Pope Francis, as always, channels Vatican II during meeting with Lutheran Federation June 25, 2021
A brief reminder - while Pope Francis is doing so very much to undermine the last vestiges of the Catholic Faith, he is only building on the nefarious work begun at Vatican II and of his Conciliar predecessors.  

  • From the Summary of the Principal Errors of Vatican II EcclesiologyThe Vatican II Concept of Ecumenism 
    Quote:The Vatican II concept of the Church as "People of God" is false ecumenism. It leads to the belief that Protestantism is no more than one particular form of the same Christian religion.

    The Vatican II Council document "Unitatis Redintegratio" heretically teaches that "…the Holy Spirit does not refuse to make use of other religions as a means of salvation."

    John Paul II's document "Catechesi Tradendae" repeats the same heresy.

    The Vatican II concept of Ecumenism, condemned by Catholic moral teaching and law, has arrived at the point of allowing the sacraments of penance, Eucharist and Extreme Unction to be received from "non-Catholic ministers" (Vatican II Canon 844 N.C) and it favours "ecumenical hospitality" by authorizing Catholic ministers to give the sacrament of the Eucharist to non-Catholics.

    Vatican II Canon 844 "Christ's faithful for whom it is physically or morally impossible to approach a Catholic minister, may lawfully receive the sacraments of penance, the Eucharist and anointing of the sick from non-Catholic ministers in whose Churches these sacraments are valid. Catholic ministers may lawfully administer the sacraments of penance, the Eucharist and anointing of the sick to members of the eastern Churches not in full communion with the Catholic Church, if they spontaneously ask for them and are properly disposed. If there is danger of death or if, in the judgement of the diocesan Bishop or of the Episcopal Conference, there is some other grave and pressing need, Catholic ministers may lawfully administer these same sacraments to other Christians not in full communion with the Catholic Church."

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Francis' Ecumenism: Eucharist Is Next Step

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Gloria.tv | June 25, 2021

Francis wants to continue on the ecumenical path "with passion", he told a delegation of the Lutheran World Federation on 25 June. The occasion was a commemoration of the 25 June 1530 Augsburg Confession when the imperial estates of the time put their Lutheran misbelief in writing in that city.

Francis wants the next step of ecumenism to be about understanding the "intimate connection between Church, ministry and Eucharist."

He said that the circumstances that led to the spin-offs in the 16th century cannot be undone, but could be seen anew in the context of a "reconciled history" - whatever that means.

Francis focused his speech on the "one baptism for the forgiveness of sins", but left out the other sacraments which the Protestants deny, such as confession. Presently, he is dreaming of a "unity reconciled in differences" - which in the field of religion is a contradiction in terms.

The Protestant groups with which Francis conducts his ecumenical talks are, without exception, empty administrative structures without real "believers."
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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Pope Francis, as always, channels Vatican II during meeting with Lutheran Federation June 25, 2021 - by Stone - 06-26-2021, 07:10 AM

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