Pope Plans to Restrict Traditional Latin Mass?
And so it begins? ... 

Excerpt from Fr. Z's blog regarding an unexplained, 'unforseen' expulsion of a French FSSP from the Novus Ordo diocese: 

FRANCE: FSSP suddenly expelled from a diocese after 23 years

Posted on 5 June 2021

At the French site Riposte catholique we read that the Archbishop of Dijon, Roland Minnerath, has expelled the FSSP from the diocese.  They are to leave by September.  They’ve only been there for 23 years.

No consultation. D’un trait de plume… with the stroke of a pen.

If there is anything to the rumors, if it is not in fact a disinformation campaign, about an upcoming “slave act of 2021” against Benedict XVI’s “emancipation proclamation” for diocesan priests, what shall the faithful of Dijon do then? ... 

From the above-linked Riposte catholique [by way of google translation]:

The Fraternity of Saint-Pierre expelled from the diocese of Dijon by Bishop Minnerath

[Image: roland_minnerath.jpg]

JUNE 3, 2021

Next September, the FSSP, after 23 years of presence in Dijon and the Côte d'Or, is forced to abandon 300 faithful and leave Dijon. To date, the FSSP has still not been received by the Bishop!

Here is the newsletter sent to the parishioners of Dijon to explain the inexplicable decision of Monsignor Roland MINNERATH .

Quote:“Dear faithful,

The words that come to my mind these days are the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ quoting the prophet Zechariah: "I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered" (Mt 26:31). Here is what threatens our community following the recent decision of our archbishop to expel the Fraternity of Saint-Pierre from the diocese of Dijon after twenty-three years of presence in the service of the faithful attached to the traditional mass. During all these years, priests of the Fraternité Saint-Pierre took turns in Dijon to allow you to attend mass daily, to receive the sacraments easily, to have catechism lessons according to the pedagogy of the FSSP and given by priests, we have been able to develop activities for all ages in order to constitute a living and peaceful community within the Archdiocese of Dijon. And could all of this disappear with the stroke of a pen? Without any consultation?

On our side, the District Superior of France of the FSSP, Father Benoît Paul-Joseph asked for a meeting with Bishop Roland Minnerath and we will explain the reasons for our incomprehension and our hurt in the face of a decision that seems deeply unfair to us. The fact remains that you are, dear faithful, the most aggrieved in this case where you will be the main victims of this change of regime: you will no longer have all the services that the FSSP rendered you and the diocesan solution remains. always precarious since it depends on the goodwill of one or two diocesan priests who are already in charge of another parish and who cannot do so already. In addition, the FSSP allows your community to maintain unity among its members despite the diversity of pastors who worked at the birthplace of Saint Bernard.

What threatens us is therefore the division - between us or what would be worse with the diocese - since the pastors are struck. So let us not allow ourselves to be disturbed by the spirit of the wicked which sows discord in hearts. Let us therefore know how to remain united to present a strong front and to be able to overcome this trial which afflicts us while remembering the warning of the apostle Saint Paul: "Do not be in debt to anyone, except to love one another. ; for he who loves his neighbor fulfills all the Law ”(Rom 13).

In this month of June traditionally consecrated to the Sacred Heart, I invite you to pray every day the Litanies of the Sacred Heart for the intentions of our community.

Abbot Roch Perrel, Superior

The faithful have created a Facebook page and challenge the bishop:

[Image: 195428539-104774965162161-2917466690580383232-n.jpg]
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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RE: Pope's Plan to Restrict Traditional Latin Mass Backed by Two Curial Cardinals - by Stone - 06-06-2021, 06:32 AM

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