure of, i.e. priests who have no Traditional doctrine. [Emphasis - The Catacombs]

What a good reminder that "validity is not enough!" An admonition that it is "very important to send true Catholic Traditional priests", priests who not deviated from what the Church teaches, who will only uphold the Catholic Faith but not compromise it!

Like the good shepherd he is, the Archbishop always keeps us focused on the most important considerations. He understands that much damage can be done by a compromising priest - that it is better to be without one rather than have this slow poison of compromise with respect to the Faith injected into souls from one whom they would naturally trust and believe, i.e. the priest.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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Archbishop Lefebvre [excerpt]: 'It would be worse to send priests who have no Traditional doctrine'! - by Stone - 04-26-2021, 06:25 PM

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